

Not a Pajama Boy: Blue Water version

Unknown location, date and unknown person...  Sykes Reef (Australia) , 1963ish, Wally Gibbins. 11 foot tiger shark taken with a 10 gauge powered spear. By the wound on the shark, the gentleman was underwater and facing the critter before he took it with a (possible 12 gauge) bang-stick.

badass shark bang stick


And not a small shark either!

Thanks to Bill Baldwin for filling the blanks.

It is a Cop & Donut Day

This happened in NJ yesterday.
POLICE SUV Dunkin Donuts


And then I was wondering how silly yet fitting would be cops chasing a Dunkin Donut truck so I searched and the Internet delivered! Alas, not Dunking Donut but Krispy Kream!

But man does not live on donuts alone so…. bacon!

cop bacon

Done with the cop “bashing” for the year….specially whe they are fellow shooters know where I live or can be found 😀

Grammar Libertarians Unite! | Monster Hunter Nation

I was arguing with a moron on Twitter earlier. He kept using There/Their/They’re and Too/To wrong, couldn’t spell, and didn’t know how commas worked (including at one point when he ended up accidentally calling himself a gay moron) so I started correcting him so he’d get all rage-sputtery. He called me a grammar nazi. My response was “I’m more of a grammar libertarian. You’re a grammar rapist.”
Because I freely admit to violating the rules all the time, I’m hereby proclaiming the existence of Grammar Libertarians. So I believe in freedom of grammar, but I also believe in the Non-Aggression Principle of Grammar, which requires you not to be a complete friggin’ idiot with your spelling and punctuation.
So now we have a middle ground between the hated Grammar Nazis and the incoherent Grammar Rapists.You are welcome, internet.

via Grammar Libertarians Unite! | Monster Hunter Nation.

This needs to happen now!


Only from the mind of Correia 😀