

Are Cops killing people all over the place?

In 2011, there were 399 reported justifiable homicides by police.  There are real problems with the justifiable homicide numbers as few police departments report these numbers.  But they can still serve as a proxy for measuring how frequently police resort to deadly force when they are threatened.  In 2011, the FBI has data on the number of police officers who are assaulted (54,774) or assaulted with injuries (14,578).

via John Lott’s Website: How reticent are police in using “justifiable” force to kill criminals?.

But …but…The Narrative says otherwise!

Assorted Tuesday.

Brady Campaign is smarting the NJ Attorney General decision on Smart Guns. Apparently not Judge Dredd Enough.

The Fight against Bloomberg’s Nevada UBC Initiative has begun.  Already finding problems with the signatures collected in one county alone.

Texas bill seek Federal Gun Control Nullification in the State. And apparently they have great support.

Canadian Gun Control Activists recycle the old Bloody Shirt and want more gun control. Not happy about Canadians actually having the tools to defend themselves against people who may kill them.

Stand Your Ground Case reaches Florida Supreme Court. Where the heck is Andrew Branca when we need an explanation? It looks as a good case to win for our side…

And in the meantime in Detroit:

ems homless

Surviving Mob Attacks on your Vehicle (Apparently I am not alone)

2) You can’t just run people over if they are in the road. The safest thing to do in a situation like this is to keep moving, bumping people out of the way with your car. Unfortunately, that isn’t legal. It’s considered vehicular assault. Even if people are illegally blocking the road, you will likely go to jail if you run them down absent a legitimate threat to your life. See why awareness is so important? Getting away from the kill zone both keeps you safe and out of jail.

3) The situation changes, however, once the rioters attack you or your vehicle. With your vehicle surrounded in a manner that you can’t escape and your attackers being trying to burn your car, flip it over, or drag you out, it is reasonable to assume that you will suffer serious injury or death. That’s when you can start striking people with your car. Don’t get out and shoot. You will quickly be overwhelmed and your gun will be taken from you. Instead, accelerate steadily and forcefully, driving away from the surrounding rioters. Steady movement is the key. Hitting folks too hard can disable your vehicle. As John suggests, use your vehicle to push people out of the way rather than striking them.

via Surviving Mob Attacks on your Vehicle | Active Response Training.

Seriously people, enough with the chest bumping.

Do go and read the whole article.

Mexican Self-Defense Groups being targeted.

Approximately 350 members of the self-defense groups are now held prisoners in the state of Michoacan, including Jose Manuel Mireles, who may soon be released under highly restrictive probation conditions, according to his former lawyers

via More Disappearances in Mexico: Dozens Missing in Michoacan | News | teleSUR.

So civilians got ticked off at being collateral damage in the open warfare that Mexico has among Drug Cartels, managed to scramble some weapons and actually made a bit of difference .  The Government came along and said “Hey, you can’t do that but I am here to help you if you register with us and be an “official member” of the Rural Police!”

Apparently the love fest is over. May it be the Government or the Drug Cartels, the members of the Self Defense groups are being targeted.

When somebody makes a list, no matter how good the intention, somebody else will come along and use it for nefarious purposes.


1,576,559 NICS CHECKS

That is the number of firearms that needed to be sold November 2014 to reach the magical 200,000,000 firearms sold since the Brady Checks were instituted.

NICS till Oct 2014

I know purists are gonna say that the number only reflect the calls and not the actual number since you can have one check while buying several firearms, but we will use it anyway since it is a goalpost and a slap in the face of every Gun Control fanatic out there: Using the tool they expected to bring gun ownership down and keep us controlled as a meter to show the them how wrong they were and how we have come along is just too frigging sweet.

I’ll be expecting the updated NICS later on today. Maybe?