

Unelected man overrules state legislature and Gov. DeSantis

The left is very good at lawfare. They know how to get judges that will rule in their favor and who will grant injunctions that act nationwide.

We saw this during the Trump years. The president would sign an executive order and some federal judge in some leftist hell hole would decided that he knew better than the president and put a nationwide injunction in place blocking the executive order.

Even when the right gets an injunction from a judge it is often limited in scope as much as possible. In one case during the Trump years the judge issued his injunction and then put a hold on the injunction because he knew it was being appealed.

Florida has been on the forefront in the fighting woke indoctoration in the schools and in businesses. In the first blows struck DeSantis worked for and then signed the Parental Rights bill making it illegal for school personnel of any sort to teach sexual issues (trans, gay, or straight) to K through 3rd and all such instruction had to be age appropriate there after.

It use to be that you didn’t know a teachers sexual leanings. That was something for their home life. You might guess that some male teacher was gay because of certain behaviors, but it didn’t really matter and it was not an issue for students. It fell into the “don’t ask, don’t tell” situation. Private matters were private.

Today teachers advocate for all sorts of causes. “Gay Pride!” If you can advocate for gay pride in the classroom can my kid get equal time for “straight pride?” Nope, that’s homophobic. If you can advocate for BLM can my kid get equal time for All Lives Matter, much less White Lives Matter? Nope, that’s racist.

Teachers had free rein to advocate what they wanted. So Florida did something about it. They did it as a representative Democracy. Of course the left melted down and demanded that the law be stopped.

In April, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis into law a bill that would limit CRT in schools and businesses.

Many businesses are forcing employees to attend struggle sessions where people that are not part of the privileged group are forced to denounce themselves and others like them.

The problem is that these DEI training sessions are becoming mandatory. Just like the sexual harassment training that many businesses require. For the Sexual Harassment training it always is the obvious things they talk about and tell you not to do. “Don’t grab her breasts.” “Don’t require sex for promotions.” “Don’t make sexual advances on your coworkers.”

How about they answer “When is it ok to date a coworker and how do you ask a coworker out on a date without it being sexual harassment?”

People were getting fired for not saying they had “white privilege.”

This week U.S. District Judge Mark Walker said that the “Stop Woke” act violates the First Amendment.

So it is against the First Amendment to stop struggle sessions but not against the First Amendment to not attend and to not parrot the required sayings. Something is wrong here.

We need to keep fighting and we will keep winning. Don’t get discouraged. Just stay the course.
Judge blocks Florida ‘woke’ law pushed by Gov. DeSantis

Balkanization is comming

These two videos appeared in my Twitter feed:





There is no way that the culture war can be resolved without violence, a probability extreme violence.

I don’t know how and I don’t know when, but we are going to go the way of Yugoslavia.

I’m tired of people criticizing masculinity they don’t understand

This fucking tweet from CNN is why I’m celebrating layoffs at CNN.


If you haven’t seen the video, this is it:


Only the Left could look at this and say “this is a lesson about masculinity” as though masculinity is exclusively a bad thing.

This is the zenith of sportsmanship, a trait I would consider a key component of masculinity.

Masculinity requires healthy competition, as a way to encourage men to bring out their best.

Compassion is another ideal of masculinity.  Every list of classical many viruses includes some form of temperance, mercy, compassion, or similar ideal.

In this case, we had a pitcher who threw a wild pitch that struck the opposing player in the helmet.  It was clearly an accident and tye pitcher was shaken up by that.  The struck player comforted the pitcher, acknowledging that it was an accident, and that he was alright, and it was okay to continue playing a friendly game.

Aristotle, Plato, Prudentius, and a whole host of other classical philosophers and saints could explain how this was a perfect example of masculinity.

Remember that the word Virtue, comes from the root vir meaning man.  To be properly manly was to be virtuous.

CNN decided that wasn’t the lesson.

Clearly CNN has a view of masculinity that comes out of a generation of boys raised without fathers on pop culture thats says “dads are stupid and men are jerks.”

Contrary to pop culture, we need more dead white men in school, men like Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, and Marcus Aurelius.

We need to bring back the virtues of antiquity.

And we need to stop telling boys that masculinity is awful.

What really kills me about that scene from She-Hulk

Yesterday I posted this clip from She-Hulk:


Today, I saw this person defending it.


What really gets to me is just how tone deaf this is to what reality is actually like.

Modern society and pop culture doesn’t acknowledge just how in control Western men are of their anger or the state of provocation there is for men.

Look around the world outside of Western culture nations and see just how much violence there is.  Honor killings, rape, murder, settling scores, it’s rampant.  Look at cultures were families feud with lethal force over minor insults.  Where men throw acid in people’s faces over slights to their honor.

That doesn’t exist in mainstream Western society.  And where it does exist in Western nations, it does on the fringes in subcultures bereft of Western values.

If Western men were as not in control of their anger as they were, parking lot attendants and coworkers who microwave fish in the break room would have a 100% fatality rate.

Western dignity culture is the most peaceful society every evolved, and we sound celebtate  that.  The people who wrote that line live in a world where they assume the natural state of man is a peaceful eden and not nasty, brutish, and short.

These sort of speech is the zenith of unacknowledged privilege.

She’s a lawyer who goes to work in the safety and comfort of a metropolitan city.

She doesn’t have to worry about freezing in winter or starving because there is a drought.  She lives in comfort because hard men built the city, farm the fields, drill for oil, mine for coal, and make a comfortable life doing paperwork possible.

But society never acknowledges the effort of those men or thanks them for what they did.

It’s always “men are trash” from people who can keep the temperature in their home at their desired level by turning a knob, turning on a light by the flip of a switch, and get clean water out of a tap, made possible by jobs that are 90% percent men.

As for the relationship between the sexes, I’m sorry that some rando on the street cat called She-Hulk.  That sucks.

But pop culture never acknowledges the state of what it’s like for men.

In a move or TV show, the guy who says “I don’t date fatties” is ALWAYS the asshole.  It was an actual arc in Sex and the City where a girl says (paraphrasing) “he’s a great guy, I love him, but his dick is too small so I broke up with him.”  And her friends were all “you go girl, know what makes you happy.”

The first half of Big Bang Theory was a bunch if scientists and engineers with successful careers in academia and research being constantly told they were unworthy of love because they were short and nerdy.

Pop culture accepts the harsh abuse of men at the hands of women that cuts to a man’s core and stri0s him if his dignity.

We’re coming up on 40 years of sitcoms where hubby/dad is an absolute, bumbling, incapable moron.

This degeneration of men in the pop culture is an extension of the degeneration of men in broader society.

I read an article about how the economy gone has from manufacturing and production to HR and people management. HR and management salaries are higher than technical, both individually and overall. Companies spend more on make work bullshit than people who actually do stuff.

Those make work soft jobs are more frequently jobs for women or beta males. The traditionally manly men are being made obsolete. What’s worse is the make work jobs are an impediment to actual work, e.g. making guys drilling for oil go through DE&I training.

We’ve actually taken the male energy that once built this country and stuck it on the back burner and called it obsolete, and then we wonder why men have such a problem when they have no outlet for their energy.

100 years ago: “You’re gonna build the NYC skyline out of iron, throwing red hot rivets at each other, 1000 feet up, with no safety gear.”

60 years ago: “You’re going to build the arsenal of democracy, the highest quality of life the middle-class has ever seen, and hold communism at bay.”

Today: “You’re gonna watch this PowerPoint by some obese feminist about how toxic you are, then have HR and Compliance micromanage your shit to death.”

It is no wonder why the two leading causes of death for men under 50 is overdose and suicide. Men are failing out of society that for decades has told them they are worthless, an economy that has made them obsolete, and a pop culture that insults them constantly.

But She-Hulk is the master at controlling her anger, because, as a high dollar attorney, when she asks her car service to stop at the bodega, between driving her from her corner office to her luxury condo, some guy tells her she’d look nicer if she smiled, because she’s an oppressed woman.

CNN loses another: Brian Stelter Is “Fired”

Sometimes you just have to go with the feel good news of the day.

It is being reported in multiple sources that CNN has canceled “Reliable Sources” and that Brian Stelter is leaving or was let go.

Without Trump to drive ratings up during the hourly two minute hate, CCN’s overall ratings have gone down and down and down.

Brian Stelter made it his business to breathlessly report every misstep, misspeak or to blunt thing that President Trump did or said.

Without Trump driving the two minute hate CCN is looking for other things to report. Mostly that consists of blaming everybody right of Mao as “Right Wing Extremists” and lamenting how they can’t shutup other people’s opinion.

So we close our week with a small bit of good news.

CNN cancels ‘Reliable Sources,’ host Stelter leaving network

*Nods approvingly and begins slow clap*

Mom chops off boyfriend’s penis after he tried to rape her daughter: report

A mother in India allegedly sliced off her boyfriend’s penis on Wednesday after he tried to rape her 14-year-old daughter.

“I have no regrets for what I did,” the 36-year-old unnamed mom told the Times of India.

“I was working in the farm when the incident took place. Fortunately, I returned home in the nick of time and caught him red-handed,” she said, explaining the series of events that led to the incident.

“He even attacked me while I was trying to save my daughter, so I brought a knife from the kitchen and chopped off his private parts to teach him a lesson.”

Problem solved.  Problem staying solved.