

CSGV: The Al Sharpton Approach.

CSGV Baltimore Sugar Pine Mine

When young black men overturn a car and throw rocks at police, the National Guard comes out. When heavily-armed, middle-aged white insurrectionists take over an economically-depressed county and threaten to kill government officials, there is no response. Why is that?

There has been some sort of issue in Grant Pass, OR between the Bureau of Land Management and miners. Apparently the Oath Keepers showed up, things were said, alleged threats issued, but that was it.

Now, unless CSGV was hitting the meth pipe really hard while watching re-runs of The Ren & Stimpy show,, Baltimore was a wee bit more than “overturn a car and throw rocks at police.” I seem to recall a Senior Center under construction that was set on fire and burned to ashes because protests among many other “antics.” As far as I can find online, other than the occasional cigarette, nothing is going up in flames over Grant Pass.

And I could not end this post without the usual assortment of comments from CSGV supporters.

CSGV Baltimore Sugar Pine Mine comments

Lovely, ain’t them?

Legal Nightmare Scenario: Witnesses Lie.

Via Reddit. Check the video and the play by play:

Mr. Williams did perform as he was supposed to. But of it was not for the video, the conflicting witnesses reports would have made for a rough legal time. I would bet he’s seen or read Massad Ayoob at some point by the way he placed the gun on the counter and made 911 call reporting the incident. Here you can read the whole report of the incident.

Well done Mr. Williams.


Suburban Sheepdog: Sommes-nous Charlie?

Here’s a diagnostic you can run on yourself. If you think a speaker is “provoking violence” by speaking, then you utterly fail to understand the difference between speech and violence. Violence can often justifiably provoke violence — assault someone and he has the right to defend himself; assault him with deadly force and he has the right to end your life. But speech cannot justifiably provoke even a slap in the face. This is the law. But more than that, it is a founding principle of this nation. The wonderful thing about speech, even of the vilest sort, is that it leaves everyone free to engage in more speech. Violence, on the other hand, leaves only the winners free to engage in more violence. And as a recent pair of would be jihadis learned the hard way, that violence thing doesn’t always work out quite like you’re expecting it to.

Source: Suburban Sheepdog: Sommes-nous Charlie?

OK, so he does a better job than me. Sue me (Just don’t use him as lawyer)

Seriously, put the keys away. (The Fauxrage)

It seems I have ruffled the feathers of  photog Taylor Yocom  with my post Seriously, put the keys away.  I got the following email (and some comments from her followers)


I am the artist behind the Guarded photo series. My series is depicting the sad reality of having to use these objects, I am not trying to show “the best available option.” Your post does not represent the goal of my series and the images were used without my consent. I respectfully ask that you take down my material.

And I will kindly respond:

Dear Taylor and et al:

I could tell you all to go pound sand and ignore you. I could also tell you that a simple Google search would have led you to what is known as Fair Use and again tell you to go pound sand.

I could also play games with you, ignore your request till you guys start some sort of petition and drive traffic to my site. Hate Comments and Hate Mail is always appreciated and make for Internet Brownie Points.

But I will take down your pictures and not because you requested it. Nope. I will do so because I refuse to support Rape Apologists and Supporters such as yourself.

Gasping for air now? Good. Shocked? Even better.

Rape sucks. Rapists need to be denied access to victims. Rapists are major assholes that need to be put away, missing appendages preferable. My “cause” and my “agenda” (as Allie and Monroe expressed) is for women to be able to defend themselves from predators that seek to harm them and not to cuddle them in a false sense of security telling them Unicorn tales about how a “powerful statement to the community” will somehow improve their lives. You are basically setting  your fellow women to continue to be victims and that makes you a supporter of the crime. An Useful Idiot for Team Rape.

To Allie: “justifying victim blaming”? Dear precious snowflake. If you consider that teaching a woman to not only survive but to win a battle against a dedicated rapist is victim blaming, you are too stupid to breathe without written instructions. I am for the true empowerment of women, not some fauxrage that looks cute in the interwebs. I want an atmosphere so obnoxious for Rapists that they actually come to fear every woman who walks by because they do not know if they will be weak victims or dangerous badgers that will kill them. Rapists are cowards and for some reason, just like any other human being, hate pain and massive blood loss. I want women to inflict that pain and blood loss.

And I will freely admit that even with the tools and the training I support, a woman may not be able to win against an attacker. There is that chance. But your “strategy” guarantees a 100% failure rate and more unnecessary victims of rape.

And May God Keep You Safe in spite of yourself.

Even James May can learn proper Gun Safety.

You may remember that James May, one-third of the defunct Top Gear had a major Gun Safety violation some years back.

james may shotgun

Apparently he was taken to the woodshed and taught the Four Rules with enough vigor.

This is Mr May holding a Sten Gun the proper way while filming their new show.


See? Even boring Old Brits can be taught proper Gun Safety 😀