Baltimore Riots: Burn the Pizza Guy.
Watch at your own leisure, but let me give you a preview: It is not a case where the shop owner was inside and they set the place on fire, nope: They poured lighter fluid on him and tried to set him on fire.
The first thing that came to mind was the disgusting practice of “necklacing” (follow the link at your own risk, graphic content) and the thought of people in the US actually trying to burn a fellow citizen alive is just too disgusting to even begin to process.
I got involved in a Facebook discussion about guns (so what is new?) and somebody asked why would anybody need a high-capacity magazine and/or a semi automatic rifle (constitutional reasons apart) . My answer was one worded: Baltimore.
This was the response from one of the individuals engaged in the discussion:
This was before I had seen the video. When I did, I returned to the thread and posted it:
I am always amazed at the Liberal “caring” mindset: You lose property to vandals, property that you poured who knows how many hours of unpaid labor, missed family time, missed nights and weekends with friends (specially on sports’ finals) because you had to slave over an oven…all that does not count, only the material stuff that can be covered by insurance. And God Forbid that you avoid the fiery ministrations of a crowd by defending yourself since there might be a risk that somebody else but the firebug might get hit. That those somebodies are called ACCOMPLICES does not seem to process in their tiny little brains.
I do hope the pizza shop owner gets his gun. But that being Maryland, I figure he is facing an uphill trek specially since the same mentality that argued with me last night is the one running the show over there.