

CSGV, The Oklahoma City Bombing and Gun Rights.

CSGV Murrah Building OKC

This perverted ideology claims (wrongly) that the Second Amendment provides individuals with a right to shoot and kill government officials when they personally sense “tyranny.” To honor the victims of this tragedy, we must speak out against it.

Leave it to the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence  to go stupid and try to keep playing the “gun owners are a violent dangerous bunch” card.

Now, how violent are we? Let’s talk within the 20 year frame since the bombing of the Murrah Building. We have Senator Barbara Boxer retiring from politics, or at least the Senate. So will Senator Carolyn McCarthy who got elected on a gun control platform. Senator Dianne Feinstein may be considering retirement herself. We have still Chuck Schummer kicking around. We are talking about the biggest scum buckets for gun control, sworn enemies of anybody who was in favor of the Second Amendment, so basically and according to Ladd, they are the number one targets…

And they are still breathing.

And to extend the argument: Ladd Everitt, Josh Sugarman, Joshua Horwitz, Shannon Watts, Michael Bloomberg, Michael K. Beard, Elliot Fineman, etc

They are also breathing fine and living their lives normally.

In fact, the only deaths in the Gun Control field were of Jim and Sarah Brady of natural causes.

But yet, CSGV and all of the other groups keep beating the drum that we are violent, unstable killers and can snap at any second. Well, since the Oklahoma City Bombing, there had been 631.163.040 seconds and none of our “enemies” has been killed or even hurt.

For a group that can “snap just like that” our rubber band seems to be darn good and durable.

Moms Demand Deceit: Delaware State University.

I was keeping this one in the back burner:

Moms Demand Delaware State University

Even though the news article did not specify students,  Moms went ahead and assured us they were students. Drunk, irresponsible, immature students shooting poor innocent, fragile students (Yeah, I can’t get past this particular contradiction either) and how dare the NRA to say we need guns in Campus!

Well, it neither the victims and apparently not the shooter were campus people:

Though the three people shot at a Delaware State University (DSU) event still remain anonymous, the school disclosed they were all males and not students.

Carlos Holmes, a DSU spokesman, told the Associated Press the three men were taken to Kent General Hospital Saturday night, where they have been in stable condition since. Holmes would not provide any additional information on the victims.

“We can definitely tell you that the three victims were not DSU students,” Holmes said. “The event had a lot of guests… a lot of people that came from the surrounding communities and other schools.”

via Delaware State University Shooting Update: 3 People Injured Were Male Non-Students : News : University Herald.

You know there was something fishy with the whole incident as reported by Shannon’s Social Media Minion when you have a school shooting on a day so close to the anniversary of Columbine and the Mainstream Media went mute about it.

So, the “Throw something against the wall and see if it sticks”  media strategy is now the official policy of Moms Demand Action But Not The Truth.

And the New York Time wonders why we are winning.

The dangerous illusion of Victim Blaming

Some people in England are throwing fits about this poster and the idea behind it.
sussex pd rape poster

Unlike Sussex police, I do not think “many sexual assaults could be prevented”. All sexual assaults could be prevented. There’s always a way to avoid sexual assault: just don’t assault anyone. But that’s too simplistic, isn’t it? You can’t just tell rapists not to rape. It’s what they are, what they do. The only people capable of changing their behaviour are potential, mostly female victims. Or so the story goes. I don’t believe it for a moment. It’s just part of that larger narrative in which women are capable of change but men are not. Male behaviour – male aggression, male violence, male sexual entitlement – goes unchallenged, even when the people it harms most are men themselves.

via Sussex police’s victim-blaming anti-rape campaign: why is it victims, not rapists, that must change their behaviour?.

Now, for sanity’s sake we will follow the legal dictionary definition of rape as the commission of unlawful sexual intercourse or unlawful sexual intrusion or we can go FBI and say that rape is the carnal knowledge of a person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity. We will not use the many varied definitions from so-called feminists that include looking-not looking at a particular female or saying a particularly racy joke or assorted stupid “triggers” that actually make a mockery of the real rape victims. 

With that out of the way, I have a question: Have we lost out ever-loving gene that provide us with Common Sense/Survival Instinct? How can the author of this piece actually say to fellow women that “Hey! It is not your fault therefore you shouldn’t prep for it. Carry on and be vaginally invaded but stand on your principles of victim-hood.”

And I find hilarious that the same vein of liberals that demanded instant satisfaction and total sexual freedom without responsibility are now bitching when that is being applied to the hilt by the little monsters they gave birth to and raised.

The law says a motorist will always give the right of way to a pedestrian when crossing the street, yet we teach our kids to look both ways for incoming traffic, does that mean we are putting the blame on victims?  Shall we say instead “You cross the street whenever and however you like. It is the Car Culture we need to abolish.” Insane.

And I am all for teaching good manners. I am all for a woman to tell a rapist his behavior is not acceptable with one simple sound: Bang! Not only it modifies his immediate behavior but he serves as object lesson for others that may want to follow his path.

And there is always hanging, an old favorite for rapists and a great teaching example. And it has the added advantage to guarantee zero recidivism.

Because it goes against the “official” record.

Tom Walls Female firearm classes


This is not uncommon. In fact, I keep hearing the same thing from different instructors across the nation: The presence of women in firearms classes has increased like never before.

I know we are being bombarded with the new narrative that women are not only victims, they demand to be victims. It does not make sense to me and apparently it does not make sense to a growing number of women who rather go contrary to the thought that bad guys can be shamed by a blog post or dragging a mattress across campus into behaving or take selfies with an “I am a feminist” sign and post them in Twitter. It also does not make sense that the same group that scream the loudest, “My Body, My Choice” decides for the whole that such choice must stop short of self-defense. It is just plain insane in any rational person’s book.

They do have a reason to excite and increase Victim Pride: Without victims, their cause (and funding) goes to hell. They need product and nothing collects more money that the story of a battered wife or a raped college student. A story of a Bad Guy assuming permanent horizontal status because he happened to bump into the armed 5 foot, 100 lbs female do not make their coffers fill with coinage. Candlelight vigils bring the checks, beers at the local pub celebrating the survival of an attack do not.

And if you live in the area, go get some classes at the Firearms Academy of Seattle. And abuse Tom all you want, his wife Diane will back you up.

A Message to Other Bloggers: Don’t be dicks.

If somebody bothers you with a comment that you find offensive, you can go ahead and trash the comment and ban the guy/gal from your blog. You don’t need to go the extra dick mile and classify him as Spam to “teach him a lesson.”

And also, you fellow bloggers do not have waste time to scour the Spam Folder rescuing them from the grinder. We can disagree, but be polite about it.