

And from our correspondent at the SHOT show…KINETIC CONCEALMENT

Yes, we have somebody at the SHOT Show: Tom Walls. We are not going the old tired way of drooling over the new Germanic perfection, nooooo. Tom will bring us whatever catches his eyes and not everybody’s….yes, we can envy him.






From Tom:

“KINETIC CONCEALMENT. . it’s a new concealment holster. At first glance it looks like a CrossBreed brand but… When you look closely you will notice that the backing is not leather but neoprene bonded to the leather. Portion that actually hold the gun is it is robust with beveled edges .
there are two other cool things. First the hooks that attach the holster to the belt are adjustable for height. Secondly, holster and the clips are attached to the leather neoprene and packing with Boston screws. This lets the user adjust for height and can’t and they can be replaced if damaged. The manufacture states that the price will be $76.95.  One other thing I noticed that is different then the CrossBreed. On the range I’ve seen a lot of cCrossBreed holsters and invariably the leather sweat guard will lose its stiffness start to crawl over. This can interfere with reholstering
  The Kinetic Goncealment holster looks less likely to do that. We have been promised a sample.”
Also, Remington’s new gun never made it to Media Day where the cool kids get to shoot it and form an opinion.  After all the pre-SHOT drumroll, this did not sit well with the attendees.
Tom promises to send more stuff so we can cry on our keyboards.

I am sure you did not help much there Bubba.

The SAFE act is a lot like Obamacare,” he said. “You ask people about specific sections, like covering preexisting conditions or having people on their parents insurance until they’re 26 and everyone says ‘Oh, yeah, I support that.’ But ask about Obamacare, and they say ‘Oh, we need to repeal that.’

via Ex-deputy likens SAFE Act to health care reform.

I know he tried to defend the SAFE act, but that is pretty much like recommending decapitation as cure for migraines.

This is why we fight…

Stolen from Reddit:



My dad teaches a Concealed Carry class, and had this one amazing individual show up.

My dad just now got done telling me the story of how he met this certain man. Like I said in the title, my father teaches a concealed carry class, and one day he had this man pull into our driveway. When my dad went to the car, he saw this handicapped man with no use of his legs sitting in the driver’s seat.

The man went on to inquire about getting his concealed carry license because he lives alone in a bad side of town and has had problems with thieves breaking into his home.

The last incident when his home was broken into, the individuals tied his arms and legs together and threw him into the front yard while they robbed him blind. His homeowners insurance has now cancelled his insurance as well due to him getting robbed so much.

This was taken from the class’s Facebook page: “I had the privilege of teaching concealed carry class today to a handicapped man that had been the past victim of violence. He obviously can shoot as well as any “regular” person. He REFUSES to be a victim! He is now certified as proficient, competent, and knowledgeable regarding concealed carry. WHAT AN HONOR to have been his instructor. ”

I just thought it was such an awesome feat to see this level of determination in a person. Maybe I could get some of you guy’s responses to the picture and get my dad to show it to the man, it would probably lift his spirits. It sure inspired me when my dad told me the story, I thought you guys may like it as well.

Let’s see… he must be a bully, a redneck with a thirst for innocent’s blood, an abuser of women and small children, a psycho, an insurrectionist, etc.

It is the Second Amendment the reason that now he stands a chance to face the cowards that go after him because of his limitations. Those who wish for gun control are just accomplices of criminals & killers.

They hate us because we cater to self-reliance.

Now you done it…

OK, I get it manager of Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grill Woodbridge VA . You get a better & cheaper insurance coverage if you don’t allow guns in your Restaurant.  That is fine and understandable, but the moment you allowed the Moms Demand sign, you stepped into the political arena.  It is never wise to openly defy or reject potential clients.

Moms Toby Keith


Dumb move….

Surfing in Blood (part 4) More on the Media, Politicians and Mental Gulag.

As usual, these are not all the emails between MAIG and the NYC government regarding Gun Control and I even doubt the cover all the emails requested by judicial watch. Not they are all the emails about Sandy Hook out of MAIG during a specific time frame (I forgot to say that before).

I posted this image before, but this time I want to point out (as readers have already done, that some Republicans like McCain are considered allies for our enemies.

MAIG McCaine

Or certain Republican Governor that has fallen from his pedestal lately:
MAIG Christie NRA proposalA ghost from the past reappeared:
MAIG Gary Hart
But the “Do Not Touch With A 10 Foot Pole” rule seems still in effect.
MAIG Gary Hart 2


This is a part of an exchange between Mark Glaze of MAIG and Abby Spangler from Protest easy Guns. Apparently Mark has a pool or reporters at his beck and call to attend Anti Gun efforts.

MAIG Protest Easy Guns Abby Spangler


But the attacks on Senator Heidi Heitkamp seemed a bit too much (maybe because she is a female senator) that MAIG started to have second thoughts.

In other news, not all ducks appeared to be in a row when it came about the Vice President’s Task Force. Bloomberg has his own private Anti Gun Think Tank firmly installed in John Hopkins University (The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for Gun Policy and Research) but they had no idea about who was going to be who or had contact information. Somehow me thinks the White House does not like the “biggest” Gun Control Group out there or they are afraid that the spotlight would be re-directed to Bloomberg instead of the President.

I just mentioned The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for Gun Policy and Research. They had their own little conference to address the issue of gun violence and this was one of the things proposed by the attendees:
MAIG GRIMM MENTALThis is 100% Soviet Anti-Dissident strategy. If you are not with the Gun Control cause, you must be crazy therefore invalidates you from owning guns. It is bad enough when it was only supposed to be determined by a physician/shrink since we have seem so many of them being Anti Gun and therefore inclined to slant a determination, but now we are adding a whole bunch of “experts” that will make the expansion of the Brady Checks a mockery. Just take the Schools and remember all the cases of “Zero Tolerance” stupidity we have heard in which  kids are being kids but are treated worse than felons. Imagine a 6-year-old now getting a jacket as mentally unstable because he went pew-pew-pew with his fingers during recess. And of course, that is going follow him not only for guns but for the rest of his life in other endeavors.  It is the Gun Control equivalent of the No-Fly list.

More to come.


Brain Fart

A gentleman gets arrested and he is being processed at whatever local jail… facepalm.