

The horror: they like to make money legally and contribute to what they want.

CSGV Cerberus execs

But two years later, federal gun safety laws remain unchanged, and Freedom Group remains profitable and unsold. Now its executives—appointed by Cerberus—are helping to finance anti-gun-control ads against Connecticut’s Democratic governor, Dannel Malloy.

via Cerberus said it would stay out of the gun debate. Why are executives it appointed fighting gun safety laws? – Quartz.

Actually they never said they were going to stop selling guns, not that they could anyway. They stated that they were going to get rid of Freedom Group which is the umbrella where they keep the gun manufacturing companies and allegedly they didn’t according to some reports because they could not find anybody wanting to pay what they were asking. Then again they might be reluctant to sell because ” The company generated $887.7 million in sales and $143.4 million of earnings” in 2012.  And the report for 2013 was even bigger:

According to the “Full Year Financial Guidance Report” for 2013, issued by Remington’s parent company, Freedom Group, on December 9, the arms manufacturer is predicting the following results for the year:

Net sales for the year ending December 31, 2013 to be in the range of $1,250.0 million to $1,275.0 million as compared to Net sales of $931.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2012.
Adjusted EBITDA for the year ending December 31, 2013 to be in the range of $235.0 million to $240.0 million as compared to $156.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2012.

via Addicting Info – Gun Makers Report Big Earnings Gains In Year Since Sandy Hook, As States Relax Gun Laws Even Further.

Besides being idiotic to sell a profitable section of your investments, I would think that investors would scream bloody murder if the company would cave to political BS, reduce the amount of money going into their pockets and opening themselves for potential lawsuits for mismanagement of the investments.

As for the “buying of political ads,” you need to get to the bottom of the article to find out how much money was given by two executives: $15,000 to the NSSF. They are actually moaning about $15K for Gun Rights in an election year where Billionaires have given close to 10 million dollars to the I 594 in Washington State alone.  But that is different….

It must be close to election time to be seeing such pabulum being published.

On the Tactical Sabrina Index.

The new weapon indexing rage: Temple.

Temple Index
Stolen from ENDO

I am trying to find the words to sound professional and courteous, but they are not forthcoming. So let’s go straight to it: It is stupid.  It will take one Negligent Discharge in real life to make people go “Well shit Batman, we could have researched this one a bit more, couldn’t we?”

Now, under fully controlled choreography in the range, we will see “proof” that indeed this indexing may have a proper and limited application, heck even in real life for some operators that are expecting contact any second from inside a vehicle, there might be an application for Temple Index. Then again Real Life is a chaos event, shit will go south and the idea of having a gun touching your head is not appealing to me one bit. For once, I doubt regular Joe and Jane will be wearing eye and ear protection and even a cap. Second: What comes out of a muzzle besides the bullet is a thing to consider. And there is the probability that the shooter will not keep muzzle as high as in the picture under stress or even 90 degrees in the vertical.

A couple of pics:

temple index
I think this is from the Crimson Trace invitational.

Temple Index 3

I reckon no explanations are needed on the by-products coming out of a muzzle.

If your commit a Negligent Discharge while keeping your gun close to your head, you are bound to get a nice dose of heated gases and propellant particles. And you will also get a dose of high decibels in the form of a big boom which will not help you keep a clear head or improve your hearing. Why do I know this? Experience.  Years ago when i was not even remotely close to know about guns, a friend and myself were screwing around and decided to have a picture taken with a gun pointed up in between our faces. As idiots, we never checked the gun, we never made sure it was unloaded and we were just plain unsafe. I was holding the gun so it is me who was responsible for going off (and still swear I don’t remember pulling the trigger) and we ended up getting a face full of the blast with accompanying “tan”, temporary hearing loss and unable to process what happened for about two-three minutes. The only saving grace was that in order to look cool for the pic, we had decided to wear gold-rimmed aviator Ray Bans so our eyes were spared of damage.

And I really don’t care how operator are you or what kind of celebratory name you have in the gun circles, gun safety is basic and must be enacted all the damned time. We keep telling each other that we always revert to the Basics, that they are fundamental and everything grows and develops out of the Basics. Well, it does not get any more basic than the safe manipulation of a firearm and purposefully placing the gun where it can hurt you if a Negligent Discharge happens might be considered a contradiction.

And I almost forgot: You know that somebody is gonna have the ND with a revolver.

Temple Index 4

Halloween is almost here…

…because the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence dug up an old zombie:

CSGV Rosie odonell

Rosie was defending another brain-dead entertainer:

She went on to express support for a contentious tweet issued Wednesday by model Chrissy Teigen, who used the Ottawa tragedy to make her own point regarding gun control in the United States.

Teigen’s contentious tweet: “active shooting in Canada, or as we call it in america, Wednesday.”

via Now Trending: Rosie O’Donnell criticized for remarks on Ottawa shooting – The Globe and Mail.

The thing is that they still do not get it, they haven’t figured out that there is a time and place to say things and even when you have your God Given Right to express yourself, you do not have the right of not being criticized for what you said. People are simply tired of the Dancing Monkey Troupe coming to ply their pseudo-political trade instead of showing a modicum of respect while events are still fresh.

Or as the Classic Philosophers used to say: Don’t be a dick.

Special Operator Breaks Silence On Shark Index.

Once upon a time when we were all still in diapers <laugh>, people used something called the “low ready” index. Yeah, we found out real quick that it didn’t work. Gradually the index position moved up to a high ready, then the temple index position. This is just taking it one further. The Shark Index puts the rear slide of the gun on the top of the head with the barrel pointing at the sky. The Shark Index position is just a natural evolution of all previous index positions.

via Breaking News: Special Operator Breaks Silence On Shark Index « No Soft Targets.

I’ll eventually address temple index….but it is Monday morning & I haven’t had my coffee yet. Enjoy the post from NoSoftTargets.com