Confirming once more that “Gun Safety Advocates” don’t know about guns. (Update)
OK, that does it. I volunteer for a paid position in CSGV so they don’t publish stupid stuff like that. At least I am willing to teach them how to use Google for other than looking at Samoan reptilian porn.
The comments/orgasms from the followers were quick to come:

And then, a bit of common sense makes an appearance and gets a “rebuttal”:
Because the pistol is MORE BADDER than the rifle! Either that or they think you could actually conceal an AR pistol down the front of the warm up pants of ganbangers.
There was another comment which explained in detail that it was one specific type of 5.56 ammo, but I got distracted and it was deleted before I could grab a screen capture. But at least it is an indicator that they are lying and they know they are lying. They just don’t care.
I really want to see how they are gonna spin this one out. Imagine ATF does get away banning M855 ammo and your average Laddite goes to the local WalMart and see boxes upon boxes of Regular (and other flavors) 5.56/.223 available for sale?
UPDATE: The exchange between Joseph Washington and the CSGV intern was deleted also. I seem to vaguely remember 2 more comment making the distinction about M855, but I can’t find them anymore.
The Memory Hole is working overtime at CSGV.