

Monster Hunter Nemesis.

So my book arrived yesterday but just started to read it. In 10 pages Agent Franks has killed so many so efficiently and without guns that I recommend you wear a complete NBC Suit and get a hose to wash the blood off.


So go get your copy of Monster Hunter Nemesis. For every book he sells, one dollar goes to the Larry Correia’s International Lord Of Hate’s  Cisgender & Social Justice Warrior recovery program…or maybe it goes straight to Ms. Correia as she has to decorate the recently finished basement.

One thing I have noticed about the Target – OCT thing.

After Target published their non-committal “please no guns in our stores but we won’t stop you” I have found that the usual cries for boycotting Target have been rather few and far between.  And before that, almost no counter movement against Moms Demand’ somewhat fierce campaign to push Target to issue the non-binding statement.

And as much as I understand the standard policy for our side not to give up the fight and punish with wallets any deviation of the norm, I think the muted reaction to the Target “controversy” might have something to do with not wanting to give Open Carry Texas any credibility & respectability for its stupid actions. If C.J. Grisham was gambling on automatic support from everybody just because he waved the Second Amendment flag, I am gonna have to say he lost that bet and badly.

Just my two cents on this issue. Your parsecs may vary.

And you can thank Open Carry Texas once More: Target does not want ANY open carry in its stores

This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create.

via Target Addresses Firearms in Stores | A Bullseye View.

Notice that is not the Open Carry of Long Guns but ALL guns and it is not subject to Texas but nationwide.

And the Antis celebrate:

Moms Target OC




I am sure Moms Demand Action, Michael Bloomberg, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and the Brady Campaign would like to thank C.J. Grisham and his “followers” for helping them achieve what Active Shooters could not.

If it is stupid and it does NOT work, it is stupid!


Tueller Guideline revised: Here I go again with Machetes. (Graphic Content)

A buddy of mine (who wants to remain anonymous for fear of people giving him hell for having such a bad taste in friends) sent me this pic of him doing some patchwork on a machete victim.

machete victim1
Click to enlarge at your own risk


If you still don’t see it, may I direct your eyes to the lower left corner of the pic. No that is not Addams Family ‘Thing’ but what is left of the guy’s left hand. And the white cylinder that you see on the left middle of the pic is where the hand used to be attached.

Long blades are not a joke, specially when wielded by people who are proficiency in their use and keep them so sharp, they do not bother using a sheat because it will survive a couple of days top and they just wrap it in old newspaper.

If you face somebody with a machete or any other long blade, Tueller does not apply till you at least double it! And 42 feet seems a very short distance all of the sudden so, if you see machete being brandished in anger towards you, screw any distance and get your gun out or run like frigging hell.

And send plenty bb’s downrange.