

Miguel’s Hit and Run: OK, hear me out.

You have seen those services where maids go to homes and clean it, or your car is washed and detailed at your place of work? The same principle but for guns. We can have vans of trained people go to your home, place of business or even outside the local area ranges and clean and lubricate your guns after you have done shooting.

Just a thought


Armed with AR-15, Suspect fired Nail Gun Into FBI Office

Things that make you go “hmmmmmm?”

Earlier, two law enforcement sources said a man armed with an AR-15-style rifle got inside the FBI building and fired a nail gun toward personnel before he fled in a car.

Dewalt 20V MAX* 21deg Framing Nailer
Is this what he shot up the FBI office with?

Ohio State Highway Patrol spokesman, Lt. Nathan Dennis said that officers fired less lethal munitions at the suspect before the suspect raised his gun. The officers then shot the suspect dead.

And just so you know, the suspect is one of those extreme right wingers, he was at the January 6th rally!

And again, we have that unusual situation of a “extremist” that supposedly has an AR-15, the deadliest of weapons, and yet he attacked the FBI office with a nail gun.

Hmmmm, it is almost as if they aren’t telling the whole story. Or they are manipulating it so that the narrative stays the same. Right == bad, Left == good.

As a wild ass guess, the dude was upset, went into the visitors center, popped off his nail gun a few times before leaving with the cops chasing him. He then committed suicide by cop by pointing the nail gun at the cops. Until we see video of it, the odds of there being an AR-15 involved are pretty small.

Jan. 6 Protestor Accused of Attacking FBI Office in Cincinnati

Many of the articles on this event highlight a January 6th connection and all of them mention an AR-15.

EDITED: Original stated that the suspect raised his “guns” when the actual quote was raised his “gun”

That’s a lot of dumb luck and spent brass

I caught this story online:



Miguel has written treatises on the importance of security cameras, not breaching your own perimeter, and not leaving guns in your vehicle unsecured.

Clearly this guy doesn’t read our blog.

He is very lucky to have survived and to have not been charged with a crime for filling a neighborhood with bullets.

He actually retreated, put on shoes, and went back out into the frey.

Brave but stupid really sums it up.

And what does he have to show for it?

His truck gun was stolen and his BMW is full of holes.

At least he didn’t get shot, and that was probably more dumb luck than anything else.

“Motives unclear”

The famed author Sir Salman Rushdie was stabbed at an event in New York.

Rushdie lost an eye, and suffered damage to nerves in his arm and liver.

In 1989, the Ayatollah Khomeini issued a Fatwa against him for his book The Satanic Verses.

In 2006, Hezbollah issued their own Fatwa against him.

However, according to The New York Times,  the motive for the stabbing of Rushdie is “unclear.”


The ghost of Walter Durante has never left that place.  There is no greater publisher of dishonest bullshit than the paper of record.

Two Americas are colliding


See, according to Max here, being Ricky Shiffer:  antivax, antifa/BLM hating, trans-panicking, stolen election truther, makes you the bad guy.


It turns out the vaccines are far less efficacious than we were told and do not stop the spread of COVID.  They are in fact more dangerous than we were originally told.  The vaccine mandates did nothing to curb COVID but did do enormous economic damage by causing mass layoffs.

Antifa and BLM did actually kill and injure people, do billions of dollars in property damage, destroy businesses, and cost people their livelihoods, while the executive management of BLM pocketed donated money and bought themselves mansions.

Trans athletes are causing a rift in girls sports.  Trans activism in schools is causing emotionally vulnerable children and teens to cause permanent physical damage to themselves with hormones and surgery.

The 2020 election was full of fuckery.  CIA and FBI officials, and members of Congress used their positions of authority and credibility to smear Trump with knowingly false allegations of Russian collusion.  They called factual information about Hunter and Joe Biden’s corruption Russian disinformation.  Social media controlled the flow of information, limiting anti-Biden and promoting anti-Trump messaging, posted online.  Famous the Hunter Biden laptop story by the New York Post was blocked on Twitter and Facebook.  The New York Times admitted that the media and social media conspired to “fortify the election” for Joe Biden.

Then there were the changes to election laws and procedures as a result of the pandemic.

Whatever term you want to use, it’s absolutely crystal clear that the 2020 election was not “free and fair” by any previous standards.

But the Left does not acknowledge this, or if they do, they say it’s a good thing.

Following that, there is the juxtaposition of how BLM rioters and January 6th protesters were treated.  Obviously one side being politically favored and the other not.

And then there is the juxtaposition of how Trump was treated against Hillary Clinton, Eric Swalwell, and Hunter Biden.

Hillary Clinton maintained a third party server and destroyed evidence.  Swalwell fell into a Chinese honeypot and was given a free pass.  Hunter Biden has video and recorded evidence of corruption and degenerate criminal activity, some of which has gone public.  None of them were raided.

The man who signed off on the Trump raid was the same man Trump blocked from being appointed to the Supreme Court.  Can anyone say conflict of interest?

Not just do we have ideological differences, we can’t agree on the facts.

We are two nations, occupying the same plot of land, and we are colliding at breakneck speed.

It’s not going to go well.