

Tactical Fan Fighting? Meet my Mom.


This guy can be all the ninja he wants, but he would not last 10 seconds in a fan fight with my 83-year-old mother.

Mom is old school Spaniard and even though she was raised just a poor farm girl, she did learn and carried (and still carries) a fan for those nasty summer days outside the confines of an air-conditioned venue.

The fan also served as behavior modification tool to control her not-so-well-behaved child who may need a quick attitude adjustment in public. For many years she carried one made of “nacarina” which is simply artificial nacre but harder.  And it was hard as heck as my assaulted body parts will testify.

And now that I realize it, she would escalate according to the situation just as any police officer would do with the tools available in his belt. A quick and noisy deployment of the fan would be an attention-getter, sort of discrete warning that I might not be acting properly and she was watching. The next step would be a closing and again a noisy opening this time followed by a fast wave of the fan as she was overheated; that was pretty much the last warning you got.

If I was sitting next to her and not behaving properly, the fan would close and 12 ultra hard spikes would suddenly be jammed on my side. They were not sharp or pointy, but I swear she could penetrate the thoracic cavity if she wanted it. That hurt!

The other punishment option was the fan closed and used as baton. yes, amazingly so and properly applied that thing would bring anybody down. Most of the time she would just tap me on top of the head hard enough to get my attention but not enough to draw blood. She would use the “accordion” side (all blades on top of each other) which would add sound but not extra pain.

Now, if I had managed to royally piss her off, she would use the hard side (all blades next to each other) and go for an ear punch. Forget ASP, forget Monadock batons and truncheons: this puppy properly applied would bring down the most hyperactive 8-year-old anywhere…and is she missed and caught the jaw line under the ear? Lights out for Miguelito.

Her old fan finally gave up the ghost after 40 years of faithful service. She asked me to get her a replacement, but she wanted something light & smaller because she was not young anymore and didn’t want to carry such a big contraption.  Seeing this was my chance for safety, I got her a delicate-looking fan made of sandalwood, almost a veneer that I was afraid to open for I was sure it would break. I gave it to her and she loved the size, lightness and the smell of the wood. With a hint of a smirk, I turned around confident I was finally safe from her attacks.

She poked me hard on the ribs…. for old times’ sake she said.

They are evil Spaniard Ninjas. (Not real Mom, but enough for comparison)


Mobs: You can’t fight physics no matter the caliber.

Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield

The Hillsborough disaster occurred on 15 April 1989 at the Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield, England. During the FA Cup semi-final match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest football clubs, a human crush resulted in the deaths of 96 people and injuries to 766 others. The incident has since been blamed primarily on the police for letting too many people enter the stadium. It remains the worst stadium-related disaster in British history, and one of the world’s worst football disasters, – From Wikipedia.

I hate/ am scared of mobs, but if you have followed my blog you’d know that by now.

This article sheds some strategies you may wanna follow if you have to attend locales with high concentration of other human beings. Remember that fear is contagious, stupidity even more so and when both are combined with crowds, the results are downright deadly.

And there is always on-line shopping with free delivery.

Dumb comment of the day

I was checking my daily intel dump when I came across an article about Moms Demand sub-chapter delivering some signatures to Fred Meyer’s HQ in Portland. nothing new, but one of the comments once again bring about the wisdom of Liberalism mixed with Free Pot and the need for some people to exercise their Miranda Rights even when no criminal action has taken place.

oregon open carry comment


It seems that criminals in Oregon do not hide their weapons before doing their misdeeds. How charming of them!

How do these people manage to breathe without detailed instructions and a coach is just amazing.

Talismans, Curves, Phases and Gates – Misfires And Light Strikes

The fact is, it looks like the Taurus Curve is a great gun for all the phases of a lethal force encounter up to the application of lethal force, and it’s a pretty good gun for that last part as well. It’s not a gun I would carry, but that doesn’t mean it’s a) a bad gun or b) a gun that other people will carry and use to save their lives

via Talismans, Curves, Phases and Gates – Misfires And Light Strikes.

After the initial double reaction of “OMG, JMB would never do something so ugly, heresy!” and “It is a Taurus therefore crap. Gimme a 1911.” it seems that The Curve is starting to make sense to more people.


The Bretherick Case explained by Andrew Branca

If Andrew ever bills me for me abusing his site, I am gonna be in deep you-know-what.
It is gonna be a long post so, make time to read it. Knowing the law is as important as doing an emergency reload.

I should note that although I certainly would agree that this is a legal issue worth of consideration and decision by the Florida Supreme Court, it’s difficult to see how Jared Bretherick will benefit regardless of the outcome on the issue of who bears the burden of proof.  While he may–may–be able to sustain a reasonable doubt as to whether his conduct was lawful self-defense at trial, on the facts before us I simply do not see any reasonable argument to be made that it was more likely than not that his conduct was lawful self-defense.

As always, if you’re going to be prepared to use a firearm in self-defense, know the law.

via Stand Your Ground | Self-defense Immunity | Bretherick.

Fake Gun Control Memes: Seriously people, stop this sh**.

MDA Fake Ad

Is there anybody out there still believing this is an original production coming out of the highly paid Madison Avenue advertisers that work for Bloomberg and Shannon Watson? Does it frigging look like they stuff they put out regularly? Does it match with what they say in their meetings, marches. or other public appearances? No, right? Well Sparky, there is what experts call a fucking clue.

And please, stop making excuses as why you decided to be intellectually lazy and rather than make sure the meme is unadulterated BS, decided it would be more fun just to pass it along. The “it articulates their position accurately” or any half-bit sophomoric/pseudo Jesuitical argument: Lies are lies dear Bubba and using the “Mommy, but Timmy does it too.” is not a proper response for an adult defending an obvious lie.

Moms, Everytown, CSGV, Brady and the lot provide us with a healthy amount of original product ripe for the picking and snarking.  The only thing you need is to do is watch, screen-capture their screw ups and share them happily with the world. Now, if you are too fucking lazy to stop watching The Big Bang Theory reruns to use whatever brain cells you have and maybe look at the fake meme and perhaps think, “This shit is too inflammatory for even these idiots. I better check for provenance.” then please stay put, refill your bowl of cheesy puffs, get confy in the bean bag and do not hit Retweet or Share. Just keep watching the boob tube for boobs.


Thanks, you may now return to your upright position.