

AI will take their jobs and it’s well deserved



Every single one of those women is an AI creation.  None of them are real.

AI bots are going to wipe out the e-thot and OnlyFans girl and it can’t come soon enough.

I truly hate the rise of OnlyFans, Twitch, and the e-thot.

When I was growing up, it was well understood that a dad had failed if he didn’t keep his daughter off the pole.

Pornography has always existed, but there was always a barrier to entry.

Once a girl went porn, that was it.  Very few porn stars made it rich.  The industry was notorious for breaking people and throwing them away.

Even to get porn, you had to go to one of those stores, the kind where you didn’t want your car seen parked in front of it, in that part of town.

Playboy and Penthouse tried to sell porn with class, including stores and interviews and other “men’s interests.”

Then came the internet, and then COVID, and then live streaming, and then countless articles in The Sun and Daily Mail about girls and moms making $50,000 to $100,000 per month only OnlyFans.

Twitch was worse.  It was supposed to be a site for video game enthusiasts to watch people play games, then it became soft core porn where women in lingerie or erotic costumes played video games with the goods on display, targeting tween and teen boys.

Overnight, the barrier to entry for porn fell and it was supposed to be normal that some girl could be a college student or dental hygienist be day and a millionaire porn star by night.

This created a myriad of dangers.

What happens when the porn job bleeds into the day job.

When you recognize that the mom of your kid’s playmate or your kid’s substitute teacher is also a porn star.

I’m not making any of these examples up.

Companies has rules about sexual harassment and employee relationships for a reason, then all of a sudden, you might have a situation where a boss or subordinate is a subscriber to a coworker who is a pornstar by night.

Then there is the issue of what do to as a father.

How to teach your children, especially your daughters, to be good and productive people, when the pop culture says be rich with a part time job showing your tits online to subscribers.

Nothing good came from this, but it looks like the market will correct this.

AI bots will out OnlyFans real women.

The market will be so heavily saturated that there will be almost no profit to be made for all but the tiniest percent of real women.

It won’t be worth it to even try.

OnlyFans will be the first to fall, then Instagram shortly thereafter.

And I am rooting for it.

Anarcho-tyranny on video

You absolutely know that the ATF will do fuck all nothing about the felons in possession who put auto switches on their Glocks.

They will absolutely murder your entire family in a raid because you had a formerly legal brace on your AR pistol that you bought on a 4473.

There is nothing the bureaucracy can gain from busting gang members and drug dealers with Chinese selectors off the internet.

Making law abiding citizens cower in fear and pay fees and fines is what they want.

It’s not about keeping the public safe, it’s about feeding the bureaucratic beast.

Women starting to avoid soy

Single women are shopping for ‘husband material’ at Home Depot

All the single ladies are going on a shopping spree – at Home Depot.

Vying for a chance to meet an eligible bachelor among the aisles of hardwood, screwdrivers and nails, the women of TikTok have discovered the perfect spot to window shop for single men.

“Delete the dating apps in 2023,” content creator Breanna Nichols advised in a clip with over 24,000 views. “I’m headed to Home Depot to ‘look confused’ in the lumber aisle.”


New Year’s resolution – meet future husband irl #ReasonForBooking #deletedatingapps #CODSquadUp

♬ The Home Depot Beat – The Home Depot


I guess women are starting to figure out that the ability to fix things is a much more useful trait in a man than putting platitudes about how they love to travel in their dating apps.

DeSantis is leading a new civil rights movement

The prison grade single ply asswipe that is the Miami Hearld published this article:

DeSantis’ racist vision of Florida calls for a new, overdue civil rights movement

It was about time Florida’s Black leadership got mad. Really, really mad. Enough to descend on the Capitol Rotunda, bring in a big-name lawyer and stake a vigorous claim in the fight for the rights of African Americans, under threat from a hostile state government and its policy enforcers at the local level.

Too much is at stake — the downgrading of educational programs and the suppression of voting and civil rights to accommodate the ideals of a white, ultra-conservative, Christian-only prism — not only for Florida, but for the nation as well. “We are here to give notice to Gov. DeSantis,’’ said civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who was surrounded by a cheering crowd that should’ve been a lot larger, as urgent times demand.

“If he does not negotiate with the College Board to allow AP African-American Studies to be taught in the classrooms across the state of Florida,” he said, “these three young people will be the lead plaintiffs.’’ Beside Crump stood a Black female, a white female and a Black male, all Leon County high-school students. They became eloquent visuals to emphasize a point that hasn’t been made strongly enough: While DeSantis sold his “parental rights” restrictions as only affecting younger students, that’s far from the truth.

What’s happening with the revision of African-American studies is the result of the spate of DeSantis measures passed — from crackdowns on absentee voting to educational reforms that whitewash Black history and bad-mouth gayness.

Our fight for an inclusive Florida isn’t a local fight anymore. Of course, DeSantis may welcome the return fire for the headlines it will generate. But what’s the alternative? Letting him demean, diminish and erase communities on his way to the White House?

Let me give you a little hint:

If Ben Crump us involved in any way, that’s the definitive proof that it’s a racist gift that in no way actually helps black people.  He is AL Sharpton with a law degree.

DeSantis was right to reject the AP African-American Studies program.

According to Forbes:

The course has four major units: history of the African diaspora, the period of slavery and abolition in the U.S., African American experiences since slavery was abolished, and various Black movements and debates including feminism, Black Power and the Civil Rights movement, along with African American experiences today.

Within those four units, there are 102 smaller subtopics that cover history, culture and concepts like cultural appropriation and “postracial racism,” including Juneteenth, the Harlem Renaissance, literature, music, military service and Black suffrage.

The Florida Department of Education said the state’s rejection of the course was based on six of those sub-topics: Intersectionality and Activism; Black Queer Studies; Movements for Black Lives; Black Feminist Literary Thought; the Reparations Movement and Black Study and Black Struggle in the 21st Century.

It cited such concerns as “intersectionality being central to [Critical Race Theory],” course materials advocating for reparations and abolishing prisons, and readings by such thinkers as Bell Hooks, who the state complained authored “intersectionality texts” and wrote about the “white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.”

Black Queer Studies and reparations.

Sounds like topic that are just radical Leftist grievance mongering.

The Left has shot well past the soft bigotry of low expectations.

It is now fully invested in teaching minority children nothing useful and only that they are victims of discrimination and will never advance in society – without utterly destroying society in a racialized (Marxist) revolution.

The same teachers who promote this bullshit promote 2+2=5.

Churning out kids with no skills who will only survive on government welfare and turn to activism.

By challenging this, DeSantis is leading a new Civil Rights movement.  Demanding black students be taught useful information that doesn’t turn them into future welfare dependants.

The next step is to take every teacher who teaches 2+2=5, gender bending garbage, and all that other useless bullshit and send them to a gulag.


This is how you fight crime in Chicago

Concealed carry holder shoots man trying to rob him on Chicago CTA train

A concealed carry holder pulled out his gun and shot another man who tried to rob him at gunpoint on a CTA Green Line train on Friday, police said.

Around 4:43 p.m., Chicago police say the 25-year-old male victim was on the train in the 4700 block of West Lake Street when he was approached by a 33-year-old male offender who pulled out a gun and announced a robbery.

The victim then produced a firearm of his own and there was an exchange of gunfire, police said.

The victim was not struck, but the offender was in the leg. He was taken to Mt. Sinai Hospital in fair condition.

I can tell you exactly why some guy tried to rob a commuter on the CTA.

Under Illinois concealed carry laws, it is illegal to carry concealed on public transportation or within 1,000 feet of any property owned or leased by the CTA.


Anyone with half a brain knew what would happen next.

Bus stops and train platforms became targets for criminals.  They knew that law abiding citizens were disarmed and so they became hunting grounds.

Over the years, bills have been submitted to change the law but the Chicago machine has managed to kill it every time.

This CCL broke the law and defended his life.

I feel bad for him because you absolutely know that Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago will put infinitely more effort into prosecuting a guy with a CCL for carrying on a train than the armed robber for armed robbery and illegal possession of a gun.