

Gun Control Common Core Math Again.

local boys

When I was a kid, there was the switch to what was called New Math but we still had to know how to count and how to add-subtract-multiply-divide. Four kids suddenly becoming thirty who wrote 38 letters and coughed up $130 seems a wee bit stretching.

And you know the kids finished the Open House and went inside to play some shoot-’em video game anyway. 🙂


Warning Shot In Florida. Somewhat Happy Ending.

But he didn’t, deputies said. The chase was reckless, according to a witness. Royes, driving the wrong way down a one-way street, then crashed the car into a pole near Lucerne Avenue and Federal Highway, witnesses said, according to the report.

At this point, Royes grabbed his roommate’s knife and jumped out of the car.

Photos: Celebrities who served in the military

He chased Sherrill down and started to stab him, according to the report.

The roommate said he stayed in the car and didn’t see the stabbing. When he heard a gunshot, he asked for an ambulance.

The witness who fired the warning shot got involved after hearing the car crashing. He stepped outside to see Royes chasing Sherrill with a “large military style black knife,” the report stated.

The man fired the shot while Royes was stabbing Sherrill, the witness said.

“All subjects immediately stopped and (the witness) held them at gunpoint,” the report said.

via Paul Royes: The Lake Worth man faces an aggravated battery charge after stabbing – Sun Sentinel.

I still not happy with the idea of Warning Shots, but I was not there and I am not going to say if it was safe or not from the standpoint of Rule 4.  If it is stupid but works, then it is not stupid.

I titled the post a “Somewhat Happy Ending” because the victim was injured but at least no killed. If anything it reminds us once more that we don’t do 100% guarantees or your money back, just a fighting chance.

So a Warning Shot was done in Florida and yet the planet did not come off its axis, blood is not flowing in the streets and a bus full of handicapped children and nuns did not explode.

All the doomsday warning wasted….

Hat Tip to John Lott

Moms Demand More Lies in the Fourth of July.

Moms Demand Lies 4th july

 86 Americans are shot and killed in our country every single day. That comes to just over 31,000 people a year.  Now, the latest numbers I was able to find were the FBI’s for 2011 for Murder & Non-Negligent Manslaughter and they come up to 14,612.

You would not think that the highly moral and trustworthy Shannon Watts would include suicides by firearm, right? Those people were not shot but they shot themselves…then again those suicide victims might have been suffering from split personality disorders so Moms Demand can argue that they were shot by “somebody else they knew” (A.K.A. their alter egos) and make it to the statistic.

Nah…they wouldn’t lie like that, would they?

This is gonna be an interesting case.

Justices agreed Wednesday to hear the case of Brian Bragdon, who was charged with two counts of attempted first-degree murder, shooting into an occupied vehicle, discharging a firearm from a vehicle and being a felon in possession of a firearm, according to a document in the case.

Bragdon argued that he fired the gun while trying to defend himself and sought to get the charges dismissed under Stand Your Ground. But a circuit judge ruled that Bragdon was prevented from seeking immunity because he was a convicted felon in possession of a firearm at the time of the shooting, and the 4th District Court of Appeal also ruled against him

via Does Stand Your Ground apply to felons? Florida Supreme Court will decide | jacksonville.com.

I have not been able to find an accurate description of the events that lead to the shooting.  My take is that if he was involved in any way-shape or form with some sort of ruckus (from what I gather, he was at a night establishment) he is not gonna get a favorable verdict.

However if he was targeted for whatever reason and was not initiator/contributor, he will probably get a favorable verdict just like Aaron Little did. By the way, I do not know if Little got charged & tried for Felon in possession of a firearm.


Independence Day

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.


Update: This is awesome!

Squashing the concept of Self Defense from an early age.

In particular, under the new code of conduct, consequences for school fights vary by the role of each student in the fight. Those who incite the fight face harsher penalties than those who only respond to it. But even those who respond still face some discipline, which in middle and high school can include one to three days of in-school suspension. By comparison, students who initiate or are mutual participants in a fight get a mandatory one day in-school suspension and could face up to five days.

via Revised Code Of Conduct Passed By Duval School Board Without Self-Defense Provision | WJCT NEWS.

A little background first. Initially the argument about this code of conduct was because one of those involved wanted no penalties for those who were the target of an attack and defended themselves.  Now, since apparently Duval County School Supervisors are “sensitive” somebody immediately labeled self-defense with the “horrifying” moniker of  Stand Your Ground sending people into paroxysms of fear, politically correctness and snuffing the basic concept of defending oneself.

And here is the final product before us.  We have idiots complaining that the we Gun Nuts were blaming the victims of rape because we have the strange notion that one of the best methods out there to stop a rapist is the proper placement of bullets through their vital organs but yet, here we see that if a kid defends himself from a bully, he is as bad as his attacker and he will be punished.

I have to think that this kind of mentality at school, this idea that they have to be all equally victims and equally punished for actions that deviate from the mandated norm is nothing more than programming kids to be good little subservient individuals to grow up believing that the fundamental human right of  defending life is but a mere privilege granted by the Government whenever it sees fit; it is nothing else but our old friend Monopoly on Killing.

And as an afterthought, raising and collecting  a herd of kids, training them to be perfect little victims has to be tempting when one of the kids is not really material for victim but an innate predator who decides that killing them might be a darn a good idea.