

CSGV is scared about Black Open Carrying of weapons & blames the NRA for Negroes with Guns.

CSGV Open Carry Blacks

Caveat: I still think that the Open Carry of long guns for showing off purposes is stupid.

Just like the Ku Klux Klan, CSGV and its members are pretty much peeing in their collective Depends at the sight of Black People with guns.  The gamut of comments run from Blaming the NRA to wishing death to both Blacks and NRA members (apparently there cannot be a black NRA member according to the hive mind) to demand immediate legislation to stop Blacks from carrying guns.

If we weren’t in the 21st Century, you could swear you are reading the comments of Plantation & Slave owners  in the late 1700s about the possibility of armed slaves revolting against their proper masters.

And remember, we are the Racist Tea Baggers.

Gabby Franco makes Team Para

The Boss’ favorite shooter has gone big.

Gabby Team Para


Madison, NC – Remington Outdoor Company is pleased to announce that it has entered into a marketing alliance and sponsorship with firearm instructor, NRA Commentator and active United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) competitor Gabriela Franco. Franco and Remington will be working together to host firearms training events, grow participation in shooting competitions and promote opportunities for women in the firearms market.

“Gabby is one of the best female firearm instructors in the country and has a passion to train women to become skilled, confident and empowered with handguns,” said Leland Nichols Senior Vice President / General Manager of handguns for Remington Outdoor Company. “Her competitiveness and determination to be the best, whether it be teaching others or as a professional competition shooter, directly compliments our mission to deliver the absolute best firearms on the market today. We are truly excited to have her join the Remington Outdoor Company to support our marketing initiatives.”

Via The Outdoor Wire.

Gabby is a helluva shooter, orders of magnitude better than me. Boss trained with her which may explain why she also shoots better than me. Congratulations to Gabby!

Two Home Invasions, Two Outcomes.

Witnesses tell San Antonio police two men broke into an apartment unit by breaking down a door, but someone inside the apartment opened fire on them.

The men attempted to run, but one was shot several times, San Antonio police said.

The men managed to get into a car, but were met by SAPD officers who responded to the scene.

via SAPD: Alleged intruder shot, killed in home invasion.


At gunpoint, the teens stole property from Antequera and then forced both victims inside the home through the rear-sliding glass door.

Antequera entered the home first, but when Perez entered, he attempted to close the sliding glass door behind him. Police said the teens fired several shots into the home, shattering the glass door and striking Perez, then fled in an unknown direction.

Doctors determined Perez’s spine was severed and he would be paralyzed from the waist down, according to Miami-Dade police. He is listed in critical but stable condition. Antequera was not hurt

via Man suffers paralysis after armed Miami home invasion | News – Home.

Home Invasions MUST be treated as cases with extreme repercussions against the residents. While there are cases which were “simple” burglaries in which the bad guy thought nobody was home, I believe that most Home Invasions are done knowingly that somebody is inside the house and that meant deadly force will be used to subdue the inhabitants.

Home is a place of relaxation and rightly so. But at the same time we have to be prepared to react fast and violently if the need arises. The “Just give them what they want” line has been proven deadly wrong too many times and it is not even a bad joke anymore.

Be smart, be ready. Don’t fight fair.

The sudden puckering in any business with a Gun Free Zone sign.

The owner of the Aurora movie theater that was the site of a deadly 2012 attack could have reasonably enough foreseen the danger of such an attack to be held liable for it, a federal judge ruled Friday.

Noting “the grim history of mass shootings and mass killings that have occurred in more recent times,” U.S. District Court Judge R. Brooke Jackson ruled that Cinemark — owner of the Century Aurora 16 theater — could have predicted that movie patrons might be targeted for an attack. Jackson’s ruling allows 20 lawsuits filed by survivors of the attack or relatives of those killed to proceed toward trial

via Federal judge rules Aurora theater shooting was foreseeable – The Denver Post.

Even though this does not apply in Florida (here the GFZ signs are pretty much window decoration unless you are in one o the few locations the law prohibits to carry) it has to send shocks to states where ignoring the signs do carry legal penalties.

As much as many have cheered this decision, I am not liking it much and not because of the gun angle but because it may open doors to other stupid lawsuits: You should have insulin on the premises because you sell candy and an irresponsible diabetic can hog himself into a sugar coma or you should have epi pens because you have flowers outside, etc.

It also does not change the law. It is still there and I much rather have it either eliminated or at least not enforced or simply ignored by force of disuse.

And finally because the last thing we need is to be associated with tort lawyers seeking a quick payday.

Just my opinion.