

This is how the Left will try and take out SCOTUS


The “Ginsburg Rule” was a rule of the Senate that prohibited Senators from asking a judicial nominee how they would rule on a specific case.

Like all norms that intent fairness in our system, the Left destroyed it.

They found away around the Ginsburg Rule when it came to Roe, asking if nominees thought it was “settled law,” i.e., implying that the nominee would not decide to overturn it.

Senate Democrats wanted to protect Roe at all costs.

Now this is the tool they will try and use to destroy the Court.

This is more than a bunch of randos saying this, major media talking heads and even politicians have said this on TV.

The Left wants to know exactly how a Justice will rule, even if they can’t block a nominee, they want a fail safe to impeach a Justice of they rule against the Left.

Remember, norms and rules are the tools they use to hold us back from advancing while they break them to gain power.

Our Rights Don’t End With Your Fears

Over the last few days there has been a bunch of hyperventing on the left. Blood is going to run in the streets because law abiding people will be allowed to exercise their rights. There are going to be guns where the were not allowed before.

Most of the noise is people that don’t know any better. I’ve had a coworker worry about guns in the office. Since we have clients in our office all the time I said “Likely, we have clients in the office.” She was terrified.

How much more terrified would she have been if she’d known I was carrying at that very moment? Or that my briefcase held a full blowout kit, extra mags and a second 1911?

We’ve had teachers cry to the school board when constitutional carry happened in our state because it meant that parents might have a gun at parent teacher meetings. The school board shut them down because the law exists. What those teachers didn’t understand was that constitutional carry didn’t let parents carry in the schools. That was the “shall issue” CCW. You still need a CCW to legally carry on school property.

A social group I belong to has a number of very outspoken Karens. When they get going on politics they are told “This isn’t a place for politics.” Nevertheless I’ve had to listen to more than one rant about how dangerous it is that people in my state can carry without a permit. How scared they are when they are out in public. I just kept my mouth shut because I was carrying a 1911 IWB strong side. I’d reduced to just one spare mag and had it in my pocket instead of on my belt.

They were afraid and wanted a law.

Today’s article is brought to you by the Karens of Wilmington, NC. They were so frightened when a bunch of Proud Boys came into the library where there was a “pride story time event” going on.

Interestingly, they are described as “far-right extremists”. All the mothers were very very scared and uncomfortable by their presence.

The Karens described that the Proud Boys had angry expressions on their faces which made them feel uncomfortable. They said the group was “loud and disruptive”

More importantly the sheriff’s office issued a statement “There was no disturbance.”

“What we have here is a failure to communicate.” Everybody has a right to protest. Everybody had a right to be in that library. Those Proud Boys were a heck of a lot more respectful than the guests of Democrats in the US Capitol or the “protesters” that have stormed state capitols.

The phrase I grew up with was “I disagree with you but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

I still believe that. The difference is that I’m now defending the rights of conservatives to say what they want while watching so many in power trying to shut down our voices.

“I get it’s a public space, so if people are holding signs outside and they are being peaceful, even if I don’t agree with the things that they are saying, I don’t feel necessarily like my life is in danger. But when a group of known violent people, you know, at that point when those people show up and they’re coming into the library and trying to disrupt the story time. That’s when I felt unsafe and that’s where I felt it was not held appropriately,” Jones said. “And they’re doing that on purpose for sure to intimidate people.”
— WECT Wilmington, NC ‘I felt very unsafe’: Parents speak out after Proud Boys show up at children’s library event

This includes a video but there is no video of any bad behavior on the part of the Proud Boys

I said the Woke DOD would become a Junta



This is the oath of a US military officer upon receiving commission:

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

The Supreme Court was established in the Constitution.

The power of Judicial Review gas been in place since 1803.

The Supreme Court has the authority under Judicial Review to overrule the Executive, it’s part of our checks and balances.

The military is also obligated to obey laws passed by Congress and signed by the President, or passed by veto-proof majority.

A military officer is obligated by the Constitution to obey rulings by the Supreme Court and any Supreme Court decision that affects the Executive.

The DOD does not have the authority to dismiss a Supreme Court ruling or lawfully passed legislation as say “fuck you, we’ll do what we want.”

It could be any decision.

The DOD could, at this point, decide to violate Ex parte Milligan and start trying civilians for whatever they wanted.

This is how a junta behaves.

If the DOD is not slapped back into place, there is no check on them now.

Of course the Biden Administration won’t do that.

The next Republican administration needs to find everyone who was part of this decision and send them to Leavenworth for life.


This response to Dobbs is why I own guns – Update

I have seen this many times before, but never this egregiously.

One comment even had an idea of how to enforce this against children.

I have seen a number of times before, Democrats responding to abortion restrictions with bills mandating vasectomy.

If women can’t have abortions on demand without restrictions or apologies, men must be sterilized.

This is the first time I’ve seen it directed at children.

This bill mandates sterilization at puberty, so that’s what, 12 to 14 years old?

I’ve said this before and I will say this again:

I know my Jewish history.  I know how the Nazis tried to exterminate my people before the Holocaust.

Remember that was the final solution.  There were previous solutions.  One was to sterilize all the Jews and just let us die of natural causes without reproducing.  The Nazis got impatient and moved on to death camps.

In the mid 1930s, thousands of Jews were forcibly sterilized, including Jewish children.

Threatening children with forcible sterilization cranks my dial up to “loading mags and putting kit together” 11.

This is not a joke.

This is not a political stunt.

This the reason our Founders put the Second Amendment in the Constitution.

In case the government demands you and your children are sterilized, break glass and start stacking.

And I guarantee you that you will see more of these bills over the course of the following weeks.

It really reveals the character of the Left.

Biden announced that he was going to mandate that insurance companies pay for “gender affirming surgery” and would have the DOJ fight states that blocked it.

Now this.

The Left in America is really embracing their inner Dr. Mengele in all out support to mutilate children’s sexual organs for political purposes.

Any politician that advances a bill to sexually mutilate children deserves more than to lose an election. They deserve to be tried and hanged for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg.


The legislator says it was a “tongue in cheek” joke.

Nope.  Not funny if it was, but I doubt it was.

I don’t think he realized just how many responses he’d get that told him he met his huckleberry that would put him in a hole.

And it doesn’t matter anyway, because how many radical Leftists supported his “joke” as genuine.

“It was only a joke” is the last refuge of a coward whose mouth wrote a check in the heat of the moment that he realized later that his body couldn’t cash.



And this tells you all you need to know about “May Issue.”

According to New York Police Department statistics, about 3,500 civilians in the city of 8.5 million have “business carry” licenses, and another 2,000 guards have permits to carry guns while working. About 15,000 retired law enforcement officers have a type of license that’s specific to them. The department didn’t provide a breakdown of licensees by race.

To some defenders, gun ruling could right a racial wrong | News | journalinquirer.com

Five times more retired cops than civilians.

Add 30,000 armed NYPD officers and what you get is a city of unarmed subjects caught between the Powers That Be and the Criminal Element.