

Gun Control Activists: They are losing their motherloving minds

Here is a truth so fundamental that it should be self-evident: When legitimately constituted state authority stands down in the face of armed threats, the very foundation of the republic is in danger. And yet that is exactly what happened at Cliven Bundy’s Nevada ranch this spring: An alleged criminal defeated the cops, because the forces of lawlessness came at them with guns — then Bureau of Land Management officials further surrendered by removing the government markings from their vehicles to prevent violence against them.

via Gun nuts are terrorizing America: The watershed moment everyone missed – Salon.com.

You read this without any further research and you think Bundy shoved a gun on Barney Fife’s face.

Does this look like Barney Fife to you?

Is it me or the 2 dressed in civvies are ATF agents?

Ok, are these idiots writing pieces for Salon and other progressive outlets taking hints from the Anti Jewish campaign from either Germany in the late 30’s or nowadays Hezbollah?  It is not nice to try to escalate apolitical and civil rights discussion painting your opponents as the spawn of the devil ready to mow them down…unless, of course that is what you intend in some stupid self-immolation show to prove your point.

Note: These fantastic pics are copyright Shannon Bushman and can be found in a 3-part posting at 21st century Wire.

Louis Awerbuck has left us.

Via Tam in Facebook.Louis Awerbuck

One of the top instructors we had and writer for SWAT Magazine.

Lead Instructor Louis Awerbuck served in 1 Special Services Battalion in the South African Defence Force, and is a member of the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA), the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (IALEFI), and the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA). He was employed by Colonel Jeff Cooper at the original Gunsite Ranch as Chief Rangemaster until 1987, attaining the title of Shooting Master.

With three decades of instructional experience, Louis has been a contributory adjunct instructor to the Marine Corps Security Force Bn Atlantic combat smallarms program and an adjunct firearms/tactics instructor for the Central Training Academy, Department of Energy. He has trained extensively in the police and civilian firearms field, and has instructed military personnel from various United States bases, including Special Forces units.

Awerbuck has authored five books, “The Defensive Shotgun”, “Hit or Myth”, “Tactical Reality”, “More Tactical Reality”, and “Plowshares Into Swords”, co-produced three videos including “The Combat Shotgun”, “Only Hits Count”, and “Safe at Home”, and is Tactical Consultant and a contributing author to SWAT magazine.
Yavapai Firearms Academy.

Gov. John Hickenlooper doing a Faye Dunaway

Gov. John Hickenlooper on Friday reaffirmed his support of an ammunition-magazine limit, all in an attempt to quell the uproar surrounding his recent comments on the controversial gun control law at a gathering of sheriffs.

In an interview with Fox 31 Denver, Hickenlooper said, “I’d sign it again.”

He has declined interview requests from The Denver Post, which sought to have the governor explain his videotaped June 13 comments and their apparent contradiction with published accounts of the debate and the gun laws’ passage.

“(The sheriffs) asked me questions, and I tried to give them honest, unscripted, candid answers,” Hickenlooper told Fox 31.

In his remarks to sheriffs, captured by the conservative group Revealing Politics, Hickenlooper said only after the bill was signed into law did his staff obtain facts they “should’ve had from the beginning,” including that “roughly 300,000 magazines that carried more than 15 rounds” were already in Colorado.


Hickenlooper also told the sheriffs he never spoke to then-New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a key financial backer of the gun-control measures. But phone records unveiled by a conservative blog revealed he did speak with Bloomberg when the debates were at their peak.

“He didn’t call and lobby me or have any influence on the decision I made about the bill,” Hickenlooper told Fox 31.

The governor said he had made up his mind to support the bill before he talked to Bloomberg.

via Gov. John Hickenlooper seeks to clarify gun comments – The Denver Post.

This guy is amazing. I have never seen somebody sinking in 2 different quicksand pits at the same time.  Kinda reminds me this famous scene from Chinatown:

Goes without saying that getting the truth out of Hickenlooper might not be that easy.

Your Tactical Carioca Facepalm

From some Brazilian Police Department:

So exactly what they are trying to demonstrate & teach? How aware they are and how cool is the training cadre that the can walk in front of the shooting students confident that they won’t get shot?

This thing for me are nothing more than cão e de pônei shows. I fail to see what kind of advantage you have by shooting and very likely not accurately while two morons stroll back and front of your line of fire.

  • The shooters were more likely keeping a corner of an eye on the instructors as they shot rather than placing the bullets where they could do damage to the targets.
  • If you are the kind of person that goes “There is a firefight! I think I will stroll in No-Man’s Land and check it out” you deserve your gene pool to be thoroughly bleached by assorted projectiles.
  • This kind of stupidity is contagious. Other people get the wrong idea and think “Dude, this is the crowning achievement of being tough!”…and end up with unexpected holes.

It is all about the basics, not looking cool. Looking cool makes for a great looking corpse.

Miami Herald: Layers und Layers of editorial oversight. (Updated)

A shooting that happened earlier today in Liberty City, a sad place due to gang activity…not that you would now that by reading the papers or watching the TV News.

Liberty City Shooting

I am not sure if the rounds come with crazy glue, velcro or stick-um . Sure as hell they were not shown at SHOT show or the NRA Annual Meeting.

UPDATE: This is a new addition to the story.

Liberty City Shooting 2

“Police believe someone was targeted.” (Spelling theirs)

No shit Sherlock. What gave it away?

And who is on duty at the Miami Herald? The kids from the local High School Newspaper ?

UPDATE 2: So they finally brought an adult. Unfortunately he did not improve on the article but he did hit all the usual mistakes with the guns used (not allegedly if we go by what is written but true evidence/fact).

Liberty City Shooting 3



give me patience

Florida: New Gun Laws Signed for 2014.

Via NRA:

HB-89 Threatened Use of Force  by Rep. Neil Combee/Rep. Katie Edwards and Sen. Greg Evers

SB-424 To Stop Insurance Discrimination Against Gun Owners
  by Sen. Tom Lee and Rep. Matt Gaetz

HB-7029  Zero Tolerance/Pop Tart Bill
  by Rep. Dennis Baxley and Sen. Greg Evers

HB-523 Concealed Weapon/Firearms Licenses Fast Track
  by Rep. James Grant and Sen. Wilton Simpson

HB-525 Protection of Concealed Weapons/Firearms License Holder Information
by Rep. James Grant and Sen. Wilton Simpson

Earth shattering laws that will make Moms Demand jump off the top of the  Sunshine Skyway Bridge? Nope, but ours is mostly a war of attrition and an object in movement tends to remain in movement.

The Threatened Use Of Force is very important as to reign in misguided prosecutors from people displaying the weapon in self-defense and not shooting for whatever reason. I am still having trouble digesting the idea that there are people in Florida’s judiciary that rather see people shot, wounded & killed than just scared away.

What we didn’t get this time:

HB 753: Permits school superintendent, with approval of the school board, to authorize school safety designee to carry concealed weapon or firearm on school property. 

HB 209: providing an exemption from criminal penalties for carrying a concealed weapon or a concealed firearm when evacuating pursuant to a mandatory evacuation order during a declared state of emergency.

OK, everybody take the rest of the afternoon off. We begin again tomorrow bright and early. 😀

Joseph Wilcox, Honored by Police and Citizens.

LAS VEGAS — A community that has mourned two slain Las Vegas police officers gathered again to remember a man who died while trying to stop the shooting rampage.

Nearly 400 people, including law enforcement officers, attended a memorial service Sunday in Las Vegas for Joseph Wilcox, 31.

He was fatally shot at a Wal-Mart after Jerad and Amanda Miller killed Officers Igor Soldo and Alyn Beck at a nearby pizza shop minutes before, declaring the start of a revolution.

Wilcox saw the shooters at the Wal-Mart on June 8 and pulled out his legally concealed handgun to stop them, but was shot by Amanda Miller. He was returning computer equipment at the time. The Millers died after a shootout with police at the store.

Sheriff Doug Gillespie eulogized Wilcox as a hero, saying his actions allowed other shoppers to safely leave the store.

“He made the decision to put his life in danger to help hundreds of others in the store,” Gillespie said. “He is a man friends and family and the entire community should be proud of.”

via Vegas man who tried to stop cop killer remembered.

Some (too many) in the Gun Control community have categorized Joseph Wilcox and/or his actions as superfluous, stupid and allegedly proving that the “Good Guy with a Gun” is just another vacuous NRA slogan. I initially got mas at these morons, but then I realized that they were just scaredy cowards who deep inside realized that they did not have enough wherewithal to have done the same.

I know that the St. Crispin’s speech is abused, but there is a part that fits these harpies perfectly:

And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.

Why would we care about the opinions of those not brave enough to fight for their own lives? F*** ’em. They are the kind when a life event comes calling, they send it to voice mail.