

It’s going to get bad fast

I was talking with a buddy earlier today about the Trump Mar-A-Lago raid.

I said that I predict shit will get ugly.

The whole point of this, just like the two impeachments, is to saddle Trump with every burden they can think of to make him ineligible to run against Biden in 2024.

I predicted that in furtherance of this, I expect Trump to be arrested and perp walked out of Mar-A-Lago by federal agents.

Not because he did anything justifying that, but because it would be a public humiliation.

Merrick Garland having his petty revenge against the man who kept him off the Supreme Court.

It would also make a great photo-op for Democrats to use against Trump.

I predicted that Trump supporters would protest such an action and would likely turn violent.

The media and Democrats would love nothing more than seeing some MAGA behatted Trump supporters gunned down by FBI in front of Trump in handcuffs.

I’m pretty sure there are a lot of people on the Left who regularly masturbate to that fantasy.

After that, there would be a crackdown on Trump supporters.

Then I see this news:


Well fuck.

The stage is now set for shit to go sideways bloody and quickly.

I’m really feeling tgis quote from Admiral Painter from Thr Hunt for the Red October…

It’s all Banana Republic from here

Pretty much everyone knows that the FBI raided Trump’s home in Mar-A-Lago yesterday.

Ostensibly, it was to recover classified documents that Trump removed from the White House.

But considering all of the lies the FBI told about Trump since 2016, there is no reason to believe them now.

The incomplete list includes lying about Russian Collusion, lying to FISA courts to get illegal wiretap warrants, lying about the Trump dossier, lying about not spying on Trump, lying about Hunter Biden’s laptop to counter Trump’s claims, etc.

This raid follows arrests of Trump associates for what were normally unenforced infractions in Washington.

Under Obama, we had Lois Lerner politicize the IRS.

Now we have a partisan bill for 87,000 new IRS agents and an Administration that has proven its capabilities of using federal law enforcement for partisan purposes.

How do you think this will end?

Every Trump donor being put through audit hell?

Seizure of income from Trump donors?

This is how banana republics act, and it’s now how the US government acts.

A Rubicon was crossed in the last 48 hours, and it is a dangerous one.

Tuesday Tunes

Theme songs tell us the story of a life, real or fictional, in just a few seconds. Words aren’t required, nobody can hear the opening sounds of the Star Trek theme song and not know what is happening. It is so strong that a bar or two and they can twist it and your mind somewhere else.

The theme from Jaws is still used in paradies and to tell people that what they seeing hides what’s beneigh the surface.

Sometimes lives have theme songs. This is the song that will be played at my daughters wedding. Not sure when, but it will be played.

BREAKING: Trump’s Florida home raided by FBI

Posting on his social media platform Truth Social, Trump stated that his home in Palm Beach, Florida “is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents.”

“These are dark times for our Nation,” wrote Trump. “Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate.”

“It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, sand who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections,” he continued.

BREAKING: Trump’s Florida home raided by FBI – Rebel News

Apropos of nothing:

Which leads to the following: