

The 15 Commandments of Operational Security | Political Humor

The 15 Commandments of Operational Security

I. Thou shalt not park thy helicopter in the open, for it bringeth the rain of steel.
II. Thou shalt not expose thy shiny mess gear, for it bringeth unwanted guests to chow.
III. Thou shalt not wear white T-shirts, or thine enemies will dye them red.
IV. Thou shalt provide overhead concealment, for thine enemies’ eyes are upon thee.
V. Thou shalt cover thy tall antenna, for fly swatters groweth not in yon wood.
VI. Thou shalt use a red lens on thy flashlight, or it shall appear as a star in the East.
VII. Thou shalt cover the glass on thy vehicle, for the glare telleth thine enemy thy location.
VIII. Thou shalt blend with thy surroundings, for trees groweth not in yon desert.
IX. Thou shalt cover the tracks of thy vehicle, for they draweth pretty pictures.
X. Thou shalt cover thy face, hands, and helmet, for thine enemies maketh war not on bushes.
XI. Thou shalt not drape thy net on thy tent, for it looketh like tent draped in net.
XII. Thou shalt hide the wires of thy commo, for they pointeth to thee.
XIII. Thou shalt practice the art of dispersion, or one round will finish you all.
XIV. Thou shalt pick up thy trash and litter, for they exposeth thy presence.
XV. Thou shalt conceal the noise of thy generator, for thine enemies are listening.
via The 15 Commandments of Operational Security | Political Humor.

Moms Demand some Illegal Mayors…the irony continues.


Do I detect some clever way to mask where Mom’s finances are coming from? It has been a year and we are not still sure where they get their funding although we suspect Bloomberg’s has something to do with it.

Some tax paperwork is due soon and let’s finally put that issue to rest. In the meantime, I wonder if all the Moms know they are getting attached to a group that consistently has it members hauled off to prison than even Congress.

I forgot who is keeping track of the arrested mayors. Anybody knows, please share!

Check David Hardy’s site for the records of the Illegal Mayors.

Thank you Weer!

CSGV: Confiscation? What Confiscation? You must be an Insurrectionist!

CSGV no ConfiscationThe Pro-Indian-Killers at the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence are a funny bunch.

1) No, as far as I know, no NFA-registered weapons have been confiscated without cause. Then again the ATF is not composed by the bravest of the Federal Law Enforcement and trying to pull a fast one on somebody armed with machine guns and knows how to use them is not something they look forward to do.

2) True. And we like to keep it that way, even against your holy wishes. Than you very much.

3) Yes, we fear laws like NY’s SAFE act that is already confiscating REGISTERED firearms. I guess that makes me an “Insurrecto.” Should I go for the Bandito look? I hate them big Mexican Charro hats as they are uncomfortable as hell.

The Tombstone Bandito by Barbara Manis

OK, this looks cool.

A note to Katherine Willis Pershey. (Gun Owners are like Catholics….Part 2.)

OK guys & ladies, I am gonna get a bit into the religion field which I am very reluctant to do, but I have to finish with the post from yesterday. That one was on the funnier side, this one goes a wee bit serious.

Minister Willis Pershey:

I was still thinking of your God Damn Guns post and realized how sad it must be for you. You made a commitment to serve Our Lord and its Children, but somehow I see your lost your direction.

I am still impressed at the vitriol coming out from a Person of the Cloth.  Don’t get me wrong, as a Gun Owner and Gun Rights fighter, I am used to see hate spewed at me and my cause from the Opposition. We have been falsely accused of many crimes and being accomplices to many deaths by people who have placed themselves in an alleged superior moral platform. I expect that, even welcome it knowing that in the political game, you know you are winning because your opponents resort to vilification as  the rest of the arguments have been lost.

 I hate guns.

I hate the assault rifle Adam Lanza carried into Sandy Hook Elementary School. I hate every single bullet that pierced the flesh of every single one of the 1,883 people who have been shot in Chicago this year (as of 11/1). I hate all the guns that were fired on accident, killing the very children they were kept on hand to protect.

God damn guns is what I want to say, and I mean this in the truest sense of the phrase. I would rejoice to witness every single firearm to ever emerge from a weapons assembly line thrown into an everlasting Lake of Fire. Truly, I cannot imagine that there is a place for guns in the new Creation. If there is no more mourning nor crying nor pain, that must mean there are no more triggers.

Has your devotional education been forgotten? A thing, an inanimate object is not evil. It does not project evil, seek it, create it or conjures it. So where is Evil? You may want to go to Ecclesiastes 9:3 for the answer.

The hearts of people, moreover, are full of evil and there is madness in their hearts while they live, and afterward they join the dead.

Jesus never blamed the whip, or the thorns, or the sword, or the lance or the nails or the cross for His suffering. He knew where Evil truly resides and gave his life for not only redemption of the faithful but for the redemption of all.  He did not call for the damnation of the steel or the leather but forgave those who wielded them in anger and with darkened heart.  I would understand if you had said that in a  moment of weakness, you had hate in your soul for Adam Lanza for what he did, but you blame the object and not the Evil in the heart of the man. Even Jesus got angry in one occasion, but he never stop forgiving.  It is up to you to follow His example.

Ephesians 4:31-32
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

God Bless you.

Moms Demand: Thank You for Supporting Stand Your Ground

I keep saying, for a group founded by a PR expert, a lot of times they step on their fake stay-at-home-mom aprons really bad.

Moms Demand SYGMoms keep complaining about Stand Your Ground laws and how we should instead go to Duty to Retreat which is nothing more than the silly concept that you can outrun a bullet.

This is turning out to be a week full with irony on the Gun Control side…and it is only Tuesday.

Gun Owners are like Catholics….

The gun is not a mere tool, a bit of technology, a political issue, a point of debate. It is an object of reverence. Devotion to it precludes interruption with the sacrifices it entails. Like most gods, it does what it will, and cannot be questioned. Its acolytes think it is capable only of good things. It guarantees life and safety and freedom. It even guarantees law. Law grows from it. Then how can law question it?”

via God Damn Guns | A Deeper Story.

The newest (or at least more insisting) fashion among the Opposition is that we are the new Canaanites worshiping evil idols. The quote above represents another sickening trend they are having: Hate. I am guessing that combining the both of them is to create a vociferous and fanatical new movement that Sean Sorrentino masterfully identifies as the New Temperance Movement and history tells us that was one well-intentioned road to Hell without speed limits.

“The temperance movement, rooted in America’s Protestant churches, first urged moderation, then encouraged drinkers to help each other to resist temptation, and ultimately demanded that local, state, and national governments prohibit alcohol outright.”

An increasing effort to restrict which ultimately led to a total ban….where have we heard this strategy before?

But back to the original idea. Yes, we do cling to our guns and our religion, but we do have a clear definition that one is material and the other is spiritual, we don’t intermix or confuse both and as far as I know, no gunnie has a secret altar lit with candles under a poster of a 1911 and a picture of John M. Browning or sings every Sunday “What a Friend We Have In Gaston Glock.”  If there is any similarity between our “passion” for guns and a religion, you would have to go to the Catholic faith and the ages-old accusation we pray to statutes of Saints.

Catholic saints represent a virtue we feel have or we need to improve our spiritual lives. We are well aware that all the virtues are encompassed by God, but we just might need to concentrate a bit more on a specific in which this particular saint excelled so we resort to his example to remind us and guide us. There are more than one saint for a virtue so you get to choose which one to follow and study depending on whose life is closest to you or attracts you the most. In other words, saints are duty-specific to a spiritual task. We pray to what they represent, not the statute gathering dust in a church as they are only reminders and we humans do forget about goodness and ourselves.

And I guess that some of that can also be said about guns. But we never confuse the spiritual realm with the practical use, betterment and enjoyment we get from firearms. We get to pick which gun or brand we like the best and suits us and we tend to be faithful about it. We engage in silly arguments about what is better because we like it and we may learn something but that differs absolutely from worshiping the object. We admire the design, the aesthetics, the accuracy, the ability to perform multiple roles or just one, but we do not give them magical powers nor we believe they perform miracles. Yes, at times we can get contrary on our favoritism but that is just an example of how unrelated to religion they are as you never see a forum discussion titled: “St. Anthony v. St. Francis of Assisi: Who is the best patron saint of animals?” or “St. Raphael, the forgotten patron of lovers. Is St. Valentine a commercial conspiracy?”

Yes, lots of tongue-in-cheek on this post.  But we gunnies are like that: We take our rights seriously but not ourselves too much. So when you hear or read the Gun Control crowd moping about our alleged idolatry, just laugh in their faces, shame them for  being so stupid as to corrupt religion by mixing it with politics in a feeble excuse to shame us into silence.

And, if you are the religious kind, say a prayer to St. Gabriel Possenti, patron saint of gunnies.


Irony: Moms Demand On The Arapahoe High School Shooting.

Moms Deamnd ArapahoAMERICA IS BETTER THAN THIS: The gunman who shot a 17-year-old student in the head at a high school outside of Denver last week legally purchased a shotgun. Colorado law allows 18-year-olds to buy shotguns and other rifles, but you must be 21 to purchase a handgun. It would have been more difficult for the gunman to purchase Sudafed than it was for him to buy bullets on his way to school that morning: http://tinyurl.com/lvbfnzt

The gun lobby is working in state legislatures across the country to LOWER the legal age to buy guns. State legislative sessions start soon – join us and make a difference for your community: http://momsdemandaction.org/join-us/

So the crowning jewel of the 2013 Gun Control Fight that is supposed to be Colorado actually sucks? All them new laws that were guaranteed to stop all gun misdeeds (No More Auroras! No More Columbines!) actually failed? (insert shocked face here.)

And, a rampage shooter got stopped by…. wait for it….. a Good Guy with a Gun? There was a gun inside a school? ZOMG!

But it gets better, the shooter is on the political side of the Democrat Operative and Moms Demand founder Shannon Watts:

Moms Deamnd Arapaho 2

Why are Gun Control Activists so violent? I guess if Shannon Watts had another kid, he would look like Karl Pierson.

Karl PiersonThe irony…..

If the link to the Denver Post article that includes Pierson’s political quotes were to be ..ahem… misplaced, I saved a copy in PDF. It looks crappy but better than memory.