

My tinfoil hat is getting tight

The Left’s stereotype of a White Supremacist is a poor, fat, stupid, beer bellied, tatted up redneck. But these guys are all skinny, in prime physical fitness, clean cut, wearing $80 a pair 5.11 pants.


Remember that the Bipartisan Gun Control Bill of 2022 included $100 million in additional funding for the FBI?

Federal Holiday Premium Pay is double time…

NY to make getting a CCW permit unconstitutional and impossible

First, a little history:

I was living in Illinois when Moore v Madigan was decided.  The 7th Court of Appeals struck down the Illinois prohibition on concealed carry.  Concealed carry was coming to the Land of Lincoln.

Illinois is a Midwestern state.  It was surrounded on all sides by shall issue states.

Yes, Chicago is a heavy weight player in Illinois, which is why it’s considered a Blue state, but in the internal wrangling of Illinois politics over concealed carry the Red counties (97 of the 101 counties in the state) really exerted every ounce of pressure they had.

The court established a deadline for when Illinois would have concealed carry in place.  If the state could not put together a concealed carry law, the state would default to Constitutional carry.

Blue districts wanted very restrictive may issue permits that were as impossible to get as NY permits.

Red state districts demanded shall issue or they would block the legislation from advancing and the state would default.

In the end Illinois had shall issue, but the Blue districts tried to make it as onerous as possible to dissuade people from getting permits.

The result was a background check with finger prints and 16 hours of training, and live fire qualifications.  The training was bullshit.

I’ve been through the 8 hour training mandated by Nebraska and North Carolina, and the 4 hours mandated by Florida.

By far, the Florida training if the most efficient.  Illinois training is like sitting through the Florida training four times.

It was either all day Saturday and Sunday or from 6:00 to 10:00 PM Monday through Thursday.  It was also expensive.  Meaning that working class people would have a difficult time both affording it and making time to attend the classes.

The difficulty was the point.

I tell you this story so that you understand how anti-gun Democrats can make complying with Court decision enforcing gun rights to be difficult as a barrier to stop people from using enjoying their rights.

So now let us turn to New York.


From the article:

New York lawmakers approved a sweeping overhaul Friday of the state’s handgun licensing rules, seeking to preserve some limits on firearms after the Supreme Court ruled that most people have a right to carry a handgun for personal protection.

Hochul, a Democrat, called the Democrat-controlled Legislature back to Albany to work on the law after last week’s high-court ruling overturning the state’s longstanding licensing restrictions.

Backers said the law, which takes effect Sept. 1, strikes the right balance between complying with the Supreme Court’s ruling and keeping weapons out of the hands of people likely to use them recklessly or with criminal intent.

Among other things, the state’s new rules will require people applying for a handgun license to turn over a list of their social media accounts so officials could verify their “character and conduct.”

Applicants will have to show they have “the essential character, temperament and judgment necessary to be entrusted with a weapon and to use it only in a manner that does not endanger oneself and others.”

As part of that assessment, applicants have to turn over a list of social media accounts they’ve maintained in the past three years.

“Sometimes, they’re telegraphing their intent to cause harm to others,” Gov. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, said at a news conference.

Gun rights advocates and Republican leaders were incensed, saying the legislation not only violated the Second Amendment, but also privacy and free speech rights.

The bill approved by lawmakers doesn’t specify whether applicants will be required to provide licensing officers with access to private social media accounts not visible to the general public.

Some humorless scold, the worst sort of Karen from HR is going to be reviewing your social media posts to decide on your character.

This is going to be as subjective as the may issue good cause requirement.

You know exactly what will get you denied.  Have you ever supported Trump?  Did you every say something negative about Cuomo?  Did you not post the Holy of Holies Pride Flag in June?  Did you ever call Biden “Pedo Joe?”

Pretty much if you are anything short of a dyed in the wool “Love is Love, We Stand With Ukraine, Orange Man Bad” Leftist, your character is not getting approved.

What if you don’t have social media?  Is that evidence of non-compliance or do they automatically deny you?  What about shared social media?  I’m just going to assume the worst here.

Plus, you just handed over your name and social media to the government, so who knows what else they will do with that.  Again, just assume the worst.

What they are doing is violating your First Amendment right to speak freely to apply for your right to exercise your Second Amendment right.

People applying for a license to carry a handgun will also have to provide four character references, take 16 hours of firearms safety training plus two hours of practice at a range, undergo periodic background checks and turn over contact information for their spouse, domestic partner or any other adults living in their household.

Again, 16 hours of training, and two hours of range time.  The range time requirement is odd.  Illinois only had an accuracy qualification.  If you shot it the first time you could be done in 15 minutes.

What do they expect you to do with two hours on the range?

I wonder what the accuracy qualification will be.  I used to shoot with a USPSA group that would do the NYPD annual qualification as two consecutive stages.  It was embarrassingly easy.

The contact information for other adults is egregious.  Is the point for the state to contact them as a reference or will they deny you a permit because of who they are?  Will you be denied a permit because you’re taking care of an elderly relative or you have a family member living with you that has fallen on hard times?  This seems particularly offensive in NYC where the cost living, rent controlled apartments, and tye high number of immigrant families, means that residencies are often multi generational with extended families.

People also won’t be allowed to carry firearms at a long list of “sensitive places,” including New York City’s tourist-packed Times Square.

That list also includes schools, universities, government buildings, places where people have gathered for public protests, health care facilities, places of worship, libraries, public playgrounds and parks, day care centers, summer camps, addiction and mental health centers, shelters, public transit, bars, theaters, stadiums, museums, polling places and casinos.

New York will also bar people from bringing guns into any business or workplace unless the owners put up signs saying guns are welcome. People who bring guns into places without such signs could be prosecuted on felony charges.

I guess residents of NYC won’t have to worry because all of NYC is a sensitive place.

If you can’t carry on public transportation you won’t be able to get around the city unless you own a vehicle (ride sharing services prohibit concealed carry and you know the Taxi services will too).

You might be able to carry from your apartment to the one business that says guns are welcome if you can walk there, but beyond that, you’re disarmed.

Moreover, no carry on the subways, Times Square, or in Central Park pretty much means no carry in the places you need it most.

All this does is tell criminals “if you want to rob and rape, do it in these locations.”

The guns are welcome aspect is also malicious. In Illinois, a business had to put up a sign that said concealed carry was prohibited, and there were rules as to how prominently that sign needed to be displayed.  No sign and the default was carry was allowed.

New York is making the default that carry is prohibited and the signage must say guns are welcome.

You understand the point of this, right?

Once a guns are welcome sign goes up, the expectation is that anti-gun New Yorkers will either know which businesses to boycott or know which businesses to boycott and harass.

Imagine the Facebook pages that will pop up of AWFLs caterwauling online that: “The [store/restaurant/business] in the building next to mine where I stop to [shop/eat/get serviced] says that guns are welcome.  I feel so unsafe with those evil ammosexual Nazis next door.  I’m never going to do business with them again. Everyone go online and give them a one star review on Yelp until they take that sign down or go out of business.”

New York is intent on thumbing their nose at the Supreme Court with malicious compliance.  Shall issue with so many onerous and subjective standards that it’s effectively may issue.

The only good news for New Yorkers is that their AWFL governor might have been so awful that it’s a violation of the Court’s ruling.

But some Republican lawmakers, opposed to tighter restrictions, argued the law violated the constitutional right to bear arms. They predicted it too would end up being overturned.

I agree.

“We replaced a subjective may issue with a subjective and equally impossible shall issue, that also includes political partisanship, so that the same number or fewer of permits are issued every year” is not compliance with the Court.

My hope is that lawsuits against this bill go up quickly.  Generally, courts don’t like it when their rulings are ignored or worked around in such as way as to be effectively undone.

I would love to see nothing more that Justice Thomas respond to Governor Hochul by gavel slapping her with a decision that effectively makes NY constitutional carry like Madigan almost did.

A reasonable article

In general media representation of the guns right battle is highly slanted. An “expert” or two will be quoted with their affiliation, but unless you are in the know, it isn’t obvious that these experts are paid shills for gun control groups.

A line I used when talking to my Senator about the ATF nominee was “If you wouldn’t put a lobbyist from the NRA in this position, then you shouldn’t be putting Chapman as the head of the ATF”.

I’ve been diving into the nastier parts of the body politic in order to find good balanced articles for the blog. This one was surprising.

For some, the words “shall not be infringed” mean no laws can be passed that limit a person’s ability to own firearms or ammunition. Others see “a well regulated Militia” as permitting gun control and stating that the right to own a firearm is connected to a military purpose.

Give them the click AMERICA’S GUN CULTURE: Second Amendment interpretation central to national debate over firearms, public safety

I’m going to side with the instructor

More from that Antifa super soldier:


I’m actually surprised that the instructor let him have a refund.

I understand the principle that rights are not partisan.

But I am a white male Republican.  I used to be a landlord.  I voted for Trump in 2020.  I’m a Zionist.

I know exactly what Antifa wants to do to me, which is why I am armed.

This is not rhetorical, I’m going for my NRA instructor certification.

Do I train someone who I know would turn around and use that training against me.

There is a radical armed Left out there.  They are indistinguishable from Boogalooers, except usually covered in Trans flag colors and cat ears.

It’s an incredible overlap of skinny trans-girls and violent gun owning commies.  Apparently when you take a testosterone blocker and can’t do a pushup you buy an AK and call yourself an Antifa soldier.

Yes, they have their Second Amendment rights, but I’m not going to provide any more support to then than my general support for it.

I’m beginning to see the upside of Red Flag laws





We assume (correctly) that we on the Right are going to be the victims of abused Red Flag laws.

Radical gun-toting queer/trans Left is a weird rabbit hole to fall down, but they exist and they are training because they want to kill you.

They make that very clear.

Is there a reason our side has decided that in our dislike of Red Flag laws we refuse to use them to our advantage?

Yes, I know what you are going to say, the system is biased against us.

In some areas, yes it is.  In other areas it’s not.  And how will we know until we try?

And sometimes saturating the system is enough, like a Red Flag DDOS.

A weapon has been laid down for anyone to pick up.

Are we so stuck on principles that we won’t pick it up and use it against people who would use it against us with alacrity?

Bruen: Chips Start Falling

The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted. The judgment is vacated, and the case is remanded to the United States Court of appeals for the Third Circuit for further consideration in light of New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen, 597 U. S. ___ (2022).

This is a standard capacity magazine ban (more than 10)

The petitions for writs of certiorari are granted. The judgments are vacated, and the cases are remanded to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for further consideration in light of New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen, 597 U. S. ___ (2022).

Young V. Hawaii is pretty much Bruen all over again except it covers both open and concealed carry
Duncan v. Bonta is a standard capacity magazine ban,

The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted. The judgment is vacated, and the case is remanded to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit for further consideration in light of New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen, 597 U. S. ___ (2022).

Bianchi v. Maryland is an assault weapons ban.

These 4 cases have now been granted certiorari (to be judge by SCOTUS). The court has then vacated the original decision of the appellate court. The case has been remanded (sent back) to the court from which it came for them to come to a decision based on Bruen.

The appellate court can then decided to kick it back to a lower court (district?) for them to come to a decision based on Bruen.

This means that these cases should be decided in favor of the second amendment.

It is likely that the 9th circuit court will quickly remand both of their cases. They have already started remanding cases in light of Bruen.

Unfortunately, this will continue to be an issue until these politicians get slapped down. I wish there was a way to send some of them to prison for the way they try and avoid the courts opinions.