CSGV now a Bad Tourism Agency.
I am going to have to add one more issue affecting the “Gun Safety” groups: Lack of Memory. Ladd and Company have seem to forget that a similar campaign was used before by the Brady Bunch and failed.
The sign was somewhere on I-95 near the Georgia border and the second image is a pamphlet that Brady Operatives were passing around at Fort Lauderdale and Miami International airports. They came about when Florida’ Stand Your Ground Law came into effect so the Brady’s felt that the poor citizens coming to Florida needed to be warned about the incoming bloodshed on the street. I am going to quote myself:
And boy they got lots of media coverage…for about two news’ cycles. One of the representatives of the Brady Bunch (probably imported from D.C.) at Miami International Airport was allowed to go on camera saying that tourists should not use violent movements of the hands because they might be interpreted as a violent act and get them shot. Now saying this in a South Florida County with a 60% population of Latinos who use their hands while talking in such fashion that we make Italians look like paraplegics, did not sit well with the local populace and the Brady Bunch were shut down faster than a New Marine Recruiting Station in Berkeley. We got the chance to laugh, point them out and say “See? they are the racists, not us.”
via The Starbucks Wars. (gunfreezone.net)
As you can imagine, it did not make a difference. People of Florida took to SYG and after all the bad publicity, by a margin of 7 to 3, love the law. Visitors kept coming to Florida and the sign and pamphlets ended up as a bad joke the Bradys pulled on themselves.
So, visit Kansas. get some BBQ, carry your gun, have fun.