Falco: Yeah, I mean, anything can do it—you park in someone else’s spot, you cut him off. But it was gonna happen. Something was gonna spark it. Because they didn’t show up there in big numbers just to drink beers with each other. And they were all armed, right?
Neyfakh: Yeah, they were all really armed. Is that normal, for gangs to travel with so many weapons?
Falco: So what happens is, in the states where they allow concealed weapons permits, all the big biker gangs have ordered all their members who aren’t felons to get concealed weapons permits.
Source: Biker gang battles: Former informant Charles Falco on territorial disputes and bottom rockers.
I am going to go out on a limb and say that is not the full content of Falco’s remarks about bikers being armed and some creative editing happened since there are plenty of stories of bikers shooting each other and others prior States having CWPs. And there is that whole deal of trafficking weapons too that kinda says they have been shooting guns for a long time without any permitting.
That there are Bikers with CWPS? I wouldn’t be surprised, it makes perfect sense to have somebody without a felony conviction have a means to carry in less than friendly environments, but to suggest that it is the norm would be to deny that outlaw bikers are a criminal enterprise which it seem to be the theme suddenly among certain groups. You see, if there were moar gun control, there would not be any Bikers…..like in England, Germany, Australia.

Hmmmm… I wonder how that happened?
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