

The face of evil on Instagram

There is not enough pain and suffering a human being could be put through with all the worst tortures inflicted by all the most brutal civilizations to properly teach these people a lesson.

But one day, God willing, we will have the opportunity to try.

And if that day comes, fear not for my my mortal soul, because I am sanctified in the knowledge that we will be doing God’s work.


On Thursday, September 1st, 2022 the President of the United States initiated combat with half the country. Bullets are not flying and we pray they don’t while preparing for the worse.

The term is dehumanizing. It is the act of making somebody or some group of people less than human. The Hutu of Rwanda described the Tutsis as “cockroaches”. What do you do to cockroaches? You exterminate them. The Hutus murdered 800,000 “cockroaches”.

After WWII anybody that disagreed with the ruling party became non-people and were shoved into the gulag archipelago pipeline. Many died on the way to the gulags. Many more were worked to death or starved. Ukraine was the breadbasket of the Soviet Union. There were posters throughout Ukraine reminding parents that it was bad to eat their children.

Stalin took all the food from Ukraine and shipped it to the cities and starved the people of the Ukraine to the point where there were “dinners” where neighbors got together to eat meat. And there was one less mouth to feed at that dinner than there was the day before.

Stalin murdered 100 million unpersoned people.

The Germans dehumanized the Jews. They were insects, rodents, dirty, unclean and dangerous. They were the reason you got sick. They were the reason that you were poor. They were the reason you couldn’t buy food. They were unpersoned.

On Thursday, the puppetmasters had Jill lead her husband to the podium. They lite the stage like some dystopian nightmare. Our president stood there raised his fists and told the world “MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

That anybody that is republican is a threat to this country because “the Republican Party is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans.” You are not asking questions because it is your right to question your government. It is your right to state your opinion.

According to Biden you do not respect the Constitution. You do not believe in the rule of law. Because you do not surrender to mob rule.

So our President stood before the world and called us a threat. He quoted another as saying we are a clear and present danger to this country. These are words that can justify actions. It is the groundwork of potential horrors to come.

Two days later we see the echos, Lofgren says Trump’s Saturday rally ‘proving’ Biden’s case on MAGA Republicans

“President Biden did caution Americans about extremism in his speech in Philadelphia, and the ex-president is proving his case,” [Lofgren said]. “To call out law enforcement as vicious enemies, I understand that he identified an FBI agent by name on his social media, probably exposing that law enforcement official to threats that we’ve seen.”

Keep your powder dry and your muskets ready.

Unpossible mass killing in Canada


Ten people stabbed to death in Canada.

I bet Canadians are ecstatic that Castro Jr. banned handgun imports and has been ramping up gun control.

That totally prevented two bad guys from killing a lot of people.

Bullcrap: Gun rules, 2nd Amendment rights can coexist by Jerry Taylor.

Guest editorial at the local birdcage dropping catcher:

The “Indian Crisis” at Wounded Knee.

The Japanse-Americans’ Crisis of WWII.


The Kent State Crisis.


And just recently, the President of the United States, with a backdrop of Marines, declared millions of us enemies of the state, an obvious crisis.

So, short answer is: We can coexist as long as you mind your own fucking business and leave us alone. Go after the real criminals, both the scum in the streets and the government officials which keep allowing crimes and killings by street thugs to be committed, make their lives miserable. Unless, of course, you are part of that clique which is yet another reason why we won’t give up our guns.

And you are surprised when we don’t want to try and kick the ball?

On August 7th, NPR published Republicans have long feuded with the mainstream media. Now many are shutting them out

Danielle Kurtzleben from NPR went to Wisconsin to get a story about “abortion rights”. She claims she wanted to do two stories, one on Democrats and one on Republicans. She was very surprised when the Republicans didn’t even bother to reply to her. They just ghosted her.

The problem is that it is easy to read somebody’s bias from questions they ask. Asking to speak to a senator about “the uploading the second amendment” tells the staffer that you are on a different side than somebody calling to talk about “stopping gun violence”. The mere questions you ask will say more about you than you are likely to get from them.

The phenomenon is impossible to quantify, but many Republican candidates are showing that they don’t want – or need – to get their messages out via legacy media outlets. That can reduce the scrutiny they face while running for public office, hampering voters’ ability to make informed choices.

Here is her hubris and bias on display. She considers it her job to scrutinize Republicans running for public offices. “Joe, what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?” vs “Mr Trump, why are you discriminating against muslims? Are you a Islamophobia?”

Of course they never seem to feel that Fox News is “legacy media”. Legacy media only includes their banner carriers, The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, NPR, MSNBC. Isn’t it surprising that MSNBC is considered legacy media even though it is younger than Fox? NBC is older than fox, but not MSNBC.

The problem is that we just don’t trust “legacy media”. We have to many examples of the legacy media twisting what we say to get their narrative.

In 2016 Katie Couric created a documentary Under the Gun. In that documentary Katie asks members of a Virginia gun rights organization to answer a question on background checks. The film then showed 9 seconds of silence from the gun owners. As if they couldn’t answer. Fortunately they had their own recording and it showed that when asked they all had answers.

The video of them sitting there silently was from footage show while the sound crew asked them to be quiet so they could get sound levels.

In other words, Katie lied.

How many times did the legacy media misquote Trump or take his words entirely out of context. There is an entire industry of producing pink pussy hats based on the false premise that Trump was grabbing pussy at a beauty contest. The hot mic comment was a statement about power, if you are rich and powerful you can take video of yourself smoking crack, paying for prostitutes, snorting cocaine, selling access to the presidency and nothing will happen to you.

Opps, that isn’t what Trump said, he made a comment about how if you are rich or powerful you could grab a woman by the pussy and she wouldn’t complain.

It is a good thing that more and more Conservatives and Republicans are learning to tell the legacy media to go shove it. I love DeSantis’ ability to flatten reporters with gotcha questions. He really does a great job. I’m coming to respect Kari Lake’s ability to punch back at reporters as well.

Miguel’s Hit and Run: So exactly where is this Wild West Crime Wave located in the US?

Somehow, we are supposed to abandon our way of life and assimilate this advanced culture from the Gun Free Liberal North?

This did not happen in some deep corner of a NYC Ghetto but right smack in the middle of the Upper East Side, a block away from the UN Building and the infamous Non-Violence sculpture

But we are the dangerous ones for Democracy and Country.

Parody becomes reality in 2022 Congress

This was a comedy sketch from Key & Peele 2015:


Apparently, in 2022 Congress has to prevent that from happening.


The what now?

Democrats Propose ‘RAP Act’ to Ban Lyrics from Being Used as Evidence

Reps. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) and Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) on Wednesday introduced the Restoring Artistic Protection (RAP) Act to limit the use of lyrics and “artistic expression” as evidence in criminal cases.

The bill’s introduction follows the arrests and charges against Young Thug and Gunna earlier this year, with prosecutors leaning heavily on the musicians’ lyrics. If passed, the bill would restrict the ability of prosecutors in criminal cases, as well as lawyers in civil cases, to use song lyrics as evidence against musicians. That tactic is disproportionately employed against rappers, and the lawmakers noted the racial justice element of their legislation as they announced the bill.

The statement released by Bowman is preposterous.

“I am proud to introduce the RAP Act alongside Rep. Hank Johnson. Our judicial system disparately criminalizes Black and brown lives, including Black and brown creativity. For example, Tommy Munsdwell Canady is a young 17-year-old kid serving a life sentence whose conviction heavily relied upon lyrics he wrote. I was deeply moved to hear that Mr. Canady continues to pursue his art in the face of our carceral systems that would otherwise stifle Black art. He is not an outlier. Evidence shows when juries believe lyrics to be rap lyrics, there’s a tendency to presume it’s a confession, whereas lyrics for other genres of music are understood to be art, not factual reporting. This act would ensure that our evidentiary standards protect the First Amendment right to freedom of expression. We cannot imprison our talented artists for expressing their experiences nor will we let their creativity be suppressed.”

By Black and brown creativity they mean rapping about crimes they committed for street cred.

Nobody believed that Johnny Cash shot a man in Reno just to watch him die because there was no other evidence of the crime.

In the Canady case, there was additional evidence.

Tommy Canady sat in court on Thursday, August 6th with his head down, as family members of Semar McClain looked on in disbelief.

“Just why? What was your purpose? My brother didn’t do nothing to nobody,” McClain’s sister Semaja McClain said.

McClain was gunned down in an armed robbery incident on July 29th — near Blake Street and Albert Street.

The criminal complaint filed against Canady says police were dispatched to the 1300 block of Blake Avenue in Racine around 5:00 p.m. on July 29th — for a report of a man down.

There, they discovered Semar McClain dead of a single gunshot wound to the head.

The complaint against Canady says an evidence technician with the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office recovered a projectile from McClain’s right temple area.

The complaint says in the early morning hours of July 29th, police responded to a shooting in the area of Quincy Avenue and Olive Street in Racine. There, a 15-year-old boy suffered gunshot wounds to his back and face. A projectile was recovered from a garage in the area of this shooting.

The complaint says an additional shooting was reported on July 29th — in the 1700 block of Green Street in Racine. There, it was learned that a 16-year-old was shot — and a projectile was recovered from a basement.

The complaint against Canday says the projectiles from these three shootings were taken to the Wisconsin Crime Lab — where they were analyzed. There, it was determined that the bullet recovered from McClain, and the bullet recovered from the Quincy Avenue/Olive Street shooting shared similar characteristics, and likely came from the same type of firearm.

The complaint says the third bullet — from the shooting that occurred on Green Street was from a .380 handgun — according to the state’s Crime Lab.

The complaint says investigators spoke with a witness — who reported seeing McClain and Canady together earlier on July 29th. That witness says McClain was holding a .380 handgun, and Canady was holding a .38 caliber revolver. That witness reported the two were discussing trading and/or selling the guns to one another.

A second witness corroborated this story, according to the complaint.

The complaint says investigators were able to determine the firearm was the same .380 handgun recovered from Canady’s residence — and the same firearm that the witnesses told investigators McClain was trying to trade or sell earlier on July 29th.

The complaint says a song called “I’m out here” was posted to the “Sound Cloud” website on July 31st — two days after McClain was killed.

Investigators listened to the lyrics — and in this particular song, the complaint says Canady was heart to rap the following lyrics: “get Semar slipping, walking through the alley, (expletive) tried to run like an athlete, but bullets catch (expletive), bullets run track meets, bullet hit the (expletive) head and he falls to his toes, he thinks he’s (expletive) now he’s getting exposed.”

The complaint says the song went on to say: “I’ll kill (expletive) real quick and snatch his gold. I’ll set you up — don’t get me wrong.”

So there was ballistic evidence, eye witnesses, and the rap lyrics match the forensic evidence and call the victim by name.

That’s a far fry from Bohemian Rhapsody.

Bowman wants you to believe that the police are listening to rap lyrics to find innocent black men to arrest and charge.

Reality is that the police did a criminal investigation and the shooter was dumb enough to detail his crime to a beat in SoundCloud.

That isn’t racism, by the classical understanding, playing a very stupid game and winning a very stupid prize.

Perhaps, the big problem is that that rap culture honors this criminal activity and encourages budding rappers to commit crimes.

I doubt Johnny Cash fans would celebrate if Cash actually had shot a man in Reno.  It certainly wouldn’t buy him credibility.

But that’s racist, according to the new standard.

We live in very stupid times.