

Syndicated anti-gun hysteria

I caught this OpEd in the Alabama Reflector, because I still get hit with local Alamaba news.

It’s a syndicated column from an idiot who is the editor of the Colorado Newsline, which reminds me why Southerners treated carpetbaggers the way they did.

Stop tolerating gun extremists. Shame them.

America is a country-size arsenal.

There are 20% more guns in the U.S. than people. Americans are estimated to own 393 million of the 857 million guns in the world, or almost half — 46% — of all civilian guns.

And the obscene ubiquity of firearms in the U.S. explains much about why the country is a killing field without parallel in the developed world. Anyone who has studied the matter arrives at a simple conclusion: More guns means more death.

This right here is where the arguemtns ends.

The anti-gun crowd never, ever, ever acknoleges gun deaths at the hands of the govmernment.

The killing fields are forests in Poland, Ukraine, Russia, and elsewere in Eastern Europe where Nazi and Soviet troops executed millions of civilians.  These were unarmed people who were genocided, but because they were killied by the government, their deaths don’t count.

Reform is thwarted by cowardice, corruption and craziness. As young children are slaughtered in their classrooms, conservative officials desecrate their memory by suggesting their deaths are the price of freedom. As mass shootings become a daily occurrence, gun-rights zealots double down on the bloodthirsty fantasy that more guns is the answer.

The project must start with a shift away from tolerance of gun extremists. Acceptance must cease of these murder-mongers in the media, government, public gatherings and the home next door. No longer can their fanaticism be indulged or their rigidity accommodated. Society must stigmatize them, and they must be rendered culturally odious. Only when gun absolutists become social pariahs can the nation start to establish comprehensive reform, allowing community members to attend schools, shop at grocery stores and visit nightclubs without fear of being torn to shreds in a blast of bullets.

This is social terrorism.  Has this tactic ever been effective?  Will this in any way cause gun owners who fundmentally believe in the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to change their positions or dig in their heels?

The Founding Fathers got it profoundly wrong on slavery and discrimination against women. Their next biggest mistake was the Second Amendment. But unlike other errors that the country has tried to come to terms with, society has only compounded the harm that came from the Constitution’s misfire concerning arms. The amendment should be repealed, yet Americans have so romanticized guns, and the judicial branch has imposed so permissive an interpretation of the law, that the country seems consigned to unthinkable bloodshed.

See, because the Founders were imperfect in some things, everything they did is wrong, bad, and needs correcting.

This is the immature logic of the radical.  Anyone who espouses that attitude can be summarily dismissed.  That is how you get  Great Leap Forward.

Given his desire to Struggle Session gun owners, I assume that’s what we wants.

The Second Amendment won’t be repealed anytime soon, but Americans can at least begin a cultural shift and re-imagine what the law means. Society should no longer tolerate the kind of depraved fanaticism that allows someone like U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert to tweet a Christmas greeting with her young sons brandishing weapons of war. It should dismiss from the public conversation anyone who advocates the hell-summoning lie that the presence of more guns will prevent gun violence. It should humiliate without restraint those costume-wearing soldier wannabes who show up with their shooters at rallies. It should elevate judges — unlike the present conservative majority justices of the U.S. Supreme Court — who don’t view the Second Amendment as a national suicide pact.

“Let me engage in a sexual fantasy where people I hate irrationally get stomped into the mud by Jackboots and hate mobs.”

Castigation must befall anyone who obstructs gun violence prevention. Lawmakers should continue to enact measures to protect constituents from the daily massacres their communities suffer. But members of those communities can participate in the greater reform project by shaming gun proponents wherever they show themselves.

That’s right, attack the law abiding gun owners.

And he wonders why we have become unwilling to compromise and more adamant in our resolve.

He has no desire to actually reduce crime, he had identified an ideological enemy who must be destroyed.

His desire to ruin gun owners is proof why gun owners want to keep their guns.


Why I support shooting unarmed attackers

I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.

I’m just a guy who has spent years cataloging crimes and their aftermath.

I hate the idea pushed by anti-gun people that it is wrong to shoot unarmed atrackers.

This is why:

Texas woman left paralyzed after thief body-slams her, steals $4,300

A Texas woman could spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair after a robber slammed her to the ground and stole thousands of dollars in a caught-on-camera attack last month, according to police and reports.

Nhung Truong has been unable to use one of her legs since she was assaulted by a man on Feb. 13 after withdrawing the large sum of cash from a bank, according to relatives and Houston police.

Truong, 44, was followed to a shopping center 24 miles from the bank, where the suspect approached her and tried to make off with the money, authorities said.

She dropped some of her personal items during the struggle with the man, footage shared by Houston police shows. The thief took off with one item before quickly returning, lifting Truong off the ground and ruthlessly slamming her into the pavement before he ran off with the money, police said.

But even worse, Truong’s spinal cord was damaged in the attack and she is unable to use her left leg, she and her family told KHOU.

Police released security camera footage.


He slammed her back first onto a concrete curb and damaged her spine.

She may be paralyzed for life.

Technically, her attacker was unarmed.

Still, he managed to cripple that woman.

If a man can put you in a wheelchair for life, you should be able to put him in the ground.

I never want to hear about someone using lethal force to defend themselves against an unarmed threat.

That’s just telling the person “I’d rather you spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair than some scumbag being pushed off this mortal coil.”

Tuesday Tunes

Back at the dawn of time, when I was at University, it was a very long walk from my dorm to central campus and a still longer walk back at the end of the day. Over a mile. At the time, a standard day was about five miles of walking. It got better once I got a bicycle but that didn’t happen till my Sophomore year.

This was back before Walkmen. There were transistor radios but I didn’t have one.

So I sang songs in my head as I walked the paths of campus.

I had to sing it a little faster but it was still good for a fair distence.

Recently I discovered this song. It explains why the poor dude was betrayed by his lover.

Who said that?

I believe she is too dumb to even understand how insane is her statement or she is simply making stuff up.

  • Anything Jackie Chan.
  • Anything Bruce Lee
  • Anything Kurosawa
  • Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
  • The Last Emperor

And that is a top of my head and not including “collaborations” like Big Trouble in Little China. You can add your own recollection in the comments.

But idiotic clickbait must be created.

“Don’t get high on your own supply”: The Nuclear power of a .50 Caliber rifle.

I guess all those US politicians claiming that the .50 BMG rifle can bring down and airliner made a dent on the minds of politicians and military Down Under.

Back in the US. .50 Cal rifle owners shot to their heart’s (and budget) content this past weekend without any reports of aircraft being downed by the nuclear aftermath of its use.


“Likes” and “Likey/Not Likey” on Post and Comments – UPDATED


There are three methods for people that are not members of GunFreeZone to give feedback on normal articles.

  1. They can create a WordPress.org account and click the “like” button on a post. This attaches their wordpress avatar and name to the like.
  2. They can click the thumbs up button on a comment. This is completely anonymous.
  3. They can click the thumbs down button on a comment. This is completely anonymous.

I hope this clears up any confusion I created.


I have noticed and a couple of readers have noticed that there are more thumbs down on the blog than theirthere use to be. This leads me and some of our readers to wonder Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

I’ll start with Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity You can replace “stupidity” with all sorts of other words but the gist stays the same.

First, when you use the like button at the bottom of a post you need to have a WordPress.org account and your handle and avatar are attached to that. So for example I notice when “OldNFO” likes my post. He made a decision not to become a paying member at the blog but continues to read and continues to give feedback whichwhat he can.

Thank you for still being a read OldNFO. Makes me feel good. There are a couple of other regular “Likers” of the same sort. Thank you to all of our readers.

So next we look at those thumbs up and thumbs down buttons. In the past people used them as an acknowledgement tool. You post a comment and I post a reply and instead of posting a reply to my reply you just click the “Likey” thumbs up button.

If you don’t agree but not enough you just leave it be. No thumbs up, no thumbs down.

If you disagree you will likely reply and a conversation takes place.

We almost never used the thumbs down button. As was observed.

Today there are many more people that read but don’t comment. So when they disagree with you they can’t reply, instead they give it a thumbs down.

So at first flush, I think that the increase in thumbs down is a direct result in us trying to monetize the blog.

Unfortunately, the thumbs up/thumbs down buttons are completely anonymous. There is code to make sure that they can’t be mass mashed but that is it.

So for the time being let’s just see where it takes us. Maybe we figure out something to let people do a one time comment or something like that. All it takes is a small bit of code… (That’s an inside joke for developers/coders)