

Somewhere in an NYC advertising agency, a secret meeting is happening.

“OK people. our first try in associating the NRA with Ebola has crashed. What can we come up with?”

“How about Ebola is transmitted via High Capacity Assault Clips? No cases of Ebola have been reported in countries with 10 round clips.”

“Or that Patient Zero was allowed to travel because we did not have  Universal background Check in place that could have stopped him?”

“And ban hollow point bullets. Criminals are putting Ebola in the cavities and then doing drive-bys spraying the doubly-deadly death at nunneries and elementary schools.”

“Let’s make a grassroot group called Aunts Demand Action for Ebola Sense.”

“Yes! And a Twitter campaign. #LysolnotGuns or #PurellnotGuns.”

“And demand that the Republican Congress allow the CDC to study the relation of Guns with the spread of Ebola.”

“Do we have any children infected with Ebola yet? We could use some photos of a girl quarantined.”

“None in the US, but we can always photoshop something.”

“OK people, let’s get this rolling. And somebody bill Michael Bloomberg another 10 million dollars.”





The Graphics of Linoge return.

Since the immediate, knee-jerk response from anti-rights cultists being pointed to this site is “ZOMG, that’s a RWNJ site!  Everything on it is WRONG!” (otherwise known as a genetic fallacy, for those curious) I am going to go ahead and link to my references right here, at the top of the post.

– The starting point for the number of firearms in America is the lower bound of the Small Arms Survey of 2003.

– All further numbers are derived from adding or subtracting the appropriate numbers from the Firearms Commerce in the United States Annual Statistical Update published by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, back to 1986.  For the 1981-1985 numbers, I used Shooting Industry News’ records.

– The deaths data, as well as population data, came from the Centers for Disease Control’s WISQARS Fatal Injury Reports.

– “Shall issue” states are tracked by Radical Gun Nuttery.

via graphics matter, year the fifth | walls of the city.

But it does not matter because for the children! ZOMG guns! guns bad, M’Kay?!

South Carolina Prosecutors Say Stand Your Ground Doesn’t Apply To Victims Of Domestic Violence | ThinkProgress

SYG not at home

“(The Legislature’s) intent … was to provide law-abiding citizens greater protections from external threats in the form of intruders and attackers,” prosecutor Culver Kidd told the Post and Courier. “We believe that applying the statute so that its reach into our homes and personal relationships is inconsistent with (its) wording and intent.”

via South Carolina Prosecutors Say Stand Your Ground Doesn’t Apply To Victims Of Domestic Violence | ThinkProgress.

Some have accused me of being too negative against Prosecutors regarding Stand Your Ground and Immunity from Prosecution.  If there is not a clearer example as to why they need to be reigned in, here is one.

In their hatred for SYG, South Carolina Prosecutors have no qualms in sending Women’s Rights 40 years in the past. To demand that a woman should sustain injury or death trying to retreat from an abusive partner because your butt is full of legal boils against a law that protects the innocent and tie your hands when you are trying to be an idiot is beyond contempt.

“But in the town, it was well known
When they got home at night, their fat and
Psychopathic wives would thrash them
Within inches of their lives.”
Pink Floyd. The Happiest days of Our Lives.


Not One More Gun Law: Thoughts on Ebola – And Civilization

The CDC is a 16 Billion dollar a year clown show. And we’re not laughing.

God keep me from commercial aircraft, cruise ships, malls, movie theaters, basketball games, DMV lines…  See, there’s an upside to Ebola.

Ye gods, what happens when we get a truly nasty virus.

Reality has a rude habit of destroying carefully constructed fantasies.

via Not One More Gun Law: Thoughts on Ebola – And Civilization.

’nuff said