
Friday Feedback

There have been a number of cases filed since the Bruen decision. There have been a number of states that have decided to go off the deep end.

What cases are you watching?

What is the most surprising thing you’ve seen so far after Bruen?

What firearm have you seen and wanted just because of the ammunition?

Friday Feedback

Hope you all had a good week. For our readers in Florida I hope you weathered the storm safely and if there was any loss it was minor.

Friends in the area are reporting that they are all ok. One friend reported that there was significant water leakage which caused part of his dining room ceiling to come down. That’s the extent of it.

Things that go bump in the night, that aren’t human.

It’s 2300 or 0300 and the wife says “There’s something out there!” and you have to go out to confront it, assuming you know it isn’t a human (nor a monster), what do you grab?

I’m glad I didn’t grab the Merlin in 45-70.

Thinking about the size and danger and downrange considerations, what is your go to?

Friday Feedback

Another week, another slate of bad laws and good events.

You, of course, know the drill. Leave the comments.

Had a bit of fun yesterday, was able to talk to a young lady from Brazil. She went shooting for the first time now that she lives in the US.

Quote: It was very scary.

She’s been invited to go shooting and she got to see some video of my kid shooting. She’s looking forward to a day at the range if she ever makes it over here.

When was the last time you were able to take a new shooter to the range?
What was the best response you’ve ever had from a new shooter?
What was the scariest at the range incident you’ve encountered?

Friday Feedback

Well I remembered this week. Sorry for missing last week.

We want to thank everybody that has become members, it is what keeps the site up and running.

No new software changes in the last two weeks. We did make some configuration changes to better identify hacking attempts and to better protect the site from unauthorized changes. That all seems to be working.

Next week I expect to be working on getting the contributor membership level setup and running.

The issue is that contributors, as they are currently defined, are allowed to see more information than we want them to see. Thus we can’t let people have that role and are creating a custom role to allow just enough capabilities to be able to just see and work on their own posts.

Feel free to sound off on whatever you want, again we are looking for suggestions on music, stories you would like us to cover, offers to buy the first deluxe pedo-chipper…