

GUERRILLA TACTICS IN THE CULTURE WAR, #1: Promoting Self-Defense as a Virtue Rob Morse.

Liberal politicians rationalize their cultural attack on self-defense as being for public safety. It isn’t. The anti-rights legislation put forward in liberal states like California and New York has nothing to do with constraining crime or violence. Their “gun laws” are simply attacks on our culture of self-defense.What should we do? People who love liberty should advocate for a better culture rather than be on the defensive. Promote a culture of freedom on the street AND in the courtroom. Think of this simple question; “What would brave men and women do today if they held self-defense as a virtue?”

Source: GUERRILLA TACTICS IN THE CULTURE WAR, #1: Promoting Self-Defense as a Virtue ⋆ Rob Morse  #ClashDaily

It goes to the principle that we cannot be mere spectators in the fight for our rights, but to be involved as much as we can and not just the bare minimum. Go read it. Leave your opinion too.

 Media Matters for America: Accurate but not the Truth.

Furthermore, gun murders have increased in Florida since 2005 when Bush signed the nation’s first “Stand Your Ground” law, which was drafted by the National Rifle Association and became infamous as the centerpiece of George Zimmerman’s criminal defense after he shot and killed unarmed Florida teenager Trayvon Martin.

Source: Will Media Continue To Let Jeb Bush Lie About Background Checks On Gun Sales In Florida? | Blog | Media Matters for America

This is one of those games with numbers the Left loves to play with. 2005 did see one of the lowest number of homicides (881) since 1971 when the Florida Department of Law Enforcement started to keep records, but what they do not tell you is that the number of murders in Florida has been averaging around 1,000 murders per year for the last 44 years. And they also fail to mention is that the murder rate is also the lowest in those 44 years, being the biggest 15.1 per 100K in 1981, the lowest 4.9 per 100K in 2005 and the latest 5.0 per 100K in 2014.

(Note: the population in Florida went from 7,041,074 in 1971 to 10,097,754 in 1981 to 19,507,369 in 2014. So while the population doubled, the murder rate dropped 66%  for that period of time.)

The simple yet ignored fact by Media Matters is that Florida’s murder metrics show that an Armed Citizens do make a positive impact. But that does not fit The Narrative.

PS: I almost forgot. Bush did not sign the “nation’s first Stand Your Ground Law.” SYG has been recognized by the Supreme Court since 1895.

A peek inside the mind of the International Lord of Hate.

Larry Correia is an unabashed fan of the british TV series Luther and will probably sent his killer manatees if you badmouth Justified. BBC announced a new Luther mini series and ILoH went to town in Facebook:

Larry Correia Yay! Luther returns!

The only thing that would make me happier would be a Luther/Justified cross over.

Eric Allsop Set in absaroka county Wyoming

Larry Correia Yes! That too!

Larry Correia A British fugitive is tracked to Absaroka County by a special US Marshal’s task force headed up by Nick Searcy
Luther, Raylan, and Walt have to set aside their differences in order to capture this madman. (who should be played by Benedict Cumberbatch)

I could write the shit out of that script.

Larry Correia Hell, I just want a scene of philosophizing between Art, Shanks, and Henry Standing Bear.

Plus, Vic needs to have a fight scene with Alice.

Admit it. You’d watch the hell out of that.



Larry Correia Luther would be all like, wait… You guys get guns?

Larry Correia I don’t know if one cop show could handle that many anger issues.

Bow to the power of He Who Makes SJW cry with microagressions!

PS: I have $20 on Vic.


Code Blue at CSGV HQ: They are having a collective stroke.

They are in serious need of medical care because of this:

CSGV NSSF Childsafe

And I was about to do my usual collage of Laddites being all outraged and whatnots when this exchange happened. One for the books, I tell ya.

CSGV NSSF Childsafe 1a

It shows how little CSGV actually knows about Project Childsafe. If they would stroll for five minutes, they would have found out that it is the NSSF the one providing the materials to police departments and other institutions. As it stated in Forbes:

Bill Brassard, NSSF’s director of communications, said, “Under the George Bush administration, Project ChildSafe received tens of millions of dollars in support for Project ChildSafe’s firearm safety efforts, allowing the NSSF program to distribute more than 37 million firearm safety kits that include a gun lock in communities through partnerships with 15,000 law-enforcement departments.

And the part about “best allocation of our time”? Lovely admission that they do not have either the manpower or the budget to even have a paid intern to work social media. All the Facebook supporters do not send a whole lot of cash their way and they only get to say stupid and unverified stuff to make their mark…and free online petitions.

Maybe they should contact the DOJ and ask them for a grant, if it is legal.

Hat Tip to Justin for the Forbes link

Above Reproach by J.D. Kinman in Dead Tree Format.

Getting old sucks. Late last month I was doing a mental review of the books I wanted to re-read. I went over my assorted bookcases, saw JD’s second book False Gods and I went “It has been a long time since you read Above Reproach. Let’s put that one on top of the list.” So I began looking for the book…and looking…and looking, could not find the darn thing.

It took me three weeks to remember that I never had the dead tree version of the darned thing!  I did my review with an electronic Copy that JD was kind enough to send me and had totally forgotten about it. Now, you know I am not a fan of electronic versions so, if Above Reproach made me forget I was staring at a screen, the story has to be darned good.

I commented my lack of memory in Facebook and JD was again a kind soul. He sent me the Dead Tree copy of the book which arrived last Monday:

Above Reproach 1

But what was inside, got me a tad emotional, both for the words and the date. It was not till today that I was able to write about it.

Above Reproach 2

Mighty honored to be called friend. Message received. Will do so.