

Only in America

On July 22nd, 2011 a horrible mass murder took place. It started with a car bombing in Oslo as a distraction. The murder then traveled to the island of Utøya where he shot and killed 69 people. The blast killed 8 people and dozens were injured.

This took place in a country with very strict gun control laws. He used a Ruger Mini-14 and a Glock pistol in his murders.

But mass shootings only happen in these United States.

On Jun 25, 2022 a murdering asshole killed two people and injured 21 more when he started shooting in a bar. He was a Muslim who was well known to law enforcement.

Keep your head on a swivel. Wherever you go, make sure you know all of your egresses. Be prepared to defend yourself.

OSLO, June 25 (Reuters) – Terrified revellers at a gay bar in Oslo hid in a basement and desperately called loved ones as a gunman went on the rampage, killing two people and injuring 21 on the day the city was due to celebrate its annual Pride parade.
— Reuters: Horror on Oslo Pride day as gunman goes on deadly rampage at gay bar

Brilliant plan….




Start shit in rural towns in the Midwest, Deep South, and rural areas where gun ownership exceeds 50% at least and the local police/sheriffs are Conservative and tend to favor self defense as justification.

Brilliant plan.

This is winning


But wait, there’s more…

Calif. Agencies Told to End ‘Good Cause’ Requirement for Concealed Weapons Permit

Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta has advised California law enforcement agencies that the “good cause” requirement for issuing a concealed weapons permit is likely unconstitutional and should no longer be used.

The advice came in a legal alert on Friday to “all California district attorneys, police chiefs, sheriffs, county counsels and city attorneys” and follows a U.S. Supreme Court decision on Thursday overturning New York State’s “proper cause” requirement.

“It is the Attorney General’s view that the court’s decision renders California’s good
cause standard to secure a permit to carry a concealed weapon in most public places
unconstitutional,” wrote Bonta. “Permitting agencies may no longer require a demonstration of good cause.”

The Attorney General’s action was praised Saturday by the San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, a group that advocates for gun rights.

“Since our inception, we have been saying that the proof of good cause requirement is wrong and must go,” said Michael Schwartz, executive director of the group. “Removing arbitrary, subjective hurdles from the path for sane, trained, law-abiding gun owners to carry firearms outside the home for self defense will increase the number of people who can protect themselves from dangerous criminals.”

New Jersey and California are still going to try to make it difficult as hell to get a CCW permit but this is very close to them becoming shall issue.

I suspect a flurry of lawsuits that coming down the pipe at the state level to enforce the SCOTUS decision and make that last few may issue states into shall issue states.

It’s good that Clement and Murphy just started their own law firm, they will be busy for some time.

Now here comes the best part.  Once all 50 states and DC become shall issue, 50 state CCW reciprocity has a good chance of being real.

If the right to bear arms applies once I leave my home, it should apply once I cross state lines.

This is something that might happen in my lifetime.

Speaking of cars vs protesters…


I hate LA, so fuck everyone who lives there and spent hours in traffic.  The DA will let these people go, so fuck everyone who voted for him and is suffering because of it.

But nevertheless, the issue of protesters blocking traffic and attacking drivers still stands.

The can get away with it in LA.

They brought it to a Red state like Iowa.

They will bring this to every place they can.

Be careful.