

Give JayG a hand on Kilted to Kick Cancer & win a Ugly Black Rifle receiver.

Even though I am lessening my chances, I want Team JayG to win. Mr. MArooned hisself is offering a York M4 Receiver. The higher in the ranking he gets, you have the chance of also getting a parts kit for the receiver.

Every $5 is a chance to get in for the prize.  We have just 13 days left so please and contribute with at least the amount you would spend for a box of 9mm ($15 at Midway)

To donate:

  • Click an amount, or add in a custom amount, then check the box next to “This donation is made as part of a Fundraising Team“.
  • You’ll see “Fundraising Team:” and a drop-down box. Pull up “Team JayG“.

It’s just that simple!

And to all gun Redditors that have dropped by in the last couple of days, much obliged for stopping by and consider drop a couple of bucks or spread the word.

Brady Bad Apples: Woefully short on information.

Brady Bad Apples

I’ll come back to the circled portion in a bit.

If you can muster enough stomach to go into the Brady Campaign site and look for specific info on the dealers, don’t bother: There isn’t any. The best they do is give you an infographic:

Brady Cities-with-worst-bad-apple-gun-dealers


I wanted to see which were the 9 culprits engaged in giving away guns to gang members and mass killers in Miami, but no luck there. In fact, I am not the only one who wanted the info but also followers of the Brady Campaign Facebook page asked for the names. So far, Brady is not forthcoming.

Collage of Brady FB Followers asking the obvious
Collage of Brady FB Followers asking the obvious

Now let’s get back to the first picture. The source for the information circled in res is from a Washington Post article. But not just any article but one in a series titled “The Secret Life of Guns” which was supposed to be the Media’s back up to the Administration renewed push for “sensible Gun Laws.” If your memory is good, you are already laughing, if not allow me to remind you that in that series came this daring series of articles accusing gun shops in states bordering Mexico of supplying “assault weapons” to the Mexican cartels. Yup, that is the great Washington Post investigation that lead to the discovery by Gun Bloggers that it was the ATF who was supplying Cartels with the guns by forcing the now-despised gun shops to sell to people everybody knew were Straw Purchasers.

So basically Brady is “getting” and passing along information that came from the same people who saw nothing wrong with Operation Fast & Furious, the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and God knows how many thousands of Mexicans with guns that the ATF had no problem with letting loose in the wrong hands. And a reminder that we still do not know the whole story but just a wee bit sample from a few choice gun stores in Arizona. We still do not know if New Mexico and Texas were in the mess and there have been rumors that Florida is also in the mix.

How frigging desperate for relevance can the Brady Campaign be to recycle political nuclear waste?

Panties Still Twisted about NRA Police Patch in Albuquerque

Yesterday I posted about an article bemoaning the fact that the NRA is holding practical matches for police. What I was unaware of is that there were activist on the ground protesting the local PD.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. –  An annual target-shooting contest highlighting the skills of law enforcement is coming under fire from people who say the event misses the mark because the police department in this year’s host city is under investigation by the Justice Department for using deadly force.

via Protesters blast embattled Albuquerque police over shooting contest | Fox News.

Having the NRA also as a target of their indignation is the cherry on top. It does not matter that the event has been held at the same location for eight years because INDIGNATION comes in handy.

Oh well. They have their ways to have fun.

I rather be shooting.

Hat Tip to Of Arms & The Law.

Use of a gun saves a person from grave bodily injury or death, CSGV freaks the hell out.

CSGV Wichita football

The news item:

Police are still looking for the men who they said threatened a youth football league coach with a gun and then began beating him after a dispute over playing time. The coach’s wife pulled out a gun and fired it in the air to scare the men away.

via Group attacks Wichita youth football coach over player’s eligibility; coach’s wife defends with gun | The Wichita Eagle.
How dare that couple have the means to defend themselves from a mob! And from the description in the article, the attackers had a long history of being disruptive and overall idiots besides truly dangerous as this bit lets you know (but CSGV kinda forgets to mention:

One of the men lifted his shirt to display a handgun tucked into the waist of his pants, Espinoza said. Moments later, five or six other men began beating up the 37-year-old coach. One of the men used a set of brass knuckles, Espinoza said.

This was not just a parent or two exchanging bad words in front of kids. This was a mob with the serious intent to issue great bodily harm to the coach and had the tools to do it.

The coach broke free of his attackers and went to his car for a second gun, which he pointed at various people in the crowd, Espinoza said

Fortunately both the coach and his wife had the guns to stop the attack before any serious damage was done. The bad guys as good bullies decided that losing red bodily was not really what they wanted and beat hasty retreat.
But let it be known that even when the evidence is overwhelming, stupidity must win the day because it is in the zero tolerance regulations:

The coach who was involved in the clash and pulled out a gun after being attacked has been relieved of his coaching duties, Burris said. His wife was also dismissed from involvement with the team.

“He’s been a great role model” for kids, Burris said of the coach, who has been with the Tigers for a few years and worked in the league for at least 15 years. “He’s really helped.”

Despite that background, Burris said, “you can’t take weapons out around children.”…

…“Nothing like this has ever happened in this organization,” said Burris, who said he has been affiliated with the Tigers for 20 years. “We pride ourselves on zero tolerance for anything that goes on.”

Apparently being beaten to a pulp by a mob would have been a better example and experience to the kids than stopping the aggression dead cold before any grave damage happened. As long as all the Politically Correct “T”s are crossed and all the Social Justice “I”s are dotted, Death or Grave Bodily Harm are just a nuisance than can be overlooked.