

An armed Ninja was caught in an Elementary School

paper clip ninja
Click to enlarge

“The paper clip was bent in a manner that could allow for use as a weapon.”

Huh? How you even begin to bend a paper clip to make it a weapon? I have a hard time keeping papers together with those things. Maybe it was not a regular clip but one of those High Capacity Automatic Assault Magazine Clips we keep hearing about.

Something tells me that both the faculty and administration of that school are downing hooch out of sippy cups during school hours. That or the kid was a Ninja with a long track of dead classmates using office supplies.


New Blogger in Town: Not One More Gun Law

Our civilization is rich with selfless acts in the protection of others: men running into burning buildings, mothers successfully facing down impossible odds, strangers giving their lives to help those they could never know.  Common people doing extraordinary things. Mr. Wilcox is an example of the best of an ethos that binds us together as a society.

via Not One More Gun Law.

If the above is not enough to convince you to read it, nothing will.  No Mas is just starting so be just a tad gently (not much) with him.

We can go full abusive in about 3 months….

Next Time, They Should Offer Free BBQ

So Moms Demand carried out their threat of Stroller Jammin’ Target’s Shareholders meeting in Dallas:

Moms Demand Target Stroller

This was their best? This was all the people they could get in Dallas? I am not surprised.

I am not surprised because I suspect that most of the Moms’ followers are Helicopter Moms that have nothing much to do at home while the offspring is tucked away at the local House of Indoctrination so they logged in Facebook and decided it would be a good idea to join the Air Group because, you know, they care…and they are Helicopter Moms.

But it is Summer now, classes are over and the Munchkins are home! Helicopter Mom must helicopter and make sure that Ralphie does do anything dangerous like drinking water out of the hose or ride his bicycle without the paramedics following close behind. That much level of stress and attention does not leave enough time to attend a Facebook event plus she can always support them by hitting “Like” in their page. We are in a digital era, right? That is a s good as being there.

Artificial support for an Astroturf Group? Fitting.

Hat Tip to Sebastian.

CSGV: That Damned Right Wing News Network Spreading Lies! UPDATE

Also known as CNN.
CSGV CNNGet riled up all you want, at the end of the day, no matter how much make up you slapped on that pig, it still ends up as bacon.

UPDATE: Moms got into it as well.

Moms Deamnd CNN Lie

Take a gander of this quote:

Every time a student is shot on school grounds, no matter the circumstance...

It is basically a direct admission that they have been lying (a shocker) from day one and including other types of crime inside the bag of what a School Shooting means to most Americans.

And let’s face it, they are not angry at CNN because they are “dismissing” the kids that died under other types of crime but because CNN caught them lying and exposed it.

Stacking lies a top of lies will invariably bring the Tower of Bloomberg/Watts crashing down.

We’ll have pop corn ready. You bring the soda.

Gun left at Target: Because Occam’s Razor…

Myrtle Beach police are searching for a man in connection with a gun that was found last month on a toy aisle in a Target store, authorities said.

An arrest warrant is issued for the man, David Dennis, charging him with unlawfully carrying a handgun in connection with the incident, Myrtle Beach police Capt. David Knipes said.

via Man wanted on weapons charge after gun found hidden in Myrtle Beach’s Target toy aisle | Crime | MyrtleBeachOnline.com.

I know that interested parties will continue to bang on the Moms Demand Conspiracy to make Target a Gun Free Zone.  But this is just one more stupid criminal doing stupid things and attention got big simply because the current Shannon Watts’ asshatery.

Now back to our regular schedule programming….

Moms Demand & School Shootings: A lie so big even CNN could not swallow it.

CNN) — After Tuesday’s shooting at an Oregon high school, many media outlets, including CNN, reported that there have been 74 school shootings in the past 18 months.
That’s the time period since the December 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 children and six adults were shot to death.
The statistic came from a group called Everytown for Gun Safety, an umbrella group started by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a passionate and public advocate of gun control.
Without a doubt, that number is startling.

So on Wednesday, CNN took a closer look at the list, delving into the circumstances of each incident Everytown included.
Everytown says on its web site that it gleans its information from media reports and that its list includes school shootings involving a firearm discharged inside or on school grounds, including assaults, homicides, suicides and accidental shootings.
CNN determined that 15 of the incidents Everytown included were situations similar to the violence in Newtown or Oregon — a minor or adult actively shooting inside or near a school. That works out to about one such shooting every five weeks, a startling figure in its own right.
Some of the other incidents on Everytown’s list included personal arguments, accidents and alleged gang activities and drug deals

via A closer look: How many school shootings since Newtown? – CNN.com.

When the lie is so blatant that even CNN is forced to make a review and reduce the number, you screwed the pooch royally.
But let’s not get comfy: we know they won’t stop lying or that the media will continue to double-check what they say.

And I must repeat myself: If their cause is so righteous, why lie?

I do love when they give us ammunition.