

The Other Gun Control.

Other cases are less black and white. Police often find traumatized civilians who are unaware that in the eyes of the law, they were justified to kill. So they try to cover their tracks, and in doing so, commit a crime.

via Self-defense killings rise in New Orleans even as murders fall | NOLA.com.

Amazingly you sometimes find a kernel of truth and enlightenment in the news.

This is one front that Gun Control Advocates outside the US have pat down: Making Self-Defense a crime or the closest thing to it. When a government exercises the Monopoly on Killing, it makes sure that not only they control the instruments but also the laws and more important, the mindset of people.

From basically the day you are born you are told that violence is not the answer, that defending yourself is “taking the law in your own hands” and that only criminals do that. So you say, that is nothing new, we have it here also, but there is a big difference between the US and the rest of the uncivilized world: For some reason, Americans decided almost from the very start that such mentality is idiotic and through the years self-defense became what it is: A human right. We have reached a point where politicians and judges are raked through the coals if they send somebody to prison on a clear defensive situation.

If we take South America for example, Self-Defense is almost as bad as a bona-fide murder and it is up to you, a good lawyer and the mercy of the court to live the rest of your life as a free man, Again you say, same here but the devil is literally in the details.

Taking Venezuela as example, if you are ever involved in a defensive situation where by the Grace of God you reacted faster and better than your attacker and managed not only to stop it but came out of it unscathed, get ready: First comes the investigation where the Law needs to gather all evidence and statements including yours. But since they were not present at the scene and they don’t know you, you are about to embark in a paid vacation in the local jail. Wait, you are not arrested but “detained for investigation” as no charges have been imposed yet. And if you ever heard the expression “the slaw wheels of the law turning’ they apply to the process in South America. You could very well spend months or even years in jail waiting for the judge to say “Hey, you seem to be the good guy on this thing. You can go home…but don’t go far.” And God forbids you happened to splatter into some political or influential puddle because that doubles or triples the already glacial speed.

Of course, a system like these breeds an amazing level of corruption. Good people do not want to spend a month, much less a year in jail and probably among the friends of the perp they killed. And while he is in Jail, he is not having an income, his family suddenly finds that the income is gone or reduced by half and the kids suffer without one of the parents plus the stigma that they have a parent in jail and everybody knows. This is breeding grounds for an enterprising judge or defense lawyer to insinuate a way to “accelerate” the process by the proper infusion of a monetary incentive. Depending on the amount you can go from jail to a “detention at home, waiting for a judgement” to “Case? What case, I see no file anywhere” to “Ergo the Government Pardons your sin of Self-Defense. Go forth and thank you.”

And when you get out ahead of what everybody knows is the regular amount of time you should have suffered, you still have to deal with the Mark of Cain (“ZOMG! Jose killed somebody!) and the knowledge that in order to save your family unnecessary suffering and you spending stupid time in jail and maybe even avoiding getting killed, you actually are forced by the system to commit a felony by bribing government officials. If you felt you were not a criminal on the way in, you sure feel like one after the Calvary is done.

So, what is a person to do? Many decide to take the chance and NOT defend themselves to avoid having to deal with the crap mentioned above and put their lives in the hands of the criminal hoping he is in the mood to let you alive after he is done with his business. It is revolting for anybody who exercises (or knows that he can) the right of Self-defense, but that is how most of the world works… and how the Gun Control community wishes it worked in the US.

And that is why I fight. Been there, have no desires to live under that life ever again.


Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border

And to everybody’s (Not us) surprise, it is not the insurrectionist rednecks associated with the Bundy Ranch and the Tea Party.

Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued.  Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.

via Judicial Watch: Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border | National Review Online.

Do not discount Mumbai-type attacks.

A mop and a bucket is not gonna do it.

blackhawks foam


Authorities are cleaning up at the Oklahoma Army National Guard base in Tulsa after an accidental foam spill enveloped 10 UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters earlier this morning.

Colonel Max Moss, director of media relations for the Oklahoma National Guard, said that the fire suppressant system at the aviation support facility in Tulsa discharged foam into a hanger and out onto the flight line.

Moss said a representative of Simplex Grinnell, the company that maintains the suppressant system, accidentally activated it.

Authorities are working to clean up the foam, which they say is not harmful to humans or the environment. Once the foam has been entirely cleaned up, authorities will determine if the helicopters have been damaged.

Moss said the foam suppressed is similar to foam from dish washing soap.

Insert your own joke in comments 😀
Hat tip to Barron B.

Dear @SFDB: You keep using those words……

Meet Rick:
Former blogger (Stuck on the Palmetto and South Florida Daily Blog) now plying his words in Twitter under @SFDB and former  troll of this blog. Rick is very much attuned with the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence’s insurrectionist meme and thinks himself as a defender of the Government which is understandable within reason since he allegedly works for the FAA.  He is one of those Liberals that wax philosophically about the poor, the downtrodden and the need for equality while telling us about cuisine , exciting cars, noble spirits and travels. Basically the typical Lib that if he ever bumps into a homeless, he’d probably go into hysterics, demand an immediate tetanus shot and would burn his clothes.

Now, since I banned him from this blog, he asked me the following via Twitter:


This was a response of my previous post CSGV still does not get this country and I will proceed to give him an answer:


 verb \ˈplät\

: to plan secretly to do something usually illegal or harmful.


Damn it Rick! Are you really that dense? What is so secret about what I write in my blog? I do not have a Members of Secret Plotting Society Log-In section, Do I? There goes the whole plot thing down the drain. Try harder next time!



 verb \ˌō-vər-ˈthrō\

: to remove (someone or something) from power especially by force.

You mean like the stunt they pulled over Texas on Governor Rick Perry that even the New York Times (which I would almost be you are subscribed to the Sunday edition) said “appears to be the product of an overzealous prosecution.”?

Oh, I know in your hearts of hearts you mean if we all are gonna jump in our Rebel-and-Gadsden-Flag-Waving pick up trucks and storm the local FBI building whole shooting our Evil Black Rifles from the hip and shit like that? Nope.  Claire Wolfe said: “America is at that awkward stage; it’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” but I am a bit more optimistic than that since (at least on the Second Amendment front) we have done wonderful things within the system which I know keep up at nights crying into your pillow.
liberal tears

After that long preview, let us get to titanium tacks, shall we?

Dear Rick: Just because a government is elected, that does not mean is immune to any criticism and even prosecution.  Just because they got the majority vote, does not mean they are infallible or incapable of wrongdoing or malice. Stalin was properly appointed to power by the Central Committee, Robert Mugabe was elected president of Zimbabwe over and over and over…you get the idea. Hugo Chavez was also elected and “given” extraordinary powers by the “people.” Juan Peron fucked up Argentina seven ways from Domingo but was elected and re-elected democratically. Hell, there are all kinds of sick dictators that arrived to power via the democratic vote but they could have used a fast and proper exit.

Now, are we in the same position as Argentina, Venezuela Zimbabwe, etc? No, The answer is that simple. Are we starting to head that way? Some  (a lot?) of us think so, specially those who lived in countries like that as we are hearing the same political BS,  implementation of programs and disregard for the rule of law and the rights of the citizens by those in power.

I know you guys keep calling it a democracy, but we are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic founded by people who went against the legitimately instituted government of the time. Surprise! The Founding Fathers were insurrectionist! In your world, they would have to be arrested and sent to prison immediately.

So the question you should have asked was : Do you believe that Americans have the right of dispose of a government that has failed to follow the law, that have abused the powers derived from the consent of the governed and have engaged in other abuses and usurpations that may led to despotism? You betcha. It is up to the failing government to choose how they will be vacating the premises, because they will. It is our right to help them. 
