When humor was edgy.
National Lampoon Magazine, 1973. And in the words of Nick Searcy “There once was a time when humorists actually made fun of Democrats. Imagine that.”
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Newly released August records show that the FBI posted 1.7 million background checks required of gun purchasers at federally licensed dealers, the highest number recorded in any August since gun checks began in 1998. The numbers follow new monthly highs for June (1.5 million) and July (1.6 million), a period which spans a series of deadly gun attacks — from Charleston to Roanoke — and proposals for additional firearm legislation.
Source: Renewed calls for gun control laws spur sales
But they keep telling us that less and less Americans own or even want guns! And they have their “polls” and “studies” to prove it!
Oh yes, it is the same old rednecks people buying more guns. In fact, you can trace them all to a trailer park somewhere in Kentucky, right?
Dear Opposition: It is time for you to wake up and smell the Cosmoline.
We will win.
A gun-toting Brooklyn bandit dodged more than 80 police bullets early Friday in a wild street shootout that began with a botched armed robbery and ended with his arrest, officials said.Oft-apprehended Jerrol Harris, 27, was busted around 1:10 a.m. when a single bullet — out of 84 fired at him — pierced his calf to end a blocks-long police pursuit through Bushwick, cops said.
Source: Cops fire 84 shots at robbery suspect, hit him once: police – NY Daily News
I did not know that suppressing fire was approved technique with the NYPD.
The sad thing is, there is no — repeat, no — inherent or insoluble conflict between the desire of some of us to have access to guns for sport and self-defense and the desire of others of us to keep dangerous people from possessing those weapons. Decent, moderate people, working from both sides of the question, could probably hammer out ideas to safeguard both imperatives in an afternoon. Problem is, gun owners’ interests are represented not by decent, moderate people, but by the NRA, an extremist gang for whom even the most modest regulation is a brick in the road to tyranny.
Source: Leonard Pitts Jr.: Even the murder of children is ‘bearable’ | Miami Herald
Mr. Pitts column refers to the killings of Allison Parker and Adam Ward by Vester Lee Flanagan II, a black man who just like Mr. Pitts has demonstrated in his many columns, blames almost everything on Racism.
Now, Mr. Pitts has long time admitted to his ownership of firearms and I have no reason to doubt him. But what I find fascinatingly stupid is that he rather badmouth the NRA who might be pretty much the reason that he, as a human being of the African-American persuasion, can have guns. It was not the NRA who created the Jim Crow laws that effectively kept the black population from arming themselves and fight off racists in the South (and even the North) it was the forefathers of the current Liberal movement, bent in restricting Gun Rights who crafted those nifty regulations that demanded showing to have “a good cause,” or presenting two reference letters from prominent business or political leaders, or leaving it at the discretion to the local chief of law enforcement to act at his discretion on firearms.
And as for extremist gangs, Mr. Pitts gladly ignore the real gang issue in our fair county. Maybe it is also race-induced self-censorship, but he joins the many other mute voices that make you think Miami is a Gang-Free Zone.
I think it is time for Mr. Pitts to put some real effort and abandon the mental plantation of Liberalism. Join the free world!
So a news story caught my eye today. An 11 year old shot and killed a 16 year old in what the police are saying was an attempted break in. I have no details on the case besides what was reported through various media sources. The police say there was some evidence that the teen tried to break in a few times before. On the other hand, a neighbor claims that it wasn’t a home invasion and that two boys had argued before the shooting.
Beyond that I know nothing about the case. But seeing as this story has been covered by everybody so far, with the predictable politically polarized differing slants. Because of this, and the fact that it took place in St. Louis (with everything else that has happened there in the last year) it has all the makings of a summer blockbuster of a media circus.