

‘If you try to mandate my smart-gun technology, I’ll burn it down.’

“I then had the biggest development in smart-gun technology coming together at my facility in Utah — the Intelligun” says W. P. Gentry, president of Kodiak Arms. The Intelligun uses scanners on a pistol’s grips. If a person’s biometrics — essentially, the patterns of his fingerprints — have been added to the gun’s software, the pistol will activate within one second of being touched.

“This interested Eric Holder,” Gentry says. “He wondered how we might be able to control who was or wasn’t authorized. I stopped him right there. I looked right across a table at Eric Holder — yeah, the attorney general of the United States — and told him, ‘If you try to mandate my smart-gun technology, I’ll burn it down.’ The Intelligun is designed to save lives, not restrict freedom.”

via The Smart-Gun Maker Who Told Holder Off | National Review Online.

Go read the whole article. Although Intelligun is eons better than the rest of the “solutions” out there (it is the user who gets to define how the system will work of if it is activated at all) the potential for legal abuse is still too high. Under the excuse of “sensible regulation” anti-gun legislators may impose onerous taxes or demands for insurance to gun owners with weapons that do not have the technology installed. Read it as Obamacare for Guns and you will get the idea.

IMHO, until all 50 states and at Federal level we have Strict Scrutiny deeply rooted, we are better off keeping this particular genie safely bottled.

Nevertheless, Mr. Gentry gets mucho kudos for telling Eric Holder off.  Well done, sir.

Hat Tip to Jay H.

St. Louis: It makes a difference

Jimmy Muhammad, 32, said he and his colleagues had just fended off a gang of masked young men with guns who tried to break into his uncle’s store, United Mart, in the 10300 block of West Florissant. The front door was shattered.

“It’s bad,” said Muhammad, still gripping a pistol. Sirens blasted from all the police vehicles speeding by to other crime scenes. “I don’t blame the police, but they can’t keep up.”

Silas Chung, 53, didn’t get to his small store, Up N Up Fashion, in the 11600 block of West Florissant, soon enough to defend it.

“I feel bad,” said Chung, cleaning up the damage. “This world is getting worse and worse.”

via Violence breaks out near site of vigil for teen killed by police : News.

It never fails. There always be some idiots that will take advantage of a legitimate community action and turn it into a pillage and burn situation because they can.

At the end, it is you, your gun and the hope that the idiots understand it is not worth it to lose their lives to a bottle of booze or some other item.  And to hide behind an honest protest is cowardly and demeans the intent of it.

UPDATE: If there was a doubt about the quality of the felonious jackasses looting, this was painted on the wall of a store burned down.

st louis riot QUIK-TRIP

A better illustration of deterrence cannot be asked.

A teenager playing “knockout game” punched a man in the face after he made certain that the victim was not carrying a gun, a Florida man told police.

via ‘Knockout Game’ Attacker Asked Man If He Had A Gun Before Punching – Yahoo News.

So the stupid game continues but we are not hearing about it because it is racist and it is Bush’s fault or something to that effect. But even the dumbest of criminal critters realize that hunting ain’t fun when the bunny shoots back.

We are accused by the opposition of waging a PR war with bumper-sticker slogans that have no depth and do not contribute to the elimination of “gun violence,” but the truth may just be a simple as a bumper-sticker:

criminals prefer

Cops Kill Man In Wal-Mart Carrying An Air Rifle. It ain’t kosher. (UPDATED)

A man who was carrying an air rifle in an Ohio Wal-Mart told the police officers that fatally shot him that the gun was “not real,” according to a family member.

John Crawford was shot by police Tuesday evening at a Beavercreek store. The Ohio attorney general’s office announced Thursday that he was merely carrying a brand of air rifle that Wal-Mart sells.

Another shopper, 37-year-old Angela Williams, collapsed and died as she scrambled to get away after police fired at Crawford.

The shooting occurred after police responded to 911 calls about a man carrying a rifle. In one of those calls, which was released by police, a Wal-Mart shopper told emergency dispatchers that it looked like the man — later identified as Crawford — was trying to load the rifle and that he had pointed it at two children

via Cops Kill Man In Wal-Mart Carrying An Air Rifle | The Daily Caller.

Some are saying this is a case of SWATing and I was not in communion with the idea till I heard the partially released 911 call. Either the caller is too stupid to be afraid or …. I don’t know what to tell you but there is something not quite right somewhere.

I expect this one to be swept under the rug with a hearty apology and a cash settlement.

UPDATE: From WHIO about the 911 call.

One 911 call released by Beavercreek police was from Ronald Ritchie of Riverside, who was inside Walmart. He told dispatchers at 8:21 p.m. Tuesday that he saw a man “walking around with a gun in the store.”

Ritchie, an ex-Marine, said the man was pointing a black rifle at people near the pet section and that “he’s loading it right now.” Later, he said, “He looked like he was trying to load it, I don’t know.” He then added, “He just pointed it at two children.”

I found a video review of the air rifle in question (Crosman MK-177) and much to my surprise, the magazine part of the rifle is decorative and cannot be removed.  It uses some small black pellet holder/magazine that gets loaded in a totally different fashion than your regular semi auto rifle.

The Vad Vibe counter is about to peg on this one.