

Making decisions on defending a third party

…we see what appears to be the black male instigating a fight with the white male. It’s hard to see who initiates actual physical conflict, but the body language of the black male is clearly aggressive. For purposes of our discussion, we’ll assume the black male was the initial physical aggressor in the fight, and the white male responded with defensive force in response.

For the first 30 seconds the fight appears largely balanced between the two, ending on the ground with the black male on his back and the white male astride him. This clearly puts the black male at a considerable tactical disadvantage, and is essentially the reverse of the Zimmerman case in which Trayvon Martin attacked and “mounted” Zimmerman “ground-and-pound MMA style,” as testified to by an eye witness.

via Law of Self Defense – GRAPHIC VIDEO: A Two-fer: Unarmed Deadly AND Excessive Force.

Please go check Andrew’s post and the videos.

Now, the question I want to approach is: You are a passerby and see this action happening. You see that it went from the tussle to the head-kicking, What do you do? My heart goes out to the guy but should we intervene? Andrew also provided an answer via Facebook:

Law of Self Defense Hey Fred: If I see a some geniuses giving each other a beat down on a public street I vacate the area as quickly as safety allows. If I happen to have my cell phone on me I might call 911, depending on the severity of what I saw and what the schedule for the rest of my day looks like. I’m not a super hero, and I’ve not been selected by the state, nor taken the oath, to be a law enforcement officer. My first priority is to my three children and my life, and nothing about getting involved in a street fight advances that imperative. But that’s just me–other folks prioritize other choices. In terms of strictly legal issues, in coming to the defense of another, I would urge you to determine whether you live in a “reasonable perception” state or an “alter ego” state–the difference may well determine whether you come out a hero or spend the rest of your life in jail. No joke. –Andrew

There you have it. Comments?



The Race Card: Libs don’t like it when I play it.

So my news feed takes me to a website called Liberaland bashing gun owners and the NRA about people Open Carrying in Krogers. As we all know, the comment section is always a veritable basket full of basket cases ready for the pick and as I go down, I see the standard gun = penis size retort and a little extra that forced me to ask a question:


I noticed the exaggerated use of the word macho with my name and I went “Oh yes! Where is my deck of race cards?” and I promptly laid the joker on top of the pile.

Unfortunately, I cannot offer you the original screen-cap because it got deleted by the moderator. But the Disqus comment system does send you a copy of the comment if somebody replies to it…and the moderator did:



Next thing I  now, I am blocked from the comments and my writings disappear:



You get your fun where you can.


Bloomberg group: Another $1 million for gun safety initiative – Strange Bedfellows — Politics News

The campaign for Initiative 594, the measure to close the “gun show loophole,” is getting a second $1 million infusion of cash from Everytown for Gun Safety, a group financed earlier this year by ex-New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

I-594 is rapidly becoming the billionaires’ campaign of 2014.  It has received $1 million from Bill and Melinda Gates.  A $250,000 contribution this week from LA Clippers owner Steve Ballmer and wife Connie brought their stake to $1 million. Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has given $500,000.

Before the latest donation from Everytown, the I-594 campaign had reported $7.935 million in contributions with expenditures of $2.798 million — leaving the campaign with a massive war chest for TV commercials during the closing month of the election

via Bloomberg group: Another $1 million for gun safety initiative – Strange Bedfellows — Politics News.

So they are pumping at least $10 million dollars to the UBC in Washington State. I tried to get poll numbers, but the only ones I could get were from April when they were ahead 2 to 1. Are they losing ground so bad that the campaign needs this much monetary blood?

So there are Gangs in Miami after all.

On Wednesday, a federal indictment charged 17 “BMT” gang members who U.S. Attorney Wifredo Ferrer said “were terrorizing” Little Havana and Allapattah with armed robberies, assaults and car jackings. They also threatened people who might talk to law enforcement, he said. Four other BMT gang members were charged in previous indictments.

“They were terrorizing these two neighborhoods and claiming them as their own,” Ferrer told the Miami Herald. “They were bragging about this on social media and offering drugs for sale on text messages.”

via Feds hit Miami gang with rackeetering, gun and drug charges | The Miami Herald.

I’m shocked, shocked to find that gang activity is going on in here!

Because, you know we have been told that all this violent crime stuff is the fault of the NRA because they wouldn’t let President Obama have his choice for head of the National Council or Parks and Surfing.

And yes, Ebola too…and Hair Loss.

Generation iDiot. Rape? There is an App for that.

There are always people who are convinced there is a rational, polite, gentle and civilized way to stop a violent sociopath from raping their eyesockets.

We call these sensitive souls “Morons.”

They are the perfect demographic for this idiocy (a top pick among Kickstarter staff!  I always ask the staff of what’s basically an auction site for advice on combat):


via The Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse » Wishful Thinking Knows No Bounds.

Read the article. The device is designed by people who have no idea what happens to the body when a dose of adrenalin is suddenly shot into the bloodstream and fine motor skills go out the window.

It appears to be sold as a stand-alone-solve-everything item which in reality means you friends and cops will know where to find your phone once they track it via GPS and with luck your body will be near-by.

Now, if flash-bang grenades were easily available to the public…. that is an app that would slow down an attacker.