

His ego wrote a check his body couldn’t cash – update



Keep telling a guy to put his hands to fight after he pulled a gun and kept backing up.

Dear sweet jeebuz that was some really stupid shit to do.

He didn’t have to learn that lesson the hard way but his ego made him do it.

Full breakdown with additional video:


Uvalde School PD going into full CYA lockdown

My God, the cover-up by the Uvalde School Police is getting worse by the day.

Story number one:

‘They keep threatening to arrest us.’ The obstacles facing local news in Uvalde

Over the past two weeks, Nora López, executive editor of the Express-News, has led her staff in covering this story. The job has been made more difficult, she said, by the obstacles facing her reporters and photographers. Visiting law enforcement officials and bikers obstructed reporters’ abilities to cover the funerals of victims.

“In addition to the trauma of covering such an event, then to have to deal with all this harassment and attempts to stop us from reporting this story has been really disconcerting,” López said.

On Tuesday, López spoke with Poynter about the work to continue covering the story of the Uvalde shooting victims and their families, and the obstacles journalists are facing in doing so.

This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

We’ve had reporters on the ground who have been harassed. Last Thursday, there were groups of motorcycle gangs that we believe are former police officers. They were physically getting in front of reporters and videographers, and using their body and their hands to try to obstruct the sightlines. The motorcycle gangs kind of backed off a little bit on Friday, but through the weekend, the police that’s been there helping with the situation continue to do the same thing …

They keep threatening to arrest us, but so far they haven’t. It’s been really hostile. There’s the concern that they are violating our constitutional rights, because we have the right to news gather. I believe that this is bordering on official oppression in stopping us from talking to people and doing my jobs.

The other equally disconcerting thing to me is that they’re also discouraging families from talking to us because they’re hustling them along. Even families who have agreed to talk to the media, they’re basically saying, ‘No, you shouldn’t. You need to move, you need to just move along quickly.’ That’s my biggest concern, that they’re actually now stopping people who want to talk to us, from talking to us.

Story number two:

Texas Police Want Uvalde Bodycam Footage Suppressed Because It Could Expose Law Enforcement ‘Weakness’

The Texas Department of Public Safety has asked the state’s Office of the Attorney General to prevent the public release of police body camera footage from the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde in part because, it argues, the footage could be used by other shooters to determine “weaknesses” in police response to crimes.

The office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton will now review audio and body camera footage recorded by the department to determine if any of it can be released, according to a letter the department sent Motherboard in response to a public records request we filed asking for “photographs and audio as well as video records” recorded by Department of Public Safety officers.

Story number three:

Uvalde Hires Private Law Firm to Argue It Doesn’t Have to Release School Shooting Public Records

The City of Uvalde and its police department are working with a private law firm to prevent the release of nearly any record related to the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in which 19 children and two teachers died, according to a letter obtained by Motherboard in response to a series of public information requests we made. The public records Uvalde is trying to suppress include body camera footage, photos, 911 calls, emails, text messages, criminal records, and more.

“The City has not voluntarily released any information to a member of the public,” the city’s lawyer, Cynthia Trevino, who works for the private law firm Denton Navarro Rocha Bernal & Zech, wrote in a letter to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. The city wrote the letter asking Paxton for a determination about what information it is required to release to the public, which is standard practice in Texas. Paxton’s office will eventually rule which of the city’s arguments have merit and will determine which, if any, public records it is required to release.

What do we have in total?

The possibility illegal intimidation and suppression of journalists covering the story.

The police doing everything possible to keep their body cams and other recordings from going public.

Just imagine how bad it must be if they are willing to look this bad covering it up.

What is it?

Cops being total cowards?  Going back and forth with “you go first,” “no, you go first.”

The Chief running around like an idiot trying to deny responsibility?

Cops laughing and joking about the situation?

How fucking bad is it?

The more they cover it up, the more I want it released.

This woman will red flag you

I posted this video before but I’m going to post it again because I was inspired to by one of Miguel’s and AWA’s posts.



This woman is proud of the fact that she and several of her friends got a conservative mom group’s reservations at a local brew pub canceled because she didn’t like their politics and Facebook posts.

I can guarantee that this woman would red flag any and every gun owner she could with the same alacrity.

You absolutely know that she would rush to TikTok bragging about how she got some nasty MAGA’s guns taken away for posting dank memes.

AWA is right, there is a good chance that SCOTUS may make another groundbreaking pro-gun ruling.

They might try taxes, they might try insurance, they might try any number of things to make buying guns more expensive, but they’ve been threatened us with that for years and have never pulled it off at the federal level.

No, it will be red flag laws that do us in.

In exactly the same way that the Left used Antifa as extra-judicial enforcers in 2020, Leftist suburban white women (AWFLs or Affluent White Female Liberals) will be their enforcers.

Speak up against a drag show at your kid’s school, get red flagged.

Put up a Biden “I did that” sticker, get red flagged.

Post a Trump “Miss me yet” meme, get red flagged.

The abuse of the red flag system to have cops disarm and possibly kill conservatives is not a bug, it’s a feature, and a feature that I fully believe that the Left wants to make us cower.

“Silence MAGAT, or some middle age white wine mom with too much time on her hands will rat you out to the police who will take your guns and shoot your dogs.”

That’s the point.

Winning Is Painful, 2A Forces Trickery by Gun Infringers

The 1934 Supreme Court case of Miller challenged the NFA on constitutional grounds. There was nobody representing Miller’s side and the government lied, stating that there was no military use for a shotgun, much less a short barreled shotgun and since the second amendment was about a well regulated militia, no military purpose meant that the short barreled shotgun was not protected by the second amendment.

And the court so ruled. Under Miller, any “military style” or “military weapon” is a protected arm under the second amendment.

Unfortunately, the lower courts took one part of the opinion and used it to make the second amendment about collective rights. The reason we didn’t have another supreme court case until Heller was because nobody was ever given any standing to file a case.

“Banning modern sporting rifles is against the plan language of the second amendment!” “The second amendment is so that the state can have a militia. “Since there is an exception for national guard, military and law enforcement the states right is not infringed and since you are not the militia you have no standing.”

The amazing thing about Heller isn’t that we got the win, it was that the case made it to the supreme court at all.

Heller acknowledge that the second amendment was an individual right.

Since Heller the gun infringers have been scrambling to find ways around the second amendment. The current method is to use the tiered scrutiny methodology. With this, the lower courts have been able to say “Well yes, this is an infringement but it is actually constitutional because the government says they have a compelling reason for the infringement.”

Which takes us to today. We are waiting for the Supreme Court to issue its opinion on New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc v. Kevin P. Bruen as Superintendent of New York State Police.

We are expecting an opinion at any time now. It is likely that Justice Thomas will be writing the opinion. This comes from court watchers that count the number of opinions each justice writes per term. Justice Thomas hasn’t written one yet so he is likely to be the primary author.

If the opinion is not very limited in scope then it is likely to have a wide ranging effect on many court rulings and current gun rights infringements. It could easily strike down all “may issue” licensing laws. It could mark make FOID requirements unconstitutional. I pray that we get a great opinion from the court.

It looks like the gun infringers are also reading the same tea leaves the same way. The second amendment might get a huge win.

That means that they infringers need some other way to stop citizens from owning firearms.

We know the games they play and for the most part it comes down to making firearm ownership or shooting too expensive for the common man.

  • A 1000% tax on all evil firearms
  • A 100% tax on all ammunition.
  • Require special and expensive insurance of all firearm owners
  • Require expensive storage requirements
  • Require registrations

All of these exist to make it more expensive to own or use a firearm. We’ve all heard of the limited number of rounds per time period. I’m sorry but 50 rounds per month isn’t enough for a single range day. I expect to put at least 100 rounds down range everytime I visit the range.

I once lived in a state where I was required to keep my firearms in one location in my home, unloaded and locked and the ammunition in another location in my home, also locked. And that state defined a loaded magazine as a loaded firearm.

In order to make a firearm ready as the animals are breaking in you would have to unlock the firearm, take it to the ammunition storage area, unlock the ammunition, load a magazine and then load and make ready. Oh, I think they also considered stripper clips with cartridges in them to be “loaded firearms”

There are no silencers from the 1930s and 1940s because nobody was going to pay a $200 tax just to have a muffler.

In the end they will use whatever tricks and cheats they need to continue to infringe. We are making progress. We are winning. But sometimes it is so painful.