

Why Most Gun People cannot write Horror Movies.

“Mommy! Cujo looks weird. He is foaming at the mouth and growling!”


“OK, he is dead now.”

The End.


“We are gonna need a bigger boat.”

“Holy crap that thing is huge! Barret .50 Cal or C-4?”

“Why not both?”


The End.


“Heeeere’s Johnny!”

“Here is Pietro Beretta Motherf*****!”


The End.


Norman Bates on the floor of the bathroom, bleeding out of three bullet holes in his chest:

“Who takes shower with a gun? <cough>”

“I do. It comes in handy, doesn’t it?”



Add your own 😀

The Truth About Mass Public Shootings – Reason.com

But a recent article in Mother Jones asserted that we have “entered a new period in which mass shootings are occurring more frequently.” This report relied on the well-known list compiled by Mother Jones, which has been one of the key sources used to support the claim made in the last few years that the incidences of mass shootings have accelerated.

There are some problems with the Mother Jones list, however, when comparing it with data I’ve collected on mass killings. In my research on mass murder, which has resulted in four peer-reviewed academic publications and a book, I’ve identified more than 1,200 mass killings that have occurred in the U.S. since 1900. Of these cases, 161 were mass public shootings, which I’ve defined as incidents that occur in the absence of other criminal activity (e.g., robberies, drug deals, gang “turf wars,” et cetera) in which a gun was used to kill four or more victims at a public location within a 24-hour period. Aside from a few minor differences, this definition is largely similar to the one ostensibly used by Mother Jones.

via The Truth About Mass Public Shootings – Reason.com.

You may want to bookmark this one for future reference.

Dear Dudley Brown…

Unsubscribe means stop sending me frigging emails that I never requested in the first place.

That’s why in order to fight back I’m issuing a SECOND AMENDMENT EMERGENCY CALL TO ARMS.

If we can hit our goal of raising $72,000 in the next 72 hours, my staff will blanket targeted states with a hard-hitting digital ad campaign EXPOSING the records of anti-gun politicians.

Hard hitting digital campaign? You mean Spam? You need $72 K to send Spam?

We ain’t sending you money, OK?

Now fuck off.


Going back to the Basics: This is what real life looks like (Graphic video)

Via Active Self Protection:

I cannot get the original video posted in Facebook embedded but the link should take you there if you wanna hear the very well thought out comments which I will basically repeat in written form and add my own 2 cents.

This is a stabbing out of Rotterdam where the ex-boyfriend stitched the woman seventy times. She survived. From the moment the video was started to the moment the witness finally geared enough testosterone to pull the attacker off the woman, a full minute and ten seconds passed. And I am not saying “get the rope and a good branch and let’s hang this bastard”, but you reckon several “somebodies” could go ahead and stand on top of this animal so he does not move or flee? I am sure some of them have seen a cop movie or something.

This was IMHO a clear case for third-party intervention. hell even them dutch figured that out. But if you are going to intervene, do so with decisiveness, aggressiveness and ruthlessness , and yes, I am quoting Col. Cooper’s Principles of Personal Defense again.  With the long soccer tradition that Holland has, there is no excuse that nobody placed a well-aimed kick to the head of this bastard with several kicks for good measure to follow.  Maybe is something in their laws that forbids them or punish them for getting involved, I really have no idea.

One of the comments from Active Self Protection mention that nobody was rendering aid to the attacked woman and that at least you should train for some basic First Aid. Even if you do not have your kit with you, some assistance in the form of what to do can make the difference (Lay down, bend your knees up) not only for the victim but also in case you end up injured and must take remedy.


Just another bit of reality to help us understand what might be out there and how to prepare for it.

Virginia Open Carrier Is SWATted By Known Gun Control Loon – Bearing Arms

On October 15, in Fairfax, Virginia, Robert Dickens became the victim of a SWATting call. The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) was able to obtain the details of the incident as provided by Robert Dickens, and provided the story to Bearing Arms via email.

via Virginia Open Carrier Is SWATted By Known Gun Control Loon – Bearing Arms.

Not cool… Retribution might be a bitch on this one. I am thinking the Klan in the 80s. And Bloomberg could be called a rich target.

I much rather Moms, CSGV and company to stop playing stupid games though.

Moms Demand: There goes the narrative.

Moms Demand Jaylen Ray Fryberg

Not taking anything from the effort by Megan Silberberger since it requires stones to go after a shooter with just good intentions, but new information happened to come out about the shooter and his nasty deed: Jayleen Fryberg had texted the victims and invited them to have lunch with him.  He basically baited them into a common kill zone.

This was no “I am pissed at the world and I am gonna shoot anybody at school just because” but a cold-blooded execution with more in common with a Mafia hit than your standard mass killing by teenage angst.

The investigation is still ongoing but it will be interesting to find out what kind of material was Fryberg reading or accessing in the Net.

And again congrats to Ms. Silberberger who demonstrated a bigger testosterone load than all the MAIG members together.