

How to Safely Get Rid of Bad Ammo – Lucky Gunner.

But what if you don’t have a handy reject ammo disposal receptacle where you shoot? This question seems to come up occasionally among shooters, and there doesn’t appear to be any real consensus for the answer

via How to Safely Get Rid of Bad Ammo.

Personally, I don’t see the big issue here for most of us. Short of having a huge batch of mil-surp ammo rescued from the bottom of a basement that has been flooded for a long period of time, we will be facing either damaged cartridges or misfires. And even then the count will be miserably load if you buy commercial. Reloaders may find themselves with a batch of ammo that the realized (hopefully before shooting it) it is unsafe and needs to be disposed of.

What I have done with bad reloads is to use the kinetic puller, remove the bullet, dump the powder (personal paranoia) and separate the brass to be reused. Yes, you heard right, I re-use  the brass.

Legal warning: I do not recommend to do what I am about to explain. If you do so is at your own risk. You are responsible for any damages to yourself, third parties or property. Got it?

The issue with the recovered brass is the primer that is still alive or might be. What I have done is to collect the primed brass in a plastic container and leave it out in my covered back porch for a couple of months. Heat and humidity seems to affect the primer to the point of not reacting when I de-prime the case and so far I had no issues with it. I do wear safety glasses just in case.  If you are not comfortable doing this, do not attempt.

As for mangled, un-recyclable ammo, I have a tin cigar box from the 1940s and whatever ammo is bad, mangled or suspect and cannot be recovered, it goes in there. After 15 years I don’t have it 1/4 full. On a side note, I bought a bunch of .38 Special cases from that era and the seller sent in 4 tin boxes. The ammo I reloaded with those cases kept making my revolver malfunction. I finally got around with my calipers to measure the cases and about 90% of the samples I measured were off specs. I ended up getting rid of the cases and kept the boxes.

In all reality, bad ammo is only dangerous when is chambered in a gun, other than that just have a container for them, label it and set it aside where nobody will mess with it.

The Gray Man – Payback. (Book Review)

Mr. Curtis is a cheatin’-no good son of a biscuit eater. Here I am expecting another sit-and-relax book to be enjoyed, a continuation of his first book and he turns out a fast-paced, nitro-charged manuscript.

We are back with the Cronins and the Mexican Drug Cartels. There is shooting, there is killing of both good and bad folks, traditions to be kept and honor to be respected. I started the book and could not put it down till I ran out of pages. In fact, I was grateful it stopped since I sorely needed a break from the ups and downs…’cause you don’t know who is gonna get killed and Mr. Curtis is not shy about playing with your favorites.

The book is available in Dead Tree and Kindle versions.  Go get your copy.

Dear Shannon, check the law.

Fresh from the Moms Demand brier patch:

dmitry smirnovdmitry smirnov 2Actually you can buy a gun in the US not being a citizen. Legal Alien Residents can buy guns, I know I did. Even ATF knows it.

Q: Are there certain persons who cannot legally receive or possess firearms and/or ammunition?
Yes, a person who —
5. Is an alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States or an alien admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa;

Even your bosses, the Illegal Majors against guns know it!

dmitry smirnov 3

The above screen cap is from the Majors Against Illegal Guns document “Felon Seeks Firearm, No Strings Attached” incidentally located in the taxpayer-funded website of the New York City website.

Kentucky appears to be stuck with dumb and dumber This November.

Our less-than-official correspondent up North in the South, Bluegrass Bruce ain’t happy.

It looks like Kentucky gun owners are left without a good option this November

Although we are balanced down here, I wouldn’t mind Senator Nelson to finally call it quits. Problem is GOP is being a weakling douche and the Libertarian Party is as exotic as a Ninja albino Lobster that speaks creole.

“But it’s unloaded…” | Cornered Cat

The picture was posted on the Facebook page of a training company I’m not otherwise familiar with (although I do like their reaction to this nonsense, and would like to know more about them). In case you can’t read the writing in the screenshot, here’s what their post said:

“One of our instructors attended a course last weekend in Oklahoma. One of the drills entailed unloading your gun then pointing it at one of the class instructors and dry firing. This was to get you used to pointing your gun at a real person. Please notice the loaded mags still on the belt. I’m pretty sure this violates one or more of the four Golden Rules of gun safety. Our guy DID NOT participate in this portion of the class. What do you guys think?”

Smart firearms instructors do not break the Four Rules when they handle firearms, and they don’t make excuses that let students break even one of those rules during class. Smart gun owners don’t throw out the Other Three Rules every time they think they’ve unloaded the gun. They don’t break the rules just because they think they have something more important to do with the gun than not shooting innocent people. There’s always a plausible-sounding excuse to break the rules, especially those other three rules. But too often those excuses lead to tragedy.

via “But it’s unloaded…” | Cornered Cat.

As usual, read and come back.

Basics, Basics, Basics. When in doubt, default to the basics.






We have common sense. If something looks funky, just avoid it or quit. As much as possible, before taking any class, do your due diligence and investigate the instructor. If they have videos online, check them out and see if they fit what you are trying to achieve. And even if you are already taking the class and their adherence to the Four Rules leave a lot to be desired, walk away. You won’t get a refund but you won’t get shot or learn drills that may hurt somebody.

I know it is tempting to go to a school that does High Speed-Low Drag tactical stuff, but you ain’t gonna be kicking doors in Afghanistan or a Meth Lab in Oakland: You are a frigging civilian.  Good and very good shooters take basic classes over and over again because the basics never die. Invest your money on instructors and schools that are recognized and have been doing this for a long time. Gunsite or Thunder ranch graduates that become instructors tend to concentrate a lot on the basics of shooting and to ingrain safety on the shooters. I know there is now a fashion where a new generation of “instructors” dismiss the teachings of Col. Jeff Cooper because it is “old” and out of touch. That would be like dismissing the alphabet for the same reason.