

Fatally stabbing neighbor with a butter knife.

On the evening of June 20, 2013, Toler and his ex-girlfriend were playing with their 19-month-old daughter in the apartment complex’s basketball court. Hernandez left his apartment to take out the trash.

The men “exchanged words” and started fist fighting, the news release states.

Prosecutors alleged Hernandez fatally stabbed Toler in the heart with a butter knife, but his defense counsel contended that he stabbed Toler in self defense.

via Fort Worth man sentenced to 14 years in prison for fatally stabbing neighbor with a butter knife | Dallas Morning News.

Think about it for a second: Rounded, edge-less knife and it is shoved so hard into a chest cavity that it perforated the skin, all dermis, pleura and heart.

That was some pissed off guy. Ouch.

When The Mike Brown Narrative demands intellectual vacuum

O’Donnell: The Missouri Attorney General says “The Police Use of Deadly Force Law in Missouri must be changed.” in response to my question to the Attorney General he said:
Among the problems that Ferguson has brought to light is the need to update Missouri’s use of deadly force statute.  This statute is inconsistent with the Supreme Court’s holding in Tennessee v. Garner.  Consequently, it is important this statutue be amended by the Missouri legislature to incorporate the Garner decision to avoid confusion in the criminal justice system”

Chris Koster
Missouri Attorney General

O’Donnell: As I have stated on this program there should be no confusion in the criminal justice system because the United States Supreme Court clarified the proper, and legal, and constitutional use of deadly force by police, 29 years ago.

via Missouri AG Confirms Michael Brown Grand Jury Misled by St. Louis DA – Daily Kos .

I have nobody but myself for clicking on a Daily Kos link as it is the mental equivalent of shoving pins into your eyes.

Tennessee v. Garner was the SCOTUS decision that ended “Stop or I’ll Shoot.” or basically that police could not stop a fleeing suspect in order to make the arrest (there are very controlled exceptions). But to try to apply it in the context of the Mike Brown incident is so stupid that I cannot begin to digest how the Missouri AG passed the bar (the one with the lawyer stuff, not the one with spirits which might explain everything.)

In order for Tennessee v. Garner to be used in this case and knowing that Mike Brown was never shot in the back, we must make the mental contortion of affirming that Mr. Brown was fleeing while performing the dance step known as Moonwalk.

And with his hands up.


“But he was unarmed!”

A bartender told police that Hillstrom and his friends had been arguing with two men. Shortly after 1 a.m., Gantt approached Hillstrom and said he wanted to fight. Gantt threw a punch, sending Hillstrom “to the ground in a daze,” the complaint read. The second man punched Hillstrom when he tried to stand.

Hillstrom hit his head on the concrete floor and was knocked unconscious. The two men ran from the bar.

via Murder charge: Punches from 2 men in New Hope bar killed Crystal man | Star Tribune.

This one of many cases out there where an “unarmed” individual produced grave bodily harm and eventually death. I can almost bet you that more than one Mike Brown protester out there went home at night, chilled in front of the TV while watching a Mixed Martial Arts fight and his/her brain never made the connection between both.

Then again, they probably have never been righteously punched to the point of stars, little birds circling and blackout.