

Confirming once more that “Gun Safety Advocates” don’t know about guns. (Update)

CSGV AR ammo Ban

OK, that does it. I volunteer for a paid position in CSGV so they don’t publish stupid stuff like that. At least I am willing to teach them how to use Google for other than looking at Samoan reptilian porn.

The comments/orgasms from the followers were quick to come:

Collage of some comments in no particular order
Collage of some comments in no particular order

And then, a bit of common sense makes an appearance and gets a “rebuttal”:

CSGV AR ammo Ban 3

Because the pistol is MORE BADDER than the rifle! Either that or they think you could actually conceal an AR pistol down the front of the warm up pants of ganbangers.

There was another comment which explained in detail that it was one specific type of 5.56 ammo, but I got distracted and it was deleted before I could grab a screen capture. But at least it is an indicator that they are lying and they know they are lying. They just don’t care.

I really want to see how they are gonna spin this one out. Imagine ATF does get away banning M855 ammo and your average Laddite goes to the local WalMart and see boxes upon boxes of Regular (and other flavors) 5.56/.223 available for sale?

UPDATE: The exchange between Joseph Washington and the CSGV intern was deleted also. I seem to vaguely remember 2 more comment making the distinction about M855, but I can’t find them anymore.

The Memory Hole is working overtime at CSGV.

On this thing about Net Neutrality.

I confess that the whole thing appears to be convoluted and I have not done a real in-deep study of it.  Apparently the FCC wants to save me from the evil Internet providers or something.

I am a simple man. Don’t do fancy stuff, don’t shoot but simple inexpensive guns and don’t ask me about the mysteries of the Universe. However I can do some basic math.

When I came into the internet, it was through American On Line.  It charged me (IRRC) $2.45 per hour of usage at 9,600 bps and I had to get a spare phone line so our main wasn’t blocked if I was online. If I got distracted and forgot to disconnect, that monthly bill got huge ensuing significant fights with SWMBO.

Right now I am with one of the big companies that according to the FCC need to be reigned in. I am paying $50 a month for 25 Mbps unlimited and I killed any phone land lines long ago.

Now a simple feat of math: If was still paying AOL prices and connected 100% of the time ($2.45 x 24 x 365) at the end of the year I would be paying $21,462 on a really slow connection. Right now on high-speed Internet unlimited, I am paying $600 a year. That is what? a forty-fold decrease in price with an almost thirty-fold increase in speed on an unregulated internet subject to the whims of the free market?

So exactly what or who is the Government going to save me from? And why do I have the feeling we are about to be shafted?

Time to parade Trayvon Martin’s body once again.

From out friends in Everytown:

Everytown Trayvon Anniversary

Trayvon died because he chose to pick a fight with somebody carrying a gun. He chose poorly and suffered the consequences. And, by the way, Self Defense in Florida is not only circumscribed to Stand Your ground: Once your head is being bashed against the pavement, you are not longer “standing” but fighting for your life.

And we know that at the end of today, Bloomberg and Shannon will put the body back in their file cabinet of faux outrages and Narratives, throw some moth balls on top of it and wait till next year.

Earth to Melissa: That was what got him killed.

MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry said during an address at Cornell University this week that she hopes 17-year-old Trayvon Martin “whooped the s–t” out of gunman George Zimmerman during their fatal encounter in 2012.

via MSNBC host hopes Trayvon Martin ‘whooped the s–t out of George Zimmerman’ | WashingtonExaminer.com.

I swear they are either stupid of wishing more kids get shot for their own evil reasons.

My 17 year old daughter is an alcoholic, so your 21 year old daughter cannot have a gun.

We bought her a replacement, a highly desirable 5s that she promised to guard with her life. Weeks later, after another party, my “slightly drunk” daughter tumbled down some stairs. She wasn’t injured, but the iPhone screen was cracked

via You think your drunk college-age daughters are bad with their iPhones? Imagine them with guns. – The Washington Post.

I am trying to come up with something to say that does not include mass quantities of bad words and I find myself stuck. She loses two iPhones to drunken bouts, something that may point out that she may have a much bigger problem than being 17 and sort of hints what kind of lousy parental influence she may had in her life, but no the problem is guns.

Forget the fact that the “author” conveniently ignores the fact that you need to be 21 and have a permit to carry and forget the rest of the usual verbal manure we are used to hear from the Gun Control Activists, the next two quotes shall give you a pretty good idea about how disassociated she is from reality:

She begins the article with:

Since my 17-year-old daughter left for college last fall, campus rape has been on my mind. According to a study in the Journal of American College Health, women in college are at their highest risk for rape during their first semester.

But later we read this:

Fortunately, iPhones aren’t weapons; but they are anti-rape devices.  On the simplest level, they promote safety by keeping women and their friends aware of one another’s whereabouts. Women can check in with friends throughout a night of drinking.  They can call or text one another if they need to be extricated from a difficult situation.

Hello? Earth to Ms Skomorowsky, didn’t you just tell us that your Woman-Child lost two iPhones? So exactly how is the damned lost things going to help her in case of an attack? And, it is not like the rapist is gonna give her a chance to call the cops or take his picture; your daughter will be rapidly and brutally attacked and she may have the chance to let out a scream…maybe.

And this one for the win:

Fighting campus rape requires information-sharing and solidarity. Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia College senior who has been carrying her mattress to class to protest the university’s handling of her rape complaint, has done more to fight rape than anyone could ever do with a weapon

Silly me, but I think the news story that a campus rapist laying flat on a morgue somewhere because his intended victim put several bullets in his insides, will carry more weight among the predators that some weird activist dragging a mattress like she was some homeless person looking for a warm spot to sleep.

But I might be wrong.

Keep your kids safe: Don’t send them to college.

“..because campuses are rife with alcohol, drugs, and depression..”
Shannon Watts

Not only they’ll be safer away from that madness, but imagine all the money you’ll save or your kids won’t have to mortgage a decade of their lives by falling into the Student Loan trap.

The sad part is that College authorities will probably applaud with vehemence this characterization and not minding that she crapped all over them.

Shannon Watts College