

“Mimsy dear, you shan’t spray food coloring on Mr. Rapist’s eyes. It is offensive.”

Saw a screen capture of the Suffolk Constabulary in Reddit and could not believe my eyes. I went to the site and yep, it is there in all stupidity:

suffolk constabulary

How about Tasers? Nope, you can’t.

How about Home Invasion? Well, they tell you that “What you honestly and instinctively believe is lawful and necessary self defence of either yourself, your family or your property, even if you use a weapon could constitute reasonable force.” But since even throwing food coloring to the eyes of the guy with the pickax will be considered “offensive” you might as well bend over and take it. Do please remember to call 999.

Never an Empire collapsed so hard since somebody forgot to put a cover on a thermal exhaust port.

Make a mental note…

Apparently Pepper Spray and flames do not mix…or mix way too  much.

pepper spray flames


Soccer match in Poland between two regional teams. European fans have this thing about bringing fireworks and road flares to the games. A quick check tell us that the capsicum is mixed with propylene glycol for delivery. I am guessing that since propylene glycol is an alcohol….

In other news, you can now pepper spray and burn any spider at the same time.

About that Safe Storage of Firearms at Shooting Clubs only…

Cuatro encapuchados irrumpieron ayer en la galería de tiro privada situada en un polideportivo municipal de San Sebastián de los Reyes (83.000 habitantes), donde se apoderaron de unas cien armas y munición, según confirmaron fuentes de la Jefatura Superior de Policía de Madrid. Los ladrones utilizaron un BMW 318 que después incendiaron en un descampado de Rivas-Vaciamadrid.

Four masked men broke yesterday in private shooting gallery situated in a sports center in San Sebastián de los Reyes (83,000 inhabitants), where they seized a hundred weapons and ammunition, according to confirmed sources of the Police Headquarters in Madrid. The thieves used a BMW 318 that after a field fire in Rivas-Vaciamadrid.

Source: Cuatro encapuchados roban 100 armas en una galería de tiro | Madrid | EL PAÍS

“Hey Jose, do we rather go to one hundred houses to steal guns or do we rather go to one place where they are “safely stored?”
“Shit Juan, I don’t know. Lemme think about it for a while and I’ll call you back.”

When I originally read the article, I went: “Yep, that worked real well.” But a couple of things were bothering me: It happened at a “private” range in a Government Sports Center in Spain (imagine something like an Olympic Village where you can vacation.) I checked the range’s website and it has only 5 lanes…what? The article mentions that all the handguns were KH HK and only the same model as Law Enforcement uses in Spain and that they have so many because they “rent them.” The range also has classes, actually one class… on police handgun training.

Did Bad Guys broke into a Police Range armory and stole their guns?

OK people, stop laughing now.


But he invoked Stand Your Ground, He must go free, Right?

Like so many road rage incidents, the one between two male drivers in Boca Raton on the afternoon of Sept. 7, 2013 involved one guy cutting off the other followed by horn honking and a raised middle finger.But this one didn’t just end with an obscene gesture and hot-tempered motorists going their separate ways.Instead, it was just the start of a confrontation involving an off-duty federal agent and gunfire outside the Town Center mall — and later Stand Your Ground self-defense claims — that a Palm Beach County jury likely will have to sort out.Deputy U.S. Marshal Angel Echevarria, 42, is charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a firearm in the case involving three alleged victims: A Pompano Beach man, his then 2-year-old son, and the man’s brother.

Source: Road rage case: Judge denies federal agent’s Stand Your Ground claim, but jury can still consider it – Sun Sentinel

The Gun Control Pundits keep telling us about the magic powers of Stand Your Ground and how once you chant three times, the world becomes a rainbow of emotions and you go free..

Apparently that is not the way it works…even in Florida…and even for a Federal Marshall.

But don’t let the facts get in the way of The Narrative.

CSGV opposes Open Carry While Negro.

CSGV Open Carry Negro

But before it did, the chamber plunged into rare unscripted territory, as Democrats and Republicans battled members of their own parties over an amendment from state Sen. Don Huffines, R-Dallas, that would prohibit police officers from stopping someone solely because they are visibly carrying a handgun.The provision, which eventually passed, attracted support from Democrats who said it would help prevent racial profiling and conservatives who said it was necessary to protect the Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure of handgun license holders.“This should not be complicated, it should not be controversial. This is a bipartisan issue,” Huffines said.

Democrats Rodney Ellis of Houston and Royce West of Dallas threw their support behind Huffines, saying that — while they oppose open carry itself — with the bill all but certain to pass they wanted protection from racial profiling by police.

Source: After One More Gun Fight, Open Carry Passes Senate | The Texas Tribune

The Lily White Klan Members exalted and Liberal/Progressive members of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence are losing their minds over the provision. Imagine that! In some less than protected states where Open Carry is already legal, certain uneducated police and Sheriff departments have been using the “disturbing the Peace” and other legal trickeries  to harass legal gun owners openly carrying a sidearm. And yes, some of those affected are minorities that are not allowed to stray from the Liberal corral and actually have the tools to defend themselves. Let’s face it, CSGV members are always scared of everything and the thought of a black man with a gun on his waist must drive them to dive in the bunkers under their homes while watching the best parts of D. W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation in their smartphones.

Oh well, they can try to stop Civil Rights, but history shows they do not have a great record doing so.