

Shannon Watts channels George C. Parker. (Updated)

George C. Parker was a con man. His favorite con was selling the Brooklyn Bridge, feat that he managed to pull several times on different victims of greed. In fact, it is thanks to him that the expression “and if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you” is now part of our language lore. 

Next I hear is that Shannon Watts had a march in the Brooklyn Bridge  (Paid for His Divinity Michael Bloomberg) trying to keep pulling her “gun safety” con job and I thought it was laughably appropriate.

MDA Brooklyn 2
Click to enlarge

THIS IS WHAT CHANGE LOOKS LIKE: Earlier today, more than 1,000 moms, dads, survivors and citizens marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to take a stand for gun sense.

I tried to look for a more aerial view on both Facebook pages of Moms demand and Everytown, but other that the one above, it was unsuccessful. I did  a bit of Google News search and came out with some articles and images that prove once more Gun Control Activists can’t do math.

From News.Sky:

Gathering at the starting point of the rally:

Although some Media repeated the “Over 1,000” press release, several news outlets reported only Hundreds as the pics above seem to support.

If Gun Control is such a hot topic, how come you cannot gather a full thousand people in NYC in good weather?  Simply it os not such a hot topic and it is only kept warm thanks to Michael Bloomberg’s cash infusion and the Media faux concern, both acting like heat lamps keeping french fries tasting somewhat decent at the rack in the burger joint.

One last question: Where is Richard Martinez? You would think since he was elevated to the new face of gun control, he’d be right there with Ms. Watts holding the banner.

OK, carry on.

Days of Our Trailers got some other angles from pictures taken by an MDA marcher.

When caught in a lie, feign outrage, obfuscate & blame others.

redefine school shooting.

By the amount of noise coming out of the Gun Control Groups, you cannot but see that they were hurt in their dwindling trust with the public by revelations that they were faking the stats on School Shootings.

In the American collective, the term School Shooting is uniquely identified with specific characteristics: Inside a school by one individual (sometimes two) in an attempt to inflict the biggest amount of killings possible.  Ask your average person the first thing that comes to mind after saying School Shooting and you more likely hear them say ” “Columbine” or “Virginia Tech ” and “Sandy Hook.”

But the new Kids in GunControl Town, Moms Demand Action, decided unilaterally to amplify the concept without telling anyone just to make more noise and “recruit” more plastic grass. All of the sudden, if a shooting occurred in or around a school zone (and sometimes not even in the same zip code), it was included as a “School Shooting” and added to the fake statistic to make more noise.

We have known this for quite a while, but it wasn’t until CNN ran its story about how the numbers given by Shannon and Her Pussycats were not in concordance with what the accepted concept of School Shooting that it went outside the gun rights circle.  And boy they got mad! CNN suddenly became a mouthpiece for the NRA and the latest is that Gun Rights Groups took it upon themselves to change the definition of school shootings because theirs was always right in a sort of Orwellian Weve always been at war with Eastasia.

Caught with their pants down and aflame, they had to counterattack by saying that any shooting in any school of nearby has always been the common definition of School Shooting and to say otherwise it is not only a lie but shows you really don’t care for the children.

In short – as far as I can follow the logic – the message to parents concerned that there are loaded weapons going off on school property, and that their sons and daughters are at risk of being hit by bullets from those weapons, is this: it doesn’t really count unless the shooter is a pupil, not involved in a gang, who made a pre-meditated plan to massacre a large number of students. And not in the parking lot.

The gun lobby’s new tactic: redefining ‘school shootings’ so they don’t count.

The sad & laughable thing is that if you were to go back and revise the PR releases & Social Media announcements by Moms Demand, MAIG, CSGV and the rest, you will notice that they also seem to have ignored 90% or more of School Shootings that do not involve “a pupil, not involved in a gang, who made a pre-meditated plan to massacre a large number of students.” Gangbangers shooting each other in or near school in Chicago do not attract the proper attention and only serve to underline the futility and stupidity of the Gun Free Zones they cherish and champion.

If you juggle too many lies at one time, some are bound to blow up on your face. Sympathetic detonations to follow.

Be Smart & Carry Smart.

NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — Two suspects are still at large after authorities say they robbed two men outside of a gun range in Northeast Philadelphia, shooting one of them.

It happened around 8:30 Thursday night outside the Delaware Valley Sports Center on the 100 block of Geiger Road.

Police say a man and a woman armed, approached the two men, ages 67 and 68, while they were in the parking lot.

The couple robbed the men of seven guns and afterward police say the male suspect shot the 67-year-old victim.

“For some reason the male perpetrator fired a single shot striking the 67-year-old on the groin,” said Chief Inspector Small.

via Suspects at large after gun range robbery, shooting in Northeast Philadephia | 6abc.com.

Guns are not an amulet. They don’t ward you off evil people or bad things that might come your way. Unfortunately this thing of leaving a range without a care in the world is not uncommon. I know that many ranges will not allow you to have a loaded gun inside their property for “safety” reasons, but having your ass shot  is not a reasonable choice. Keep a spare gun with you or very close on your way in and out of the range and be very aware of possible nasty subjects nearby.

And amazingly as it could be, I saw that same behavior in use by IDPA competitors who would come with their “Game Gun/Safe Queen” and have no back up or something so different from what they spent a morning shooting, it would boggle my mind: Going from a Glock 34 in a Blade-Tech OWB holster to a J-Frame in the pocket. Hell there was one guy who didn’t even carry!

Wee bit of brains people!

Because 911 does not come with Transporter Room.

A Florida homeowner who called 911 during a violent home invasion Wednesday morning was transferred to voicemail at the height of the incident when the dispatcher tried to pass the call from the fire department line to police,…

…The homeowner, who was not identified, was heard in the recording telling the intruders to leave. He told the operator there were four of them who beat his wife and stepmother. He shot one…

… three suspects were arrested in the home invasion and a fourth is still being sought. One suspect was found shot in the back hiding under a car, the report said.

via Florida man calls 911 during home invasion, gets transferred to voicemail | Fox News.

Check the audio:

Nasty piece of business. Just for general information purposes, in cases like this go for the ballistic device FIRST and the electronic device after the situation is under a semblance of control or the threat is over.

You call 911 to report a crime, not to stop it instantly.