

Why I advocate for concealed carry – Philadelphia rapist edition

This video was captured in Philadelphia:


This is the man who did it:


He is a rapist with a history of attacking and beating women.

He beat up three women on a street.  One woman tried to help her friends by striking the man with what looks like a cardigan or coat.

You know what would have been more effective at stopping him from punching women in the face?

A JHP shredding his internal organs.

I have a true vicious hatred for men who beat up women.

Conceals carry is a great equalizer.

A big man can easily beat up three unarmed women.

A woman with a gun can (and should have) stopped him.

Intended Consequences: RI FFL Devastated By Gun Infringments

Via WPRI: ‘It’s devastating’: RI gun dealer reacts to high-capacity magazine ban

Jeff Goyette was in the process of opening a gun store in Portsmouth RI when the legislature passed three gun infringement bills. One raises the age to legally purchase a firearm from 18 to 21. The second was to ban the open carry of a loaded rifle or shotgun in public (No, this doesn’t mean while hunting). The third, a standard capacity magazine ban, was stopped in committee.

The bill was then pulled from committee to the floor where it passed. It is expected that the Governor will sign the bill.

But for Jeff, all of that just means he is likely going to lose his business.

Goyette is in the process of opening a new retail store in Portsmouth.

“I’ve got my life invested in this shop right now, and I haven’t even finished it,” he said.

Now, the ban on high-capacity magazines has stopped him in his tracks.

“This is hurting the law-abiding citizens, and it’s killing the dealers in this state,” Goyette said.

Keep your head in a swivel

One of the things I do besides scanning is to leave the driver’s door open as to block one avenue of access to me. I know it is not a hard block, but if it affects the attackers’ planning (and it may do) I will take the added benefit. And my back, whenever possible, will be against the car, again, no need to create avenues of access to your body.

And please, do not disregard the importance of eye contact.  We have been told so many times that if we make eye contact, we may anger the bad guys and risk being attacked. Newsflash: These people had already made the decision to attack; avoiding eye contact was precisely what they needed. A stern look at somebody looking at you as potential victim may make them rethink you being an easy to take down dunce or somebody that will perhaps be harder to defeat. And, of course, do look, but keep scanning: you never know how many are there and where are they.

And keeping a hand close to the firearm is always a good strategy.

Owning an AR-15 is a political statement

Via HH475 in the comments to The AR-15 has Ruined, RUINED I Tell You, America

I own a couple of AR style weapons. The author gets one thing right, though he doesn’t say it outright. The “problem” with ARs is not their lethality, their ammo, their rate of fire, the size of their magazines, etc. The problem with the AR is that owning it is a political statement. There is no real task that an AR is “best” at, really. For hunting, I prefer a .308 or .30-30. For plinking and varmints, I prefer my M1 carbine or a .22. For self-defense, I own shotguns and pistols. Oh, sure, there are plenty of folk who like to tweak their ARs with fancy addons, etc. and that’s a fine hobby. But most people don’t, in my experience. It’s a convenient weapon that isn’t all that good at any one thing, but isn’t all that bad at any one thing..

But really, I own ARs to piss gun grabbers off, because they are *symbolic* of gun rights. Gun grabbers hate ARs because they are symbols of gun ownership for the sake of gun ownership. I own ARs *because I can* and because it pisses people like Ryan Busse off. No more, no less. And it drives them crazy not because it’s such a horrible weapon, but because it’s the gun that says “screw you” to gun grabbers. It’s unapologetic gun ownership without the “excuse” of hunting, home defense, etc. And that kind of liberty enrages them.

I agree with HH475, owning an AR-15 is a political statement. There are few other firearms that attract as much hate as the AR-15 platform.

We fight the argument with descriptions of what an AR-15 is or is not. How it uses a wimpy round. It is only semi-auto. It is or is not this or that. And we lose because it is an emotional argument that we can’t win with facts.

As a political statement, it is incredibly powerful.

I will give you one place where the AR-15 platform does something almost none of my other firearms do. It gives my wife a platform she can use well. She doesn’t have the hand strength to cycle any semi-auto pistol outside of the .22. She would be able to handle the loading of any of the revolvers but she just doesn’t have the wrist strength to hold one up and no speed on reloading.

On the other hand, she can slap a magazine into the AR, drop the bolt or pull the charging handle with no problems.

The day she shot her AR-15 for the first time just caused her to light up. After spending 10 minutes trying to get a group tighter than 6 or 7 inches with the .22 pistol she picked up the AR and put 10 rounds in a 2 inch group. Yes, it was close. Pistol close. I don’t give a damn. It is the first time she looked at me and said “I can do this”

She now has the ability to defend herself and her family.

Words have meaning: Felonies

Via CNN: Man who carried Confederate flag in US Capitol and son found guilty of felonies

Stop staring at those gas prices!!! Look over here!!! January 6th!!! No, stop looking at your grocery budget! JANUARY 6th!

A man and his son found GUILTY of felonies!!! No, don’t look at your savings account, January 6th I tell you!!!

The man who was captured parading through the US Capitol with a large Confederate flag during the January 6, 2021 riot, was – along with his son – found guilty by a federal judge on Wednesday of obstructing an official proceeding, a felony.

That’s right folks, FELONIES!

What, only one per person? Still they’re felonies!

And they had a large Confederate flag! Felonies! Stop looking at your paycheck, it doesn’t really matter if you are deciding on food for you or food for your car. January 6th!

What did they actually pled guilty of, you might ask? They went into the building and wondered around for a bit, they got “close” to the Senate chambers. But because the Senate fled they were accused and pled guilty of obstructing an official proceeding. Were they actually guilty of this felony or were they beat down from spending a year plus in jail?

According to Wikipedia there have only been a few cases of obstructing an official proceeding and they were things like a crime family obstructing a grand jury investigation, a teacher that tipped off some drug dealers they were under investigation.

This is the sort of charge that gets tacked on to a long list of crimes.

Mr Smith, you have been found guilty of four counts of intentional homicide, three counts of forceful rape, 17 counts assault with a deadly weapon and one count of cruelty to animals.

Yep, horrible that he kicked that dog on his way to rape and murder.

When you see something that fits the narrative to closely, look again. Read what is actually said. Watch what actually took place. This is true for both sides of the narrative.

The narrative right now is that Trump supporters, and by implication all of us, tried to topple the US Government. Anything that supports that narrative will get front page coverage.

At the same time we have to be careful of stories that support our narrative. Just why were they in this location after dark? Animal Attacks.. or How to truly stop crime in Detroit. why was this person attacked? Why did he leave his home?

Is there more to the story?

Words Have Meaning: Mass Shooting

A number of years ago I got to participate in a mass shooting. About a dozen friends went up to some property we owned with a private range. Range backstop was a big hill.

We placed targets out to about 200 yards. But being the lazy ass people that we were, some of the targets were just stapled to trees.

We sent thousands of rounds down range that day.

And while you all might think that a Tannerite booms are impressive…

We got to watch a 100+ ft tree come down. We’d cut it down with gun fire.

FBI: A “mass shooting” is any incident in which at least four people are murdered with a gun.

Unclear if the exclude gang violence. I think they use to.

Gun Violence Archive (GVA): Four or more people struck with bullets. Nobody needs to die for it to be a mass shooting.

Mass Shooting Tracker: Four or more people hit by bullets.

Note that some of these include the shooter themselves being shot, others don’t.

Some include gang violence others don’t.

The reason we can have more “mass shootings” than there are days in the year is because of the twisted definitions.

When Karen hears “Mass Shooting Incident” she sees dozens of bodies laying on the ground, blood around. When she hears “Four Children Killed in Mass Shooting” She sees the images from Sandy Hook of kindergarteners laying in pools of their own blood.

The reality is that by alarmest standards a “mass shooting” can be two gangs flinging bullets at each other which ends up with 2 on each side getting a stitch or two. Four dead might mean to 17 year old animals dead in a drug deal gone bad.

A “school shooting” can be anything from Sandy Hook (real school shooting) to some animal shot in a drug deal in the parking lot of an administration building used to store buses, after dark.

If it bleeds it leads, if it doesn’t bleed, get more ketchup.

The AR-15 has Ruined, RUINED I Tell You, America

Vai the Atlantic: The Rifle That Ruined America

Written by Ryan Busse who is a senior policy adviser to the gun-control advocacy group Giffards.

Amazingly enough that’s what they tell you about the author. They correctly describe Giffards.

According to Ryan, 20 years ago nobody bought AR-15 style weapons. (I should check mine, I’m sure it was made after 1986 and prior to 1999) And only a few companies were making AR-15 platforms. (Maybe because the government was standing on the scales of economics)

And he was out there working hard to keep evil AR-15s out of the gun culture.

Up until about 2006, only a handful of companies were making AR-15s. They were outliers, producing rifles mainly for law enforcement and the military, and in the domestic commercial market AR-15s accounted for just a fraction of total gun sales, which averaged from 6 million to 8 million guns a year. The social norms that governed gun ownership and the firearms industry were clear: Assault rifles and tactical gear were a creepy, fringe interest that had no place in a complex democratic society.

Got that, tactical gear was creepy. If you had to dress like a FUDD to be able to fit in with gun culture.

And even though the intent was to ban all AR-15s, it never really happened, so you can ignore the AWB of 1994. Which implies you can ignore the fact that there was no change in crime statistics that can be directly tied to the 1994 AWB.

Ryan is proud that he fought to keep tactical equipment out of the marketplace, because tactical equipment is dangerous.

I was looking at a Winchester ’94 with saddle ring. That saddle ring was “tactical” for its time. The sling points on my hundred year old (plus) rifles were tactical. The reproduction ammo pouches were tactical. But for Ryan having a vest that holds spare magazines and an IFAK is just to dangerous.

The thing to note is that this article is well written. Articulate. It sounds calm and reasoned. But it includes biased statements that make it easy to make assumptions. “NRA leadership held closed-door business meetings” The implication is that they were secret meetings. The NRA convention wasn’t canceled after Columbine. Never mind that the convention is also the annual meeting that is required. The NRA decided to be aggressive instead of conciliatory in their messaging and stance.

Remember, when some criminal does criminal things over there, you should surrender over here.

And then we get to the kicker, Firearm manufacturers use irresponsible marketing.