

The woke death of space science

Now SPACE is racist! Woke Colorado astrophysics professor moans her field is riddled with ‘white supremacy’ and sexism – with colleagues using ‘hypermasculine’ and ‘violent’ language to describe the cosmos

A Colorado astrophysicist has claimed her field is steeped in white supremacy and sexism because ‘hypermasculine’ and ‘violent’ language is used to describe stars.

Natalie Gosnell, an assistant professor at Colorado College, takes an unconventional approach to physics by comparing stars with humans to turn science into an art.

In an interview with the college newspaper she claimed she has struggled to overcome a division between art and science that is rooted in ‘systemic racism.’

Her work aims ‘to cross typical disciplinary boundaries to create art-science pieces that re-inscribe outer space as feminist space,’ she said on her website.

‘Both artists and scientists are just observing things about the world, interpreting those observations, and then sharing their interpretation,’ Gosnell told Colorado College News.

‘As an astrophysicist, I am a product of institutions steeped in systemic racism and white supremacy,’ she said.

Suggestions that academic fields like science and engineering are male-dominated are common and generally accepted but Gosnell goes further by arguing that the language used to describe scientific phenomena is sexist and racist.

The way in which stars burn through their fuel and die is viewed through a ‘hypermasculine’ lens and the metaphors used are often ‘very violent,’ she claimed.

Gosnell, who studies binary star systems using telescopes and imaging, has said she tries to combine art and science because the two fields are more similar than people think.

More recently she was involved in a creative project, The Gift, which was an experimental piece of theater that anthropomorphized blue stragglers and made comparisons between the life spans and interactions of stars and humans.

I have always been a space junkie.

I’ve written before about how I decided to become an engineer because my dad took me to see Apollo 13 in theaters as a kid.

I admired men like Kelly Johnson and Gene Kranz.

Mem who wore skinny ties, smoked Luky Strikes, and broke the sound barrier and put men on the moon with slide rules.

This is space today.

A feminist astrophysics who complains about the sexist language of stars and creates performance art pieces about her research.

I can imagine this in Houston in April of 1970.

“Houston, we have a problem.”

“That’s negative, masculine language. We don’t have a problem. We have an opportunity to do some constructive brainstorming in a safe place.”

“The CO2 scrubbers from the orbiter won’t fit in the lander, we’re running out of air.”

“Excess CO2 is a problem here on earth too.”

“We need to make this (orbiter scrubber) fit in the hole for this (lander scrubber) using nothing but that.”

“That is the sexist language of toxic masculinity.  You men see everything as holes to put your things in.  That’s dehumanizing and oppressive.  Report to HR now.”

[Astronauts die.]

Everything woke turns to shit and the woke are going to kill space science.

The safest part is that the death of space science won’t inspire the next generation of Johnsons or Kranzs, but will inspire the next generation of mediocre scientists to use woke language to get victim status.

Five pitbulls got shot (but not soon enough)

Miss. lineman airlifted after being mauled by pack of pit bulls

A lineman was attacked by a pack of pit bull dogs Tuesday afternoon in Carroll County.

According to the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, police received a call about a pit bull attack off of Highway 35 North near Holcomb around 2:41 p.m.

Ivan Bubba Rawles III, a lineman for Delta Electric, was attacked by five “full-blooded” pit bulls after he finished a service call. His vehicle became stuck after he was reversing down a long driveaway of the house.

Rawles was then approached by the pack of pit bulls after he left his vehicle and began walking back towards the home of the Mabry family.

Police say that Mr. Mabry shot a weapon into the air to attempt to scare the dogs off of Rawles, killing one dog in the process. The Mabry family, along with a neighbor, Mrs. Gillon, who is a nurse, began to aid Rawles until deputies and Medstat personnel arrived at the scene.

He most certainly did not shoot into the air to scare off the dogs and accidentally hit one.  He shot the dog with intent and either lied to the media or lied to the police thinking admitting shooting a dog would get him into trouble.

The sheriff’s office says the victim reportedly suffered deep lacerations and lost a large amount of blood.

The owner of the dogs, David Nicholas Smith, put the four remaining dogs down himself. According to police, Smith was not in compliance with Carroll County’s Pit Bull Ordinance and will face charges upon the completion of the investigation.

That was the only decent thing Smith did with his pitbulls.  He deserves to be charged for having five of them and letting them roam free.

Despite the blood loss, it seems like Rawles will make a recovery and not lose and body parts.

H/T: Miguel

Tuesday Tunes

I asked my wife for a recommendation for today. She mentioned “Grand Old Flag” and I really wanted to put it here. Unfortunately all of the YouTube videos (and videos searches in general) kept popping up kids versions. Not what I wanted.

But in the midst of all that chaff there was a kernel.

My flag means so much to me.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
And to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

I’ve said these words all my life. I stand up when the flag goes past. I take my hat off and put my hand over my heart.

It isn’t the colorful fabric moving slowly up the street, carried by veterans or Boy Scouts, or the High School Marching Band, that pull on my emotions.

It is what that flag represents to me. It is a nation founded on natural rights. A nation with equality for all. A nation where there is justice for all, equally.

It is a country where the rule of law is always the goal.

There are times when I hate the people in power for the disrespect they show my country and myself.

There are times when I see somebody being disrespectful of the flag, because they know it shows disrespect for my country.

“My country, right or wrong.” and “I disagree with you but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” are phrases I grew up with.

I cried when I saw people burning the flag of my country. Of hating it so much. Of hating everything that I love about my country.

And this expresses it:

As expected, Gun Controllers never quit.

One of the things our side of the Gun Rights issue suffers is the silly idea that the other side will give up every time we get a big win like Bruen. Gun Control  activism is based in Socialis and Communism and you don’t see that “fad” slowing down anytime soon, do you?

This popped last night:

So I went and checked the Firearms policy – YouTube Help (google.com)

Pretty much any video presenting how to build anything gun related will be removed and the account earns a strike or gets killed outright. I can imagine that all Brownell and MidwayUSA videos will eventually disappear from the platform once they are snitched on by the butthurts and weaklings.

Again, the message is simple.


A banner weekend for antisemitism

It started with this Tweet going viral:


Let’s not bullshit ourselves.

When someone uses the word “solution” in relation to Jews, we know exactly what you are referencing.  The term “final solution” is too well known and understood.  Dropping the “final” to play coy or give yourself plausible deniability is disingenuous.

We also know what Intifada means.  There have been three concentrated waves of terrorism carried out by Hamas, the PLO, and the PFLP.

The First Intifada was from 1987 to 1993.

The Second Intifada or Al-Aqsa Intifada was from 2000 to 2005 and was noted for bombings of busses, restaurants, and other public venues where Jews congregated.  The Second Intifada also saw wide spread homemade rocket attacks.

The third Intifada or Knife Intifada was from 2015 to 2016.  Due to security measures put in place after the Second Intifada, Palestinians had less ability to smuggle guns and explosives inside of Israel and took to buying kitchen knives and stabbing Jews.  Some Palestinians also tired to run Jews over if they had cars inside Israel.

So, again, we know what words mean.

Enter the Leftist antisemites and Palestinian apologists, including Leftist Yevsektsiya Jews.

Anybody watching the Left knows this play from the Leftist playbook: “that’s not happening and it’s good that it is.”

The majority of comments were to the effect of:

“Intifada means ‘shaking off’ it’s not a call to murder Jews.”

“The ‘solution’ is a two state solution, not a call for genocide.”

“This isn’t threat of violence.”

The it’s not happening part.  Followed by:

“Palestinians have the duty to rise up against Israeli oppression.”

“Israel is an apartheid state and deserves what it gets.”

The it’s good that it’s happening part.

These comments outnumbered everything else 10 to 1.

Downplaying the threat of then justifying antisemitic violence.

Just wait until this turns into actual violence.

We’ve seen how Jews are the overwhelming majority of religious motivated hate crimes and how that is ignored by the media and powers that be,  because the perpetrators are overwhelming not Right Wing white supremacists.

The Hanas has been calling for the globalization of the Intifada.  Attacking Jews around the world as a way of attacking the Jewish state.

This is that.  Right now it’s protests.

It will turn violent.

Then it will be ignored by the media or justified as pent up Palestinian anger.

Until some Jew fights back.  Then it will be a crisis, because the only thing Jews are allowed to do is die.

The level of naked antisemitism seen in public today from The Left is reaching heights not seen since WWII ended.

Jews, take note, we need to be prepared for what’s coming.