

The Streisand Effect for Ben Brucato

There is some idiot Black Lives Matters Activist/professor/whatever over at Amherst College named Ben Brucato who had this to say to a city council candidate.



But when he realized the exchange was being published in different online places, he started to threaten people. I think he accidentally invoked The Streisand Effect and I am happy to oblige.

And since we are here, I saw this in Facebook and I have to share it.

Black Lives Matter - The new Klan with a tan

Taxi driver shoots pair of attempted robbers. Bad Guys have Major Gun Malfunction.

Miami Taxi Driver double feed

Detectives said the taxi driver picked up a man and woman near 54th Street and began driving south. Before reaching 36th Street, the driver said he felt a hard object on the back of his head and was ordered to turn on Northeast 35th Street. The duo and the driver then stepped out of the vehicle and shots were exchanged.Hours later, officials confirmed that four individuals, including a female, were in custody and being questioned after an incident at a nearby hotel. A spokesperson confirmed the subjects are related to the shooting investigation.

Source: Taxi driver shoots pair of attempted robbers after being fired u – WSVN-TV – 7NEWS Miami Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco

The bad guy suffered a hearty case of double feed. As gun malfunctions go, it might be possible the worst one to have in case of emergency as it takes forever to clear…OK ,it takes about a minute and some seconds if you know what you are doing, but in conflict that may be pretty much the rest of your life. Magazine will not drop because the top round is halfway out. slide won’t rack back, essentially you are just handling a very short club.

It is nice to see that it happened to the bad guy.

CSGV Wants More Swatting of Gun Owners.

I guess the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence did not like the FoxNews article about Swatting and now they are demanding that their followers waste police time and efforts by going to “check” on Law Abiding citizens.

CSGV more swatting

And, of curse, the Laddites have to distinguish themselves for really stupid creativity.

CSGV more swatting 2

You now they are morally corrupt and bankrupt when they have no problem to throw friends under the legal bus or commit fraud to achieve their goals.

The Internet is forever, even for mistakes. :)

It is not the first time supporters of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and other gun control advocates have pressed for the public to call cops on legal gun owners. An October 2014 National Review article found that the Facebook pages and websites of groups including the coalition, Moms Demand Action and GunFreeZone.net included numerous comments from the public advocating that people call the police and intentionally exaggerate what they see in the hopes of getting cops to stop those open-carrying guns

Source: Gun control groups accused of ‘swatting’ open-carry permit holders, putting lives at risk | Fox News

Between the evil ministrations of Bob Owens and Charles C.W. Cooke, I shall be forever (apparently) be stuck with CSGV on the wrong side of the fence.

That is funny as hell.

I should start a funding campaign so I can get some of that Bloomberg Money in my pockets…or at least to pay for the site’s expenses.

Dear Miami Herald, let me get this straight…

A Black Gay racist ex-prostitute and former TV reporter who bought the gun through a gun shop, passed a background check and a long waiting period,  kills two people live on TV because of what he perceived to be racial insults against him. The father of one of the victims swears he is gonna go against all comers for gun control….right after he gets a gun of his own because protection. Even the White House itself claims that the new Gun Controls measures they and Gun Control organizations are demanding in the wake of this incident would have not prevented the killings…

And the best your cartoonist can come up with is to portray gun owners as a fat white guy, open carrying a gun in a county that is 65% minority in a state that does not have Open Carry?

jim morin


And you still wonder why you had to sell your ocean front property and now work out of a warehouse the opposite side of town?

And you wonder why Gun Control is losing?

This is what real Police State and “Papers Please” looks like. (Very Graphic)

There are some people who in their masturbatory fantasies of dark-colored helicopters and crap like that, keep telling us that Law Enforcement in the United States is now akin to the worst excesses of the Gestapo.

To the Pearl Clutchers and assorted instigators: I lived the shit you saw above. This is not the exception but the rule south of the border.  Imagine living in a place that when you stepped outside, you did not know who was going to put a bullet in your body: The Criminal without a badge or the one with it.

So don’t take it too personally when I laugh at your faces when you bring me tales of woe about a cop that talk to you nasty during a traffic stop and how it indicates the end of the Nation as we know it. It is you attitude that is part responsible creating that schism.