

Because you can buy a machine gun at your local 7-11 for pennies.

First, some nice Gun Porn:

BAR Ordnance Works

Not much info other than it is a BAR replica (assuming a semi) built by Ohio Ordnance Works under Colt’s license. IMHO it is not quite a BAR but the civilian version: Colt Monitor.

I checked Ohio Ordnance Works‘ website…oh dear Lord in Heaven! Some rally interesting and classic full autos for sale if you can afford them.

Original MAC-10 in 9mm?  $5,500.  Original BAR in great condition? How about shelling $11,000? An M3A1 Grease Gun from the GM’s Guide Lamp Division will set you back $25,000. They have other rare sub machine and full machine guns available.

Wear a bib.

Moms Demand: Making it up is what we do right.


Moms Demand Anita Sarkeesian

This is one of those stories you get to know if you are deep into a specific culture and I found out through some Facebook friends that are very into gaming. Apparently Anita Sarkeesian has been a visceral critic of the Video game culture and how they portray females in it. I did not delve into what makes her mad, but I would be very much surprised if she is not bitching about making the characters look sexy and assorted blah-blahs.

Ms. Sarkeesian was scheduled to speak at Utah State University when she got a threatening email (how coincidental) promising death destruction and free puppies or some crap like that. Here is a copy made available:

Anita Sarkeesian threat email

The writer makes reference to Marc Lépine and I admit I had to look him up. in Wikipedia.  He turns out to be a Canadian Mass Shooter who killed 14 women in 1989 who complained women were taking over non-traditional roles in society and what-not .  This is a very dark reference to make in the US; first Mass shooters rarely if ever give specific warnings as they know there are no points to be gained that way and secondly, if you are gonna use a reference for a college/school shooting, you go to the classics: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold or Seung-Hui Cho which are embedded in the American mind. After reading that email, I figured that it was written by a Canadian troll to screw with Sarkeesian or maybe somebody with a flair for the dramatic in need to boost Sarkeesian’s relevance outside the gaming community.

But erring on the side of caution, USU authorities decided to do a threat assessment:

USU police were contacted immediately, as were state and federal agencies, including the Utah Statewide Information and Analysis Center, the FBI Cyber Terrorism Task Force, and the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit.

Prior to the threat, USU police were already making preparations for security as Ms. Sarkeesian had received threats in the past. After receiving the email, USU police added heightened security measures, including securing the Taggart Student Center auditorium far in advance, ensuring her safety to and from the event, and bringing in additional uniformed and plain-clothed police officers.

Throughout the day, Tuesday, Oct. 14, USU police and administrators worked with state and federal law enforcement agencies to assess the threat to our USU community and Ms. Sarkeesian. Together, we determined that there was no credible threat to students, staff or the speaker, and that this letter was intended to frighten the university into cancelling the event.

And here is where Anita Sarkeesian needed to step up. She just couldn’t play the victim when even the FBI told her the email was a load of BS. So what is a Social Justice Worker to do? Blame the usual suspects: Gun Owners.  Utah allows for Campus Carry and as far as I know, no blood has flown in the student centers nor massacres have occurred in class.  But it was the perfect excuse for Anita Sarkeesian to save face so she demanded that concealed carry be forbidden at her event. The school told her they could not do that as they would be breaking the law and Anita Sarkeesian finally had the excuse to call more attention on herself by loudly cancelling the event.

Now how the heck does Mom jump from a probably fake email and the law of the State of Utah to Gun People bullying Anita Sarkeesian is one those mental acrobatics I cannot fathom. Then again it is a Pavlovian response in their part since they saw the word “guns” and had to attack.  Pity the guns only exist in some video game console and are hard to make work in real life.

One of those Reality-Trumps-Zen Questions.

If you were under attack by a pregnant woman and had to choose between dying or using deadly force in self-defense, which would you choose? If you would choose self-defense, how do you reconcile harming the fetus to save your life with putting the fetus first when the life of the mother is on the line for medical or other reasons?

via A hypothetical situation for pro-life people | VolkStudio Blog.

Although Oleg circumscribes the question among the Pro-Life, I don’t think even the most staunchest Pro-Abortion defender would  favor an unwanted termination of a pregnancy, specially if it is an obviously advanced case.

In the calm rational moment of now, the answer would be a yes-I-will-shoot knowing that I would probably be needing a visit from JD and some counseling afterward.

I hope I never face the situation because I just don’t know how I will react. Harming an innocent child is top in my taboo list.

Your thoughts?