

The Democrats have gone full Soviet

Here is Elizabeth Warren blaming high meat prices on greedy meat conglomerates:

Here she is blaming grocery stores for food prices:

Here she is blaming the greedy oil companies for gas prices:

There is no cost increase she can’t unload on company price gouging.

Here is Jen Palin saying the sane thing about meat prices:

And here is the current Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to lower gas profits to be patriotic.

And don’t forget that Biden threatened the oil industry with emergency powers if they don’t bring down the price of gas.

In the Soviet Union, whenever the government economic planners failed and created a shortage, they never blamed themselves.  They would blame the workers or the factory managers and call them traitors and blame them for sabotage.

This is where we are.

The Democrats are blaming every industry for prices and inflation all but outright calling it economic sabotage, when reality is that all of this is the product of their terrible policies.

This is full Soviet economics.

If it gets any worse Biden will have company managers shot in the streets.

We are experiencing the final days of the Soviet Union.


Feel Good: Lego spending $1 billion on US plant

Via CNBC: Lego to invest over $1 billion in first U.S. brick plant

Lego is going to open a brick plant in Chesterfield County, Virginia. It is the first Lego plant in the US.

Toymaker Lego said on Wednesday it will invest more than $1 billion in its first factory in the United States, which will be carbon-neutral, to shorten supply chains and keep up with growing demand for its colored plastic bricks in one of its biggest markets.

The factory in Chesterfield County, Virginia, will be the Danish company’s second in North America and seventh worldwide, after it announced a new factory in Vietnam last year.

Don’t any of you tell me this isn’t gun related… Those Legos make the best caltrops ever. Just ask any parent that’s found one with a bare foot at oh dark thirty

The most comprised Administration ever

LISTEN: The moment Hunter Biden says his father will do anything he tells him to

Hunter Biden recorded himself boasting that his father will adopt political positions at his command, footage obtained from a copy of his abandoned laptop shows.

“He’ll talk about anything that I want him to, that he believes in,” Biden said in reference to his father, Joe Biden, in the Dec. 3, 2018, recording. “If I say it’s important to me, then he will work a way in which to make it a part of his platform. My dad respects me more than he respects anyone in the world, and I know that to be certain, so it’s not going to be about whether it affects his politics.”

“All those fears you think that I have of people not liking me or that I don’t love myself … I don’t fear that. You know why I don’t fear that? Because the man I most admire in the world, that god to me, thinks I’m a god,” Hunter Biden added in the 77-minute recording, which was taped about five months before Joe Biden launched his successful 2020 presidential campaign in late April 2019. “And my brother did, too. And the three of us, it was literally — I had the support to know I can do anything.”

Says the man who got millions from China and Ukraine.

Even if this were braggadocio, it still warrants a Congressional investigation.

We have actual audio evidence of a drug addict and criminal who received bribes from overseas saying that he has control of the President and nobody in the major media or the bureaucratic uniparty cares.

If it seems like everything is being done to destroy us on behalf of China, this is probably why.  We are being by the crackhead Manchurian candidate.

This is not what freedom of expression is about


I really don’t care if a man wants to put in a dress and sing in private, far away from children.

But I want to make it clear why this statement is so grotesque.

This Administration and Nancy Pelosi’s party created a Disinformation Board and coerced internet platforms into policing speech questioning mask mandates, vaccine effectiveness and side effects, stories about the corruption of the President’s son, questions about voter fraud, and news critical to voters to make informed decisions.

That is what freedom expression is all about.

This is lip service to freedom of expression.

This is the second most powerful person in the US government telling you the First Amendment protects trivial things like taping your balls to your taint while you sing falsetto, but the important things like national policy in response to a pandemic must be curated and censored.

That is an obscenity.

The modern state of the LGBT community is absolute degeneracy

Miguel sent me this:


I remember the 90’s and 2000’s before Obergefell, when the gay community did its best to publicly distance itself from the slander that gays were child hungry pedophiles.

They won over the majority of the population by presenting themselves as normal people.

That was 10 years ago.

Today it’s LGBT and now That equal rights, e.g. the right to marry and not be discriminated against in jobs and housing, they have gone off the public degeneracy deep end.

Girls who claim to have gone through half a dozen different sexual identities and genders at age 10?  That is not normal.  That is something imposed from outside by perverse ideologues.

Men in fetish gear?

Men with tits shaking their asses at police and children?

There is clearly a double standard here.  If a straight man ran up to a female cop and waggled his crotch at her, he’d be tazed, pepper sprayed, beaten, and arrested.

Again, all in front of children.

And as God as my witness, if my son’s scout troop marched in a pride parade next to a bunch of men in leather puppy play masks, I’d need bail money.

If the LGBT community wants to know why popular opinion on them is falling, this is why.