

What the Volkswagen Diesel Scandal teaches us about Liberalism and Gun Control.

By now you must have heard about Volkswagen Dieselgate and how they circumvented EPA restrictions on emissions. If not, click here for a nice summary. Basically Volkswagen reached its technological wall in diesel emissions and took a gamble by applying a healthy dose of Captain Kirk’s solution for the Kobayashi Maru problem.

Both emission controls and improved gas mileages come from the dark days in the 1970s after the Oil Embargo and the new era of Environmentalism. Limits were set to reduce one and increase the other, but apparently and by the way the New Communists Environmentalists bitch, moan and cry, they were never reached and we are about to kill Gaia. Except it is not true: Using the original baseline of the Clean Air Act, emissions have been reduced 99%. Fuel economy has almost tripled and that is not peanuts in anybody’s book.

If you clicked on the link above, you are going to see something we are used to see in the Gun Control movement: the continuous moving of goalposts because their desire for control is never enough. There is no “common sense” with these people no matter how much they use those words. Nobody minds and adjustment here and there, but compare the imposed NOx limits from 1975 to 2009 and then tell me with a straight face we are killing the planet with our cars.

“But…but..it is for our own good! Good Air Quality! Do it for the children!” And even that one does not stand. We do not have a reliable set of data indicating what is good or even tolerable because…moving goalposts again. Miami-Dade county got rid of the Vehicle Emissions Tests more than a decade ago for the simple reason that they were just a revenue-generating measure rather than a health control issue as local air quality was not affected by vehicle emissions but by pollen count.

Gun Control operates the same way: “Let’s pass this legislation that will stop all killings in (select your spot)” and once is passes and the ink in the President’s signature is not even dry, they will change their tune and demand more. Old Gunnies will remember the dreaded phrase “It is a good first step” that the Opposition used over and over in the 80s and 90s. Nobody in the Media even dared to ask them why the sudden change from “this legislation that will stop…” to “Good First Step.” We did. We had to.

Always remember: They are never satisfied. They will lie, cheat, steal and probably engage in criminal activity if they can get away with their ultimate goal. It is our duty to fight them and stop them.

Connecticut’s Assault Weapons Database: Trolling or GIGO?

Someone in Connecticut owns 179 assault rifles, but if he’s your neighbor, you may never know.
Another state resident has 175 of the semi-automatic rifles that can fire 30 rounds in 15 seconds, like the gun Adam Lanza used to kill 20 first graders and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
A third firearms enthusiast keeps nearly 544,000 high-capacity magazines.

Source: More than 51,000 assault rifles registered in state – NewsTimes

And who knows, there might be somebody who owns that many “assault rifles”, heck maybe two somebodies that we are envious of by default. But a third person owning over half a million magazines? Get real, I don’t think even Colt Industries keeps that many in their warehouse.

Maybe we are seeing gun owners showing their disrespect to the forced registration by trolling the authorities or maybe we have a colossal series of clerical errors that would render the database useless.

I wonder what other screw ups are in that database. The more, the merrier.

Gear Review – Blitzkrieg Components Chevron Front Sight

By J. KB.

I know that Miguel has not done gear reviews in the past, I don’t know if they are just not his style, or what.  I have been doing a bit more shooting lately and come across a product that I love and decided to do a write up on it.  If Miguel is OK with it, I might do a few more.

Full disclosure: I am not paid to advertise this product and I paid full price for it.

My very first AR was (still is) an RRA LAR-15 HBAR A2, translation: 20 inch heavy barrel, fixed carry handle.  I got it cheap, new in box, old stock, at a gun show.  Being an A2 model, there was no really good way to mount optics on it.  I tried rails that mounted into the carry handle, Z-mounts that mount in front of the carry handle, special carry handle scope mounts, none really worked.  I eventually got an A4 AR-15 to put a red dot on, the a few more like that with various optics, and the whole time my A2 was left in the safe.

Then I discovered the Biltzkreig Components Chevron Front Sight Post while goofing around on the gun web.  I figured I’d give it a try on the old A2.  I had been thinking about upgrading the front post on that to a fiber optic for a little while and doing some pinking with iron sights.  All I can say is that I LOVE THAT SIGHT.  Not a big fan of the name of the company, but the sight is great.

I am a fan of the German post style reticle on low power optics.  I have a Trijicon 1.25-4×24 Accupoint on one of my ARs that I used for 3 gun and really like it.  The USMC also adopted the chevron post reticle on the ACOG they issue.   It is fast and reasonably accurate which is why it is popular on dangerous game scopes.  For rapid shooting, treat the chevron like a big red dot, nice and quick.  For accuracy, set the zero to be the tip of the chevron or triangle and you have a very precise point of aim.

Well the Blitzkrieg sight post works exactly the same way – center the chevron in the rear peep, using the tip of the chevron as the point of aim.  It is a lot more precise than the old black front post and the contrast paint really makes it stand out.  I ordered it with the luminescent green paint (really a slightly off white), and a few seconds with a flashlight it is glows bright for about 15 min.  This sight breathed new life into my old AR, and I enjoy shooting it now more than my others with optics.  More importantly, I am grouping the same with this sight as I am with my 2 MOA red dot, so unmagnified accuracy is great.

I already ordered a second sight for one of my carbines and I’m going to try and run it 3 Gun Factory Division, see how it performs.

Below are some pics I took in my garage of the sight.  One is a close up of the front post and the other is the sight picture when aiming at a target taped to the wall.  Sorry no range pics but no photography is allowed at the range.



Like I said, I’m not getting paid for this, I’m not getting a free sight, I just really like this setup and though I’d share it with you.


How dare you have First Amendment Rights!

It is unseemly for the Press Herald to run an op-ed piece by Chris Cox, the National Rifle Association’s hatchet man for gun rights, seeking to pass the blame for recent and continuing tragic gun deaths on to the underfunded mental health programs of the state and nation…

…You might as well run an op-ed piece by a Taliban spokesman blaming terrorism on lack of mental health care in Afghanistan as run this piece.

Shame on you for giving Cox this chance to spread his disinformation.

Source: Another View: Paper exercised poor judgment in running pro-gun rights op-ed – The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

Wait, it gets better.

Bruce L. Rockwood is a resident of Damariscotta and professor emeritus of legal studies at Bloomsburg (Pa.) University.

And no, I am not surprised. The Constitution is a “living” document that can be choked to death whenever it suits the Opposition, specially when having an opposing view disrupts the carefully crafted Narrative against the Second Amendment.

Never forget: When they show contempt for the 2A, you can bet the house the rest of the Bill Of Rights will be treated the same way.

Hat Tip to Greg T.

Wal-Mart workers had a right to defend themselves.

Your job or your life? No so fast, the Utah Supreme Court declared in a ruling Friday that says employers cannot fire workers who fight back when they are in imminent danger of harm from others. The decision — from a case in which Wal-Mart employees were fired for wrestling with shoplifting customers who brandished weapons — expands the circumstances under which Utah law protects at-will employees from losing their jobs.”We hold that Utah law does not require employees to make that choice,” the court ruled in a 4-1 decision. The ruling sends the case back to federal court, where five employees, formerly of Wal-Mart stores in Layton and West Valley City, had sued the giant retailer. Wal-Mart had fired them for violating a policy that requires them to withdraw from potentially violent situations and call police. A sixth ex-employee sued after being fired over a confrontation with another worker’s angry husband

Source: Fired Wal-Mart workers had a right to defend themselves, Utah’s high court says | The Salt Lake Tribune

This is a decision with huge implications if it goes nationwide.  An employer not being able to say “You are not allowed to defend yourself while under my roof” could be the first step to get rid of those pesky HR rules about no weapons in the workplace. IANAL but the only way I can see a company bypass that is presenting such a safety system in place that would appear to be reasonable and only if that system is never violated by somebody intent on committing a life-threatening crime and the company is willing to spend that money and deal with what will be obvious TSA-checkpoint-like treatment of their employees.  Somehow the idea that a 16-year-old cashier at McDonald’s has to be fondled by the manager before punching in, may not resonate with HQ and the Lawyers. And certainly a manager will not be willing to catch a rap for child molestation just because is the approved safety procedure to forbid self-defense in the workplace.

This thing is has legs…long ones. We’ll see 5 years down the road where it takes us.