

The Fauci who wants to steal Christmas…again

He does not give up, does he?

He has not figured out people was tired of his crap last Holiday Season and that goes double for this one.

He shall be properly ignored by most people and only those who take offense when you say “Merry Christmas” will be the ones bowing to his wishes.

Because he’s a drug addict?


I have experienced mind altering pain.

I had kidney surgery, they cut out two ribs and a chunk of kidney to dig out a tumor.

I went into surgery at 4:00 am and woke up at 10:00 am.

I was on a PCA machine.  I pushed that button and the pain never went away.

I laid there in a cold sweat, shaking, barely able to breathe.  I was told I looked like death.

The doctors and nurses kept looking at the readout of my PCA and said I was getting Dilaudid.  One resident even said I was a wuss and would have to “man up and take the pain.”

At 8:00 am the next day, the nurses came in to refill my PCA and lo and behold, the syringe was full.  The plunger has gotten jammed.  So while the machine printed out that it has administered a dose of painkiller, nothing was actually pumped into my IV.  At that point the doctors realized how much they fucked up, in front of my dad, a lawyer, who hadn’t left my side all night.  The next thing I remember was a shot of Fentanyl.

For twenty-two hours after kidney surgery I had not a drop of painkillers in my system.

That much pain resets your brain.

So when I say I know what mind altering pain without painkillers is like, I do.

One thing you don’t do when you experience pain like that is get into a social justice word salad argument worthy of Tumblr.

After abdominal surgery you can barely breathe, anything that shifts your abdominal cavity hurts so much your body doesn’t want to do it.  Yelling is not an option.

I don’t know what is going on here, but I have a hard time believing that a dude yelling at nurses while making a TikTok video, asking for Dilaudid by name is hurting as bad as he say he is.

I also don’t believe that they did a GSR and only gave him a Tylenol.

I feel like this is on purpose

In a nutshell, COVID protocols and the unemployment benefits have wiped out the nation’s supply of dock workers and people to unload and transport cargo.

So all that stuff is just sitting there waiting to be unloaded but there is no one to do it.

I’m getting the feeling this was a feature not a bug and collapsing the global economy was the goal.

If it wasn’t,  they could suspend the restrictions and solve this fast.  But they don’t.