

Man shoots at armadillo, bullet hits mother-in-law.

Authorities say a woman was accidentally shot by her son-in-law while he was trying to shoot an armadillo.

The incident had a lot of people scratching their heads- even law enforcement.

“Just the circumstances, just all the way around, the whole situation was unusual,” said Investigator Bill Smith with the Lee county Sheriff’s Office.

The shooting happened Sunday night on Gosa Road.

Lee County Sheriff’s deputies said 54-year-old Larry McElroy was outside when he fired his 9 mm pistol at the armadillo. The bullet killed the animal, but also ricocheted off of it, hit a fence, went through the back door of his mother-in-law’s mobile home, through a recliner she was sitting in, and into her back.

via Man shoots at armadillo, bullet hits mother-in-law – Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports.

Bullets do weird things after impacting objects. And I have to admit, this one is one for the books and I would say impossible to predict: Hit the armadillo, hit the fence, travel 100 yards, go through a back door and hit Mom In Law.

And stop laughing… 😀

Hat Tip: Chuck B. (A.K.A Doppelganger)

So how was the crime during the 2015 NRAAM?

I looked, but no official word appears to be given yet by Nashville Metro PD. I went to their site and found they have this app thing that display crimes that happened in  Nashville. I centered around the Convention Center and checked for the whole weekend. Here are the results:

NRAAM 2015 Crime 1


For the whole weekend of the NRAAM they had 2 cases of assault (fist icon), 2 cases of larceny ($ sign) one case of fraud (F icon), 2 disturbing the peace (!), 1 vehicle vandalism and 1 graffiti. The Icons with the number 2 are cases of DUI and larceny times two. One of the assault cases happened after midnight on Sunday and the blue icon on the bottom right is a DUI also combined with a Disturbing the Peace.

I went on to compare with the weekend before, and here is the result:

NRAAM 2015 Crime 4 week beforeYes, that is a gun and it was armed robbery…and the other new one is drugs times three.

And the weekend before:

NRAAM 2015 Crime 2

The ones with numbers in this particular one are all multiple charges of Assault and Disturbing the Peace with a dash of larceny.

This is far from scientific, but it sort of hints that violent crime went down as it happens at every NRAAM.  We’ll wait for the official word to get confirmation.

But we are so violent!


We place Nashville up there with Houston as a convention city, and the attendance numbers reflect that. There were 78,865 attendees at this year’s meeting! How’s that compare to previous years? The record is still Houston, Texas in 2013, with a total attendance of 86,228. That was the meeting right after Sandy Hook, when the blame and shame machine was running full tilt against the American gun owner. Last year’s figure in Indianapolis was 75,267. Nashville this year was the second highest attendance figure in NRA’s history.

via NRA Attendance Figures for Nashville 2015 | Shall Not Be Questioned.

78,865 non-bused, out-of-pocket-paying-for-all-expenses citizens who went to Nashville to enjoy themselves in peace. And I doubt you will see this given much relevance (if any) in the MSM.

Now we need the crime figures for the weekend. I have not heard of any mass shootings or crazy drunk people shooting bottles in bars and whatnots.



The Latino Business Model: Shut up and buy it as is.

He almost instantly started on a 5-10 minute rant about how evil and mean gun bloggers were, and how we only spew lies.  I tried to give him a couple outs, since I know that there are many out there that bash Taurus because that’s what all the cool kids do, and not because they’ve had bad experiences/done research/etc.  They’re not the only company that has that issue.  Some deserve it, and some don’t, and I have been giving them the benefit of the doubt.  He failed to act like I might be different.  Thanks to Taurus’ sales rep, I have learned that they do not wish to have the benefit of the doubt, nor would they like my good will, business, or recommendations to others.

via How not to impress folks that will write about you | Guns, Cars, and Tech.

I would love to say I am surprised at the Taurus Rep reaction, but it would be a lie. Taurus, like many Latino-Based companies, still has not figured out that the US Market favors the consumer and suffer with the Take-It-Or-Leave-It attitude because consumers will gladly leave it and go to the competition.

And that is the concept that is hard to swallow to Latino business people: Competition. The Latin business model is one of oligopoly or downright monopoly and that affects both quality control and good prices. And while it is true that maybe the markets down there may not require or cannot afford  7 different manufactures of a good, the few companies will make sure not even importation of competing products are allowed by putting pressure on the government to either levy outrageous import taxes or banning them altogether from the country…. unless it is them doing the importation.

Now, as a consumer you either learn to accept a subpar product, do without or figure out how to smuggle good stuff in to keep your business going. Sometimes the mark up or desperation is so big, a trip to another country where the good product is freely available is not only necessary but even affordable compared to buying the local or subpar imports. Not everybody can do this and thus these companies flourish pushing their crap.

They do get the shock of their lives when dealing with US Customers. Not only they will not buy your crappy shit, they have no bones about telling others not to buy your shit. Word of mouth, something that was dismissed in their countries of origin now becomes (in their eyes) their biggest enemy and lash against it. But what is even sadder and the case above shows, is that US business people hired to work by these companies, default to their crappy business practices instead of being the ones telling HQ “You guys, business is not done like that here. Change is needed.”

Taurus does have a Quality Control problem, nobody with a brain can deny it. And that problem destroys any innovation they can come up with. I keep believing that The Curve is something that will be soon repeated and improved by other companies, but Taurus appears to be already recalling the few ones out there and not saying why…and we really do not need to figure that out much.

I have a soft spot for Taurus. My first gun as a Free Citizen was a PT-92 and it came handy in a couple of occasions plus got me started in IDPA. But the company needs to either step up or simply pull up stakes and go back to sell their crap to gang members in the favelas of Rio.

Always be aware of the Gun Laws of the State you are visiting.

ABILENE — Abilene police arrested two men from Bakersfield, Ca, Wednesday for openly carrying a firearm in the Whataburger restaurant on South 1st street in Abilene.

According to an arrest report, 56-year-old Rande Scott Fighmy and 23-year-old Trey Best were arrested after police saw them with pistols holstered on their hips in the restaurant.

Fighmy stated that he thought Texas was an open carry state.

The pair were arrested for a Class A-Misdemeanor Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon and were transported to the Taylor County Jail.

via Abilene: Two Men Arrested at Restaurant Openly Carrying a Firearm – Myhighplains.com – Powered by KAMR LOCAL 4.

Wanna bet they checked in some podunk forum and were told by an “expert” that it was OK to OC?

CSGV: We don’t need no stinkin’ thinkin’.

CSGV Triple Fail


So we have three famous people: One killed by a Democrat, one killed by a Communist and the third one killed by a violent felon. And all three share one unique characteristic with the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence: They don’t want Citizens to Keep and Bear Arms.

Well done, Ladd. We can tell you put a lot of thinking on this one.

Well done.