

GunBlog VarietyCast: We Found Religion and it is Cash!

To quote Pope Sorrentino the First on why are we doing this:

We’ve decided to quit gun blogging and podcasting because there is no money in it. We all saw that preacher asking his flock for a $65 million private jet and we decided to jump ship, become a church, and get our own plane before Robert Farago did it first.


  • Blue Collar Prepping – Improvised Field Expedient Tactical Self Defense With Glass Containers While Operating in Operations
  • Foreign Policy for Grownups – Money Laundering and Private Jets
  • AlArma – Living the High Life
  • Tech Tips with The Barron  – Digital Security for the ChurchCast
  • This Week in Anti-Gun Nuttery – Not just Anti-Jet, Anti-Freedom!
 GoFundMe for the podcast is here!

CSGV: They are kind and thoughtful people.

This one again:

CSGV The Onion

I just did the screencap without bothering to check any further. But Robertsgunshop made the comment that some of the “fans” frowned on the image even when it was satire, so I had to drop by and see the exchanges. Again not disappointed:

CSGV The Onion2


But as in any good infomercial, That Is Not All! The love and understanding from CSGV members comes out flooding to soothe the evil of the land.

CSGV The Onion3

It always seem strange that for a group of people who are against “gun deaths” and violence, they wish the same upon us. It sort of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?

Reminder: If you haven’t signed the petition to remove Ladd and Josh, drop by and do so. My very wishful thinking is to gather 70,000 signatures and make fun out of their attempt to fire Emily Miller from her job.  And yes, it is “satire” but at least I am not wishing anybody death or making fun of their dead relatives & friends.