
Ask Hagar anything

Hagar has agreed to accept a chance to answer questions from you, our readers. This posting is in the feedback category so anybody can post comments. Questions should be in by Friday, Feb 24th.

The comment posting rule still stands, “Don’t be a dick”.

Hagar will answer every question you post of her. The answer my be a short “I don’t know” or “I won’t answer this question.” Those are answers.

So put your thinking caps on and ask away.

Friday Feedback

I’m still working on my photography. There is a huge learning curve moving from film to digital.

For a number of years I used a Nikon Coolpix 900 which I got from my mentor’s estate after he was killed. It produced JPG images.

When that died I stopped taking pictures because it was too expensive to do film and to expensive to buy an DSLR.

I now have a Nikon D4. It is a generation or more back but it is a camera I could afford. I just had to put that .50 cal bolt action on the back burner for a bit.

One of the things I had to learn is that RAW means RAW. The images that you normally get out of your phone camera or consumer grade cameras is processed by the camera into a JPG image. The processing done on the RAW image before turning it into a JPG is extensive.

When you work with raw files you get the image exactly as the sensor captured it. Your software needs to apply the correct processes to turn that into something that you are willing to look at.

In the Windows/Mac world the software that does that is Lighttable. I’m a Unix/Linux guy, so I use Darktable It does much if not all of what Lighttable does, but it is free.

So I apologize if my images are not right. I’m still learning the processing sequence and camera settings. I’m relearning lighting procedures. And I’m having to relearn post processing.

Let me know if you’d like more gun pictures. I do intend to do some more of that Model ’94 and its older brother.

Thursday’s post was a little weak. When I said “I’ve had to listen to people lie and miss represent gun rights” and was tired of it. I wasn’t talking about social media or the mainstream media. No, I was talking about reading briefings in court cases by infringement loving AGs in different states.

Friday has a LONG post coming out about an hour after this post regarding a local case out of Oregon. It is important because it again shows wins in the lower courts and losses at the higher levels.

This particular case was brought to our attention by B.Zh. I think I spent about 6 hours total reading and skimming filings.

Did you know that it costs $54/month to get access to Oregon state court filings? There is a free version but it only had the final opinion of the court. The cache of documents I did find was from Everytown. I downloaded and posted them here so we don’t have to give their website any more visits.

Finally, Hagar has agreed to an “Ask me anything”. Start collecting your questions. There will be a post early next week with open comments so that you can ask Hagar anything you want.

Be polite in your questions and we reserve the right to K/O any question for any reason.

Hope you all are looking forward to it as much as I am.

Let the commenting/roasting begin, thank you to all our fine readers.

Friday Feedback

Last week we asked if anybody wanted a photo heavy article on a couple of different lever actions.

You asked and I’m going to provide. First up is the Winchester ’94. We’ll be showing the differences between pre and post ’64 models.

For those that don’t know, In 1964 Winchester changed the design of the ’94. It went to a lower cost methodology. I don’t know all the ins and outs (yet) but the one that bit me is the “elevator” or “lifter”. This is the part of a lever action rifle that lifts the cartridge from the magazine tube level up to the chamber level and lets the round be chambered.

On the post ’64 model this is made from stamped sheet metal. On the pre ’64 model, it is a machined part. I’ve had zero issues with my pre ’64 Winchester ’94s. My one post ’64 gave me lots of feed issues. I believe I’ve Bubba’d that lifter back into spec. as it seems to be working.

The R92 will likely come third. I have a Marlin 3082 (Model 30 with fancies) and a Marlin 1894. Since somebody asked about the 1894, it is likely that I’ll do that.

It seems that Hagar stirred the pot but good. Last I looked there were over 25 comments on her article. She’s started her next article. I think you all will like it.

The most interesting thing I’ve read or heard regarding the Stabilizing Brace final rule put out by the ATF is the lawsuits filed. Many are being filed in Texas which is part of the fifth circuit court. A decidedly level headed circuit court, likely to follow Bruen

I’ll be keeping an eye on that case.

More stuff is happening with O.F.F. over in Oregon. Measure 114 is being challenged and of course the media is miss representing the cases. We might get an update done soon.

The CCIA in New York State has an injunction against it which is currently held by the second circuit court. There will be a hearing on the appeal in March. We are waiting for the court to release their reasoning for their stay as “suggested” by the Supreme Court.

The state of New Jersey created the “Kill Carry” bill. The first district court to hear the case issued a injunctions against the law when it showed up in her court. The state went judge shopping. Got their case in front of a different judge. This judge then passed the case to the original judge with a comment of the yeah, what she said.

State of Gun Free Zone.

When we went to “pay to comment” we lost a few readers. The numbers are going back up.

Let us know down below how we can make GFZ better for you. In the meantime, keep up the good fight

Friday Feedback

From last week, I am looking at 2A cases happening in the second circuit court. I’m likely to pony up for a PACER account and hope I don’t burn down my bank account in the first few days of access.

The great news is that the wheels of justice turned and Alec Baldwin has been charged.

We have the great bitbull debate going on. My two bits? Keep your dog away from my kids.

We had one neighbor who let his dog get free and it attacked and killed one of our chickens. He apologized, offered to pay for the chicken. He called the cops and self reported.

Two days later he was at our house again. He was in tears. He had just put down his dog because it had attacked our chickens again.

The ATF announced their pistol brace ruling. The did a “take back” and screwed millions of firearm owners. I had considered SBRing on of my ARs so that I could have a 14.5 (IIRC) barrel to match the barrel of the M4 Carbine. If I did that, I had planned to pick up a stabilizing brace to have as a “it is just a pistol” until such time as the ATF approved the SBR.

I’m glad I didn’t.

There are a number of cases filed against the ATF over this ruling. There is an opinion out of SCOTUS in 1994, Staples v. United States that I’m researching. Mark Smith mentioned it as a good starting point in battles regarding ATFs new SBR rules. I’m not sure I agree, I have to read this a few times.

What subject would you like Hagar to write about from a left leaning perspective?

Friday Feedback

Welcome to another Friday Feedback. Hagar is onboard to give us an article per week from behind enemy lines. They seem to be getting some good traction.

You poor folks are going to have to put up with too many photo reviews coming in soon. Just made out like a bandit at a photography store that has closed down. Picked up a bunch of gear I wanted/needed. This, along with the stuff I just got will allow me to take some pretty good photos of some of the firearm stuff I have.

The image of Mrs. Pink from yesterday is the result of hours of prep so that the actual time from “yeah, I want to do this” to a finished picture was only about 15 minutes. That includes setting up the lighting, taking the pictures, importing the images, running the color calibration and then doing the image manipulation to straighten the image, fix some perspective, blur out the serial number and crop it down a little bit.

It took longer to find where I exported the image than it did to get and process the image.

Some of what I plan on doing is some macro photography. I.e. close up photos. That will be fun.

We heard about the Antonyuk case. It was interesting that I was able to get the Alito opinion, read it and get it out to you just as my sources were starting to make reports about it.

One lawyer I listen to explained that all of the references by Alito (joined by Thomas) to other cases in the district courts challenging the CCIA indicate that the Supreme Court is following these FU knee-jerk laws being passed by states and challenged by many.

Leave a comment below to let us know what we are missing, what you really are tired of hearing about, what you want more of, or just to tell us what jerks we are. And remember, anybody can comment on feedback articles.

Friday Feedback

We have the results of our polling on Hagar’s article. As of 1900 last night it was 44 91% yes, 6% no and 2% If they make some changes.

By the time you are reading this you’ll be able to look at the poll results yourself.

As far as infrastructure goes. I have all of the sites as they existed before that machine was turned off. I was about to start bringing the discourse site back online when a client site went down. I didn’t think that was resolved until 0400. At 0900 the client called me to tell me that it wasn’t really resolved so I continued fixing the site until it was up again.

This sort of took the upgrade to WP 6.1 on hold as well as bringing up our video and discourse servers.

As long as there are no more emergencies this week, I should have time to get that done this weekend.

I’ve taken to not showing polling results until the poll closes. Do you prefer to see the poll results as the poll runs or do you prefer waiting until the poll closes?

There is a fair bit of action happening in 2A cases. New ones are filed almost daily it seems.

Thank you again to all of you that support us by being members, commenting, reading, and sharing. It means a great deal to us.

Are there any subjects you are interested in directly? More of J.Kb’s short stories? Something in particular from behind enemy lines? A particular court case that you would like me to research and report on?

Feel free to let us have it in the comments below. Remember that everybody can comment on Friday Feedback, it is not a members only article.