This perverted ideology claims (wrongly) that the Second Amendment provides individuals with a right to shoot and kill government officials when they personally sense “tyranny.” To honor the victims of this tragedy, we must speak out against it.
Leave it to the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence to go stupid and try to keep playing the “gun owners are a violent dangerous bunch” card.
Now, how violent are we? Let’s talk within the 20 year frame since the bombing of the Murrah Building. We have Senator Barbara Boxer retiring from politics, or at least the Senate. So will Senator Carolyn McCarthy who got elected on a gun control platform. Senator Dianne Feinstein may be considering retirement herself. We have still Chuck Schummer kicking around. We are talking about the biggest scum buckets for gun control, sworn enemies of anybody who was in favor of the Second Amendment, so basically and according to Ladd, they are the number one targets…
And they are still breathing.
And to extend the argument: Ladd Everitt, Josh Sugarman, Joshua Horwitz, Shannon Watts, Michael Bloomberg, Michael K. Beard, Elliot Fineman, etc
They are also breathing fine and living their lives normally.
In fact, the only deaths in the Gun Control field were of Jim and Sarah Brady of natural causes.
But yet, CSGV and all of the other groups keep beating the drum that we are violent, unstable killers and can snap at any second. Well, since the Oklahoma City Bombing, there had been 631.163.040 seconds and none of our “enemies” has been killed or even hurt.
For a group that can “snap just like that” our rubber band seems to be darn good and durable.
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